The Christmas Ball

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Dorcas, Lily, Piper, Ali, Marlene, and Mary all stood in Avery's bedroom, putting the final touches on their makeup. Avery was in the ballroom with her grandmother going over final preparations and plans. "I really don't want to leave," Lily said to the five other girls.

"It's been nice, I'm glad that Avery's gran wasn't really here a lot," Dorcas said. She had spent the last three days at the manor with Avery alone and one day with all the other girls. During that time Avery had grown closer with Dorcas and she realized she truly enjoyed the girl's company.

"I just hope tonight goes well."

They all continued to get ready, waiting for Avery to come and get them so they could go downstairs. After 10 minutes Avery came back to her room. "You guys can go downstairs now, I'm just going to fix my makeup."

"We'll wait, we don't mind," Mary told the girl.

"Thanks," Avery did some retouches on her makeup and fixed her stray hairs, turning back to the girls with a smile. "Ready?"

The girls all walked into the ballroom laughing at what Marlene had said prior. "Oh no, there's Potter," Lily said.

"Oh Merlin, they're walking over." Avery groaned, after her little fight with Remus she did not want to see him.

"Ladies, you all look wonderful, especially you Evans," James said to the group.

"Oh please, just leave us alone Potter," Marlene said to the boy.

"Never," the boy turned to Lily, "Care to dance with me?"

"No," Lily said, her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.

"Please? Just one!"

"Take no for an answer Potter!" Avery said.

"You're real mean Avery, did you know that?"

"I'm just sticking up for my friend."

"I'm not just talking about this."

Avery scoffed and looked over towards Remus who had his arms crossed and was grumbling. "You're the real snitch Lupin."

"Oh fuck off Avery."

"You fuck off."

"No, yo-"

"Hello!" The small back and forth between Avery and Remus stopped as some of the parents walked up.

"Mr. and Mrs. Potter, hi," Avery said, walking closer to greet the two.

"It's been so long since we last saw you, how are you dear?" Mrs. Potter asked.

"I'm doing fine, thank you, Mrs. Potter."

"Remus? Aren't you going to introduce us?" An older lady, who Avery suspected to be Remus' mother, asked.

"No," Remus shot a glare toward the girl.

"Hi, you must be Mr. and Mrs. Lupin, Avery Dessen." Avery put out her hand for the couple to shake.

"We've heard a lot about you from Remus, I don't know why he's being such a grump right now." Mrs. Lupin said.

"You've heard a lot about me from him? How wonderful, all good things I hope."

"All wonderful things, thank you for helping him in Arithmancy."

"Of course, I'm always up to helping a student in need." Avery smiled at the woman. "So, how is someone so nice, like you, the mother of him?"

Remus scoffed, "Don't Avery."

"Don't what Remus? It's a real question, you're mother is really nice and you're a jerk who keeps secrets from his friends."

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