Say it ain't so

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"Avery. It's time for class." Lily stood over Avery and peered at the girl.

    "I'm getting up. I just need a moment." Avery told the red head.

    "Sure. I'll be waiting in the common room."

    Avery got up slowly and stretched. She got ready quickly and walked down to meet Lily. The pair walked to the great hall and sat at the Ravenclaw table with the other girls.

    "How was your date yesterday, Avery?" Piper asked.

    "Great, really great," Avery said, smiling at her toast.

    "What did you two do? Besides snog right in front of the window at Puddifoots." Marlene said with a laugh.

    "Haha. We went to a baking lesson. It was really sweet."

    "That is, I wish someone would take me to a baking lesson," Lily said with a sigh.

    "You could," Mary said plainly. "James."

    Lily gagged and moved her head up to watch the owls fly through. Avery followed and watched as an owl dropped a letter in front of her.

    She furrowed her eyebrows and opened it, surprised by the content.

    Ms. Dessen,

I'm sorry to have to cut your breakfast short. I personally like to fill up on Lemon Drops during the day. Please, meet me in my office after you've finished your toast.


    Looking over to the professor's table she was Dumbledore staring at her, "I have to go. I'll see you all in class."

    "Oh? Why? Does Theodore want to meet before class?" Ali moved her eyebrows up and down.

    "Yes, actually. I'll see you all later." Avery quickly grabbed her bag and walked out to meet with Dumbledore.

    After many wrong turns, she found the gold statue that stood in front of his office. "Lemon Drops." The statue moved and a staircase appeared. Avery slowly walked up the spiral and was met with Dumbledore already sitting at his desk. "Headmaster. You asked to talk?"

    "Yes, Avery. Take a seat." Avery slowly moved forward and sat. "I've heard some things. I hope they are rumors but I feel it better to always ask the person."

    "I'm sorry Headmaster. I don't understand?"

    "I am talking about your grandmother, Avery. I know it's poor to speak badly of our Minister of Magic but seeing as you are my student and my responsibility during your time here I feel as though it is, necessary." A shiver went through Avery. "Ms. Dessen, I want you to be honest with me, and even if you aren't I still might not believe you. I have heard rumors about what your grandmother does to you, what she says to you."

    Avery went pale. A cold feeling went through her. "I- Can I ask where you heard that."

    "Many people, Ms. Dessen. From you're response, I feel as though I have my answer."

    "What- No! No! What you need to focus on, who you need to focus on, is the Black family! Regulus and Sirius! Not me! I'm fine!"

    "And that will come in time, Ms. Dessen. But as of now, you are the priority."

    "No." Avery stood. "I will not let you make me a sob story, I won't let you make me into some sad little girl you think you can fix."

    Avery stormed out of Dumbledore's office and found Lily, Piper, and Mary walking together. "Who told? Sorry, I mean, who thought it'd be fun to tell Dumbledore I'm being "abused"?" Avery asked the girls.

    "What? What are you talking about Avery?" Mary sounded generally confused.

    "I just got out of a little meeting with Dumbledore. He said he'd heard some rumors. I know what that means. Someone, I'm guessing one of you three, went and talked to him."

    Lily put a hand on Avery's shoulder. "Avery calm down! If anything was said it was probably needed!"

    "No! No, it wasn't needed! I am fine! My life is fine! I don't need anyone, especially any of you to go and try to fix my life!"

    From behind, Ali, Marlene, and Dorcas were walking towards the group. "What's going on?" Marlene asked.

    Avery turned. "Oh good! Was it one of you? Did one of you go to Dumbledore?"

    "What are you on about, Avery?" Ali asked.

    Lily intervene. "It was me, Avery! Can you stop yelling now? I went to Dumbledore. Not because I'm trying to fix you! I did it because you don't deserve this! You don't deserve what you go through and someone had to know!"

    "You didn't have that right!"

    "I don't have to! You're my friend! I should be allowed to look after you and care about you!"

    "No! I don't need you to! I don't need any of you to look after me! I've been doing fine these past few years! I don't need you now to try and save me! I don't need you at all!"

    Lily's face fell. "You don't mean that Avery."

    "I don't? Then why would I say it, Lily? I don't need you. I don't need any of you."

    Lily started to cry and covered her mouth. "Avery, what the fuck?" Marlene walked over to Lily and brought the redhead towards her.

    Ali and Dorcas followed Marlene, going forward to hug Lily. "Avery, you need to apologize," Ali said.

    Avery shook her head and walked away, her head down. She hadn't truly meant it, or that's what she told herself as she walked towards the old corridor she had found a month ago. Though she said it was going to be where she met with her friends they never did get the time to go.

    Slowly she opened the door and shut it. There were many other rooms running down the corridor but she would look at those later. She walked up the stairs to the office, where she had left off the last time she had been there. Opening the door she was met with the office looking as it had the first time she had entered it.

    She sat down in the chair, looking at the desk again. "Why didn't you take any of your belongings once you left?" Avery looked at the pictures that were on the desk, five in total. One, the newspaper clipping she had seen last time. The other four were moving pictures, all included the man from the newspaper. Two were of him and the woman from the newspaper, one was of the man holding a baby, and the final was him surrounded by students.

    "Who are you?" Avery asked the picture.

Chocolate Toast, Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now