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The first three weeks of school had gone by quite quickly for Avery. Between her prefect rounds, constant assignments due to it being OWL year, and trying her best to avoid certain Marauders, which wasn't going well, she was exhausted. The one thing she truly looked forward to was the first Hogsmeade trip. On the morning of the Hogsmeade trip, Avery was up and ready, excited to get out of the castle and explore Hogsmeade.

"We know you're excited," Maggie said as she exited the bathroom.

"Yeah, you're up before 9 am," Sarah added as she packed her purse.

"It's Hogsmeade, how can I not be excited?" Avery said.

"I love Hogsmeade, it's so magical," Lily said as she walked towards Avery. The two had planned to go together with their groups of friends.

"It is a magic village, Lily," Maggie said with a laugh. The four girls had grown closer in the last three weeks, making jokes, gossiping, and providing support for each other when needed.

"I know that, but it's still true. Even if it wasn't a magic village it'd still feel magical." Lily said.

"I agree, now come on, everyone's waiting for us by now." Avery grabbed Lily's hand, pulling her from the dorm. "Bye Sarah, bye Maggie!"

When the two girls reached the entrance hall they saw Lily's friends talking to Piper and Ali. "Where's Oscar and Jacob?" Avery asked as they walked towards the five girls.

"Jacob asked out that Hufflepuff, Estelle, so they're going together. Oscar decided to go with Remus and his friends." Piper explained.

"Wonderful, it's a girl's day then!" Avery exclaimed. The girls laughed and started their walk to the carriages. When they arrived in Hogsmeade they decided to look in shops before stopping in The Three Broomsticks for lunch. "Can we go to Honeydukes? I wanted to get some more chocolate."

Marlene looked Avery in the eyes. "Avery, if I ever say no to Honeydukes, slap me." The girls laughed as they walked to the sweet shop, making small talk.

When they entered the shop they all went in separate directions. "When you're gone, how can I even try to go on? When you're gone, though I try, how can I carry on?"

"You like ABBA?" Remus asked as he stood next to Avery.

"Love it, who doesn't?" Avery had started to not mind Remus, he made good conversation in the classes they shared, and they shared every class. She still didn't like him as a friend though, he was simply a person she knew.

"Good point, what're you getting?"

"Chocolate frogs, couple of jelly slugs." Avery grabbed about ten chocolate frogs, putting them all in her basket. "You?"

"Chocolate frogs as well." Avery watched as Remus grabbed a couple.

"That's not gonna last you until the next Hogsmeade trip." Avery pointed out. "You eat chocolate like it's going out of style."

Remus blushed, "Trying to cut back. I'll see you later Avery." Before Avery could respond Remus walked up to the counter and paid. Avery grabbed more chocolate frogs before grabbing a couple of jelly slugs.

"That's a lot of chocolate frogs Avery, even for you," Piper stated as Avery got in line behind her.

The other girls looked into Avery's basket, "Merlin, Avery," Lily said.

"They're not all for me," Avery said as she went to the next counter to pay.

"Who're they for then?" Marlene asked.

"That's for me to know," Avery said as she handed the cashier the amount due. Avery grabbed her bag and turned to her friends. All had a look of confusion on their faces, except for Mary. Mary smiled at Avery and the girl felt her face heat up. "Come on, has everyone paid?" Everyone nodded and the group left the store.

Chocolate Toast, Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now