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 Avery sat in a compartment with the Marauders. "Would you rather eat a worm, or a caterpillar?" James asked Peter.

"Neither James. And if you keep asking me stupid questions I'll throw a book at you."

"You're no fun wormtail." James turned towards Avery. "Avery, would you rather eat a worm, or a-"

"Neither, I'd rather turn you into a worm, maybe throw you to a pack of crows after."

"You scare me, you really, really, scare me."

Avery looked up from her book and smirked, "Good." She had finished her rounds with Remus an hour ago and had missed the trolly. She looked towards Remus and tapped the top of his book. He looked up at her.


"Want to find the trolly with me? I want some sweets."

Remus thought for a moment. "Okay." The pair left the compartment and started to walk down the train. "So, could you start helping me with arithmancy again?"

"I guess, do you still need help in it though? Your exam grades have been fine."

"How do you know that?"

"I grade for Doesher sometimes."

"Isn't that against the rules?"

"What Dumbledore doesn't know doesn't hurt him."

"Sure." The duo found the trolly outside the Slytherin car and Avery stopped.

"I'm gonna head back into the other car," She brought out 3 galleons and handed them to Remus. "Get me a cauldron cake and whatever you'd like."

"Avery, it's not likely that he'll open the car just because he thinks you're out here. He wouldn't even be able to hear you."

"You don't know that Remus."

"Yes, I do. I have really good hearing so if I hear him I'll push you into the compartment that the trolly lady is at."

Avery gave the boy a skeptical look but walked towards the trolly with him. "A cauldron cake, please. And whatever he wants."

"Two chocolate frogs please."

"2 galleons please." Avery handed the older woman the galleons and watched as she started to grab the sweets.

"Shit," Remus looked towards the compartment next to the two and opened it. "I'll get you when he's-" Remus didn't finish.

"Avery!" Avery turned her head and saw Theodore standing at the door. He looked between Remus and Avery, his eyebrows furrowing. Remus had his hands on Avery's shoulders and Avery was against the wall. "Is this why you broke up with me? To get with Lupin?"

Remus moved his hands, "No, Theodore. You know why I broke up with you. Are you too stupid to realize that maybe you are the problem?"

"I didn't do anything wrong Avery! I love you and I told you that. I may have made a mistake or two but I wasn't happy about it in the end!"

"Sure, because using me to get closer to the minister of magic was a total accident."

Theodore sighed and ran a hand down his face. "Can we not do this here? Please, just come back to my dorm after dinner. I want to talk about this. I want to fix this."

"Well, I don't. We're done Theo, nothing is going to change that!"

"You have to get your stuff eventually Avery. And when you come back for it I'll be there. Ready to talk." The Slytherin turned and closed the car door.

"You broke up with him?" Avery turned around, in the open compartment Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, and Mary all sat together.

"I- yes."

"Avery, do you want me to leave?" Remus stood behind Avery, their sweets in his hand.

"No, it's fine. Let's go." Avery shut the compartment door and started to walk back towards the Marauder's compartment. Remus walked behind her.

"You'll have to talk to them eventually."

"They don't want to talk to me, Remus."

"Yes, they do! Avery why can't you get it past your dense skull that they want to talk to you, they want to fix this all!"

"I don't want to have to relive that moment Remus. I said some horrible things and I don't want to think about it any more than I already have." Avery stopped in front of their compartment. "Besides, I have you four now. Which I never thought I'd say because I generally hated you all at the beginning of the year."

"We're glad to have you too, Avery. But we know that we aren't what you really need, you need the girls."

Avery turned to him, "If it'll make you shut up, I promise to talk to them before the year ends."

"The year doesn't end for another month."

"Exactly. I have a month to figure it out."

Chocolate Toast, Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now