A Very Sluggy Christmas Party

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 "Dear Merlin, this dress makes me look like a walking grape."

Lily and Avery stood in the bathroom finishing their makeup. "Lily, you look fine. That dress makes you look smoking and every boy is gonna wish you were with him."

"Really? It doesn't make me look like a grape?"

"Lily I swear, and even if it did make you look like a grape you look like a hot grape."

"Thank you, Avery."

"Of course Lily. Now we have to go. The boys are waiting!"

Lily and Avery walked down the stairs and met Oscar and Remus. "You two look amazing," Oscar said, holding out his arm for Lily.

"Thank you, Oscar." The pair started to walk while Remus waited for Avery to fix her heel.

"You look beautiful." The boy told Avery.

Avery looked up and smiled. "Thank you, Remus. You look very handsome."

Remus blushed. The pair walked out of the common room and walked a couple of yards behind the other two. "Promise not to ditch me this year?"

Avery groaned and hit her shoulder against Remus. "I'm sorry about that. I promise not to ditch you this year."

Remus smiled at the girl and shook his head. "I hated that day. I think it's one of the worst things to ever happen."

"I have to agree with that." Avery looked up at the boy. "Are you planning on coming to the ball this year?"

"Yeah, I had an okay time last year. All the others are going to I might as well."

"Good, it'll be fun."

Slughorn greeted the pair, wobbling slightly. "Ahh, Mr. Lupin, Ms. Dessen. Welcome! Please, enjoy the food and drinks!" Avery and Remus laughed to each other and walked towards the drink table.

"All I'm saying is that 'Carrie' was probably the best story King has written in a while."

Remus scoffed, the two had been talking in the corner about books for the last hour. "No. I think because it was his first novel it was good, but 'The Reaper's Image' is his best work to date."

"For a short story, it was good. But we're talking novels. Out of the two he's written 'Carrie' has been the best!"

"Have you read 'Salem's Lot'? It was good!"

"Yeah, but it was not as good as 'Carrie'!"

"Okay, you know what I'm done arguing about that, who's better Emily or Charlotte?"

"Charlotte. I love 'Withering Heights' but 'Shirley' and 'Jane Eyre' are amazing."

Remus swung his arms out. "Finally something we can agree on!" Avery laughed as Remus hit a Hufflepuff walking by.

"Your enthusiasm hurts people, Remus."

"Yeah, whatever. It was an accident." Avery smiled up at the boy as the song changed.

"Want to dance?"

"Oh, I'm not really good at it."

Avery took the boy's hands and brought him to the dance floor. "I can teach you." Avery moved his hands around and then moved her hands to go around his neck. She leaned her head onto his chest and let out a content sigh.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm good. I'm great, actually. This is the best I've been in a while."

Remus pulled the girl closer. "I'm glad."

"It's disgustingly cute," Lily said to Oscar. The pair stood by the food table and watched as Avery and Remus danced.

"When do you think they'll figure it out?"

"Knowing them? I think Remus will confess first, Avery might wait a couple of months after to realize."

"Definitely before the end of 7th year though, right?"

"Oh for sure. Knowing Avery they might snog once and she'll deny her feelings but she'll realize she has them for him."

"It's upsetting. I hate watching two people who are so obviously in love ignore it."

"Same here Oscar, same here."

Oscar gave the girl a look. "Shut the fuck up."

Lily turned to look at the boy. "What the fuck."

"Don't agree with me when you and James are the same way. 'SaMe HeRe OsCaR'. Ma'am shut the heck up."

Lily stared dumbfounded at Oscar. "I'm gonna go get a drink."

"Yeah you do that, think about what I said."

Chocolate Toast, Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now