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 "You've shown up to three of my classes this year Ms. Dessen. It's been three months."

Avery sat across from Dumbledore and McGonagall. She was picking at her cuticles and humming a tune.

"Avery," the girl looked up as Dumbledore said her name. "I understand that you had a disagreement with Minerva at the beginning of the year, but you need to go to class."

"I've gone to class the three times we've had practice exams. I've gotten perfect scores on each one."

"That is not the point Ms. Dessen."

"Let me be frank with you Avery. If you don't start coming to class I will be sending a letter to your grandmother."

Avery's blood ran cold. "Professor, please. Please don't. I'll go to class, I'll participate, just please, don't owl her. Don't tell her about this please."

The two professors looked at each other. "I have not written her. I expect to see you in class tomorrow."

Avery nodded her head. "I promise. I'll be there."

Avery sat in her seat, tapping her quill quickly on the desk. "Avery?" The girl turned and watched as Sirius took his seat next to her. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Yeah well." Avery turned back to face the front and continued to tap her quill.

"Are you okay?"


Sirius laid his hand over the girl and she stopped. "Avery, what's wrong?"

She gulped and faced the boy. "McGonagall threatened to owl my gran if I didn't come to class."


"I can't really risk it considering I have to go home for break in a couple of weeks."

"That's not fair to you. That's like her telling me if I do anymore pranks she's gonna make me live with my family again."

"How are you by the way? With Regulus?"

Sirius bit his lip. "We've been better. We've been getting better. I see him every Tuesday in the library."


"Thank you, Avery, for making us talk."

"You shouldn't have to lose your brother because of your parents." The two smiled at each other. Avery was about to say more but stopped as McGonagall walked in and made eye contact with her.

"Today we'll be learning how to turn small objects into small fire-breathing dragons. As you see in front of you is one of three items, each item correlates to a different dragon. The incantation is Draconifors. The wand movement is a slash at the object you're turning. Everyone may start. When you've mastered it you may leave. Next class, I expect a 6-inch paper on the spell."

Avery studied her object and placed it in front of her. "Draconifors." As she said the incantation she slashed at the item. It turned into a small green dragon.

"Geez, Avery. Could you have gotten it any easier?" Sirius asked. She looked at his dragon to see it was in the right shape but still made of wood.

James walked past their table and laughed. "How bad are you, Sirius?"

Sirius made a weird laughing noise. "Shut the fuck up, Prongs."

James looked at Avery's dragon and smiled. "Avery's got it! Want to head to the library and work on the paper together?"

Avery looked back at her dragon and nodded. Quickly packing her bag she left Sirius and followed James to the library.

The pair sat at a table in the back and started their essays. "Why'd you start coming to class?"

Avery kept writing. "McGonagall threatened to owl my gran."

"Oh." James watched the girl as she wrote.

"Are you gonna stare or write?"

"Sorry." James went back to writing but stopped. "Do you have any plans over break?"

Avery stopped and looked at the boy. "No, I was just going to be at home. I have my grans ball and that's it."

"My mum really wants to see you again."

"Well she's going to the ball isn't she?"

"Yeah, but she wants you to come and spend some of break with us."

"I don't know, my gran would probably say no."

"I can have my mum ask her. I can write her right now to ask."

Avery thought for a moment. She'd love to not be at the manor all break. "Okay."

James grinned and took out a new parchment to write. When he finished he packed up his bag. "Are you coming?"


"The owelry? I have to send this."

Avery packed her bag and stood. "Let's go."

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