Slug Club

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Miss Avery Dessen,

You have been invited to the Slug Club annual Christmas party, please RSVP by the 15th of December, 1975. You are allowed a plus one and must dress in fancy attire. The party will be held on the 19th of December, 1975 at 8 pm. I will be looking forward to your reservation.

Sincerely, Professor H. Slughorn

Avery looked over the letter one final time, making sure she had the right time. She was sitting in front of the bathroom mirror, with Lily doing her hair. "We have to leave in 10 minutes, Lily!"

"I know, you've said that every 2 minutes. I'm about to finish." Lily added the final stem of baby's breath into Avery's hair before taking a step back. "There, it's perfect." Avery stood up from the chair, walking into the dorm.

"Perfect, let's go. I told the boys we'd meet them down in the common room."

"Wait, I want a picture. Besides, we have to take a moment to really notice how nice we look." Avery let out a breath and went to stand beside Lily. Lily's dress was a deep green and she had her hair down in waves. Avery's dress was a beautiful red, and Lily had done her hair in a braid crown, baby's breath, Avery's favorite flower, was intertwined in it.

"You did wonderfully Lily, it looks amazing."

"You look amazing, now come on, let's get a picture." Lily pulled Avery towards her bed and picked up her Polaroid camera.

"This thing still makes me feel uneasy. Why don't the pictures move again?"

"Because muggles don't use magic. Now, I'll just set it up, press the button here." Lily ran back towards Avery and the two girls looked at the camera and smiled.

"Okay, let's go now, Remus and Oscar are probably waiting for us by now."

"Wait," Lily took the picture and cast the duplication spell on it. "Here, now we both have one."

Avery took it and stared at it. "Thanks, Lily."

"Of course, now let's go."

Remus was awestruck as Avery and Lily walked down the stairs, laughing as they held onto each other. "You two look amazing." Oscar told the girls."

"Yeah, you two look amazing," Remus said.

"Thanks, boys, now let's go," Lily said. Oscar walked ahead with the ginger while Avery and Remus walked behind.

"Thank's for accepting my invitation. I couldn't think of anyone to ask." Avery said.

"Of course, I think it'll be lots of fun." Remus of course knew it would be fun, he had taken multiple potions beforehand to help his pain and soreness. The night before had been the full moon and he was still trying to heal.

"What are your plans for Christmas?"

"Going home to see my mum and dad. I'm going to that Christmas ball your grandma holds too."

"Oh, it's not really fun or anything, quite boring actually."

"Well, I'll be there now, we can talk."

"Yeah, the girls are coming too. Dorcas is staying with me for most of break and the other girls are staying the night before the ball."

"That sounds really fun, James, Sirius, Peter, and I usually do a Christmas dinner too when we all decide to go home."

"That sounds like a lot of fun, the last time I actually did something fun during break was first year. Gran makes me stay home the whole time now though."

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