A Meeting With Granny

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Avery and Theo walked into the Three Broomsticks, they had on their best clothes and were trying to set out a plan to get in and then out.

"Avery, Theodore." Millicent Bagnold sat at a booth in the back of the pub, gilly water untouched in front of her.


"Mrs. Bagnold." Avery and Theo sat across from the minister.

"I'm glad you two could join me. Avery, why don't you go and order drinks for you and Mr. Nott."

"Yes ma'am." Avery stood and walked to the bar, ordering two butterbeers. Avery watched as her grandmother said something to Theo and how his face went pale. Even when the drinks were ready Avery watched. Theo was moving his hands, a nervous habit, and Millicent looked unimpressed.

Slowly Avery made her way back. "What'd I miss?"

"We were just talking about Theodore's career after Hogwarts. You've chosen a very, inspirational man."

"That's actually why I chose him. He just, makes me want to work ten times harder."

"Don't be a smart mouth, Avery."

"Sorry. Just glad you like him as much as I do."

"Well, I best be going. You may go to the Evony Estate during break."

"What? You were here for five minutes."

"I came merely to check on you two. I did, I am leaving."

The pair watched as Millicent left and Avery turned to Theo. "What did she say to you?"

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