Halloween, 1975, Part 1

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During breakfast on the day of Halloween, the Ravenclaw group sat at their table chatting. "I am so ready for the feast tonight," Piper said.

"Same, I'm bringing a bag to throw extra candy into," Ali added.

"I wish it were tomorrow though, then we wouldn't have class and we could do our Hogsmeade trip."

"Don't remind me, we have a big practical today for Transfigurations and I'm not ready at all," Oscar said, shoving his face into his hands.

"Do you want me to help you?" Avery asked, looking up from her notebook.

"Please, please do."

"Well, it's quite easy once you get the moveme-"

"Good morning boys and girls, as you all know, today is Halloween," Dumbledore said, standing at his podium. "As the Headmaster I make decisions when I see fit and I think today is one of the days I use my perks."

"What is he talking about?" Piper asked. The group shrugged.

"Instead of class, the third years and above will be allowed to go to Hogsmeade, the trip that was originally tomorrow will be moved to today. First and second years, you may do whatever your heart desires, we will be doing activities in the great hall though. Now, have a wonderful rest of your day. The carriages to Hogsmeade leave at 10 am."

The group all turned to each other. "Yes! Come on, we've all got to change!" Piper said, speeding ahead of the group.

"We'll meet you at the front entrance hall," Avery said to Ali and Jacob. The pair nodded and went to follow their friend. Oscar and Avery walked towards Lily and Remus who were going back to the prefect common room as well.

"Would you and the girls like to join us?" Lily asked as the group walked together.

"We were gonna be with Jacob and Oscar too, do you mind having them with us?"

"Oscar and Jacob can come with us," Remus said.

"Why don't we all just go together?" Oscar offered.

"Then I'd have to be around Potter and I'd rather not," Lily said.

"I think it's a great idea. We could all be together and Jacob and Oscar can talk to the boys." Avery said.

"What. Since when have you been okay with being around the Marauders?" Lily asked as they entered the common room.

"Well, we wanted to be with Jacob and Oscar but I bet Ali and Piper would love to be with you girls too. It'd be easier for us all to go together."

"Fine, but keep Potter away from me," Lily said. The girls split from the boys, going up to their dorm.

"Hey Avery, Lily." Sarah greeted the girls.

"Hey Sarah, what are you up to today now that classes are canceled?"

"I'm going out with my Hufflepuff friends. I think Maggie's gonna join us too. What about you two?"

"We're gonna go together too," Avery said, changing into a skirt and jumper.

"Well, you lot have fun, I'll see you at the feast." The girls watched as Sarah left the dorm, humming under her breath.

Avery lay on her bed, hugging Darcy. "Did you get Darcy before you came to Hogwarts or did you have him before?"

"I've had him since I was 8, he was my birthday gift."

"Did you name him after Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice?"

"Yeah, I probably shouldn't have read that book so young, put these fake ideas of romance in my head."

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