Blast to the Past

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 "You can go ahead, I'll stop by the kitchens before my class." Avery sat on her bed, it was covered in assignments she had to finish.

"Are you sure?" Lily asked for the tenth time.

Avery rolled her eyes and smiled. "I'm sure. I'll see you later."

"Okay." The redhead left, leaving Avery in silence. She sat on her bed examining her assignments. Letting out a sigh she shoved the assignments aside and took her mother's journal from the nightstand.

After getting it on Christmas she tried to read it during the rest of break but was constantly interrupted by the boys. She opened the first page and fell back onto her bed.

September 1st, 1910

Dear Diary,

I started Hogwarts today and was sorted into Ravenclaw! Effie was put in Gryffindor, but it's okay because we both knew she'd be put there. My roommates seem nice but it seems they're sticking to each other. It's understandable. They've probably known each other for a long time.

Lots of love, Hattie

Avery's eyebrows furrowed. From the stories her mother had told her she was friends with everyone. She skipped a couple pages until she came to a page with larger writing.

March 24th, 1911

Dear Diary,

They won't even talk to me anymore! I haven't done anything to them! Why! Why won't they just listen to what I'm saying? What I'm trying to explain! I wish I was in Gryffindor! I wish I was with Effie and Monty! I wish I was with Gray and Jere! I wish I was anywhere but stupid, stupid Ravenclaw!

The entry wasn't signed off. Skimming through the next couple of pages Avery saw the same sentences, each being her mother's requests and prayers to be resorted. She skipped more pages until the requests stopped.

June 6th, 1911

Dear Diary,

My mother found you. She told me last night that I should be grateful I'm in Ravenclaw, that I was smart enough to be allowed in. She said that those girls were not worthy to be my friends and that what she did was meant to help me. I hate her.


August 31, 1911

Dear Diary,

After getting back from Diagon Alley today my mother told me that I would be moving dormitories. No longer will I be staying with Mariah, Lucy, and Hazel. I will be having a single dorm. I don't think I'll mind. At least now Effie can come and sleepover.


October 31st, 1911

Dear Diary,

Effie left for the night and I'm alone again. I can hear the other girls laughing from the room next to me. They were never like that when I was in there.


January 12th, 1912

They wouldn't stop glaring at me today. I didn't mean for Lucy's dad to get fired. I just told my mum what Lucy said. I just talked to her. They all hate me now, more than ever.


Avery's mouth stayed open in shock, she had flipped through quickly. All of the entries from her mother's 1st-4th year continued on like this. She flipped to the first page from her mother's 5th year.

September 1st, 1914

I went on my first prefect round tonight with Effie. She, along with Monty, made prefect. The other girls have let off a little but I can still tell they're not very happy with me. I talked to Jeremy very little today, but I think he's doing better after this whole disowning situation. My parents have told me to stay away from him, slowly get away, but I can't.


Avery smiled lightly at the mention of her father. She flipped more and stopped on one of the pages. It was covered in exclamation points and hearts.

February 14th, 1915

He finally asked me! After years! YEARS! Jeremy has finally asked me out!

Avery smiled as she read through the description of her parent's first date. "Please find me a love like theirs." She whispered.

"You're not very good at this," Avery said as she watched Remus chase Peter around the Gryfindor common room.

"I'll push you out the window, Avery."

The Ravenclaw smirked. "You like me too much to do that."

"Says your massive ego."

"Says my massive brain actually."

"You're such a know-it-all," Remus said as he sat beside the girl.

"And you're not?"

"Haha. You're so funny, Avery."

The girl pouted her lips. "Your compliments are the only thing that keeps me sane."

"Get a room." Sirius grumbled as he walked towards the three.

Remus turned red. "We weren't flirting."

"Who put your panties in a twist?" Avery asked.

"Your mum."

Avery's jaw went slack. She stared at the boy in disbelief. "What the fuck."

Sirius, finally realizing what he said, started to apologize. "Fuck, I'm so sorry Avery."

The boys stared in shock as the girl started to burst out laughing. "Avery?" Peter stepped closer. "Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry, it's just, no one has ever said that to me." The girl continued to laugh. "Merlin, that was good. But see, my mother couldn't have put your panties in a twist because she's dead."

"What the fuck."

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