Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot

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As Avery walked into the DADA classroom she saw her friends, sadly she also saw the Marauders. She rolled her eyes walking to where her friends sat. Before she could say anything Professor Lin came in, "Everyone up! We'll be choosing seats by a game!"

Avery looked at her friends fearfully. She did not want to be sat with someone she didn't like. Professor Lin explained the rules, they'd play the muggle game rock, paper, scissors. The winners of each round would stay in while the losers would sit at a random table. The final two would sit together.

"Oscar?" Avery walked to Oscar, asking to play against him. Oscar nodded and Avery won. Avery then played Peter Pettigrew and won. Then she played Ali and won. And then she played Remus and won. "Oh fuck me," Avery whispered to herself. She wasn't paying attention and realized only Sirius Black was left.

Sirius looked at Lin with a look of disbelief. "Please Professor, anyone but her."

"Rules are rules, Mr. Black." Sirius groaned and took the last empty table, Avery following right behind.

"You're acting like I want to sit next to you," Avery said as she sat down and pulled out her textbook.

"Everyone wants to sit next to me, it's you that no one wants to be near."

"Then why'd your friend willingly sit with me during potions?" Avery said looking Sirius dead in the eyes.

"He did not." Sirius saw the look in Avery's eyes. "He did not!"

"Mr. Black, please be quiet, I'd like to start the lesson." Sirius shut up, looking across the room to Remus who was sitting with Dorcas Meadowes. As if he knew Sirius was looking at him Remus looked up and made eye contact with him. Remus gave him an odd look.

"Did you sit with Dessen?" Sirius whispered across the room. Avery face-palmed and turned back to the lesson that was starting. Remus nodded and Sirius' mouth dropped.

"If you keep your mouth open like that you'll catch a fly," Avery said. Sirius glared at her and then started grumbling to himself. Avery smirked, maybe sitting next to Sirius wouldn't be too bad now that she could say stuff about Remus choosing to sit with her.

By the time DADA ended Avery discovered sitting with Sirius actually would be bad. He never shut up, he constantly asked her questions, and he kept on poking her. As Avery packed her bag James, Peter, and Remus came over so they could talk to Sirius. "How did you enjoy Sirius' company, Avery?" James asked.

"Oh, it was lovely," Avery answered sarcastically. "It'd be even better if he stopped touching me." Avery glared at Sirius before grabbing her bag to leave.

James frowned. "I'll meet you guys in herbology." He walked after Avery before anyone could answer. He jogged to catch up with Avery as she walked down the corridor. "Avery!" Hearing her name the girl sped up more, trying to get to the lavatory before James caught her. Unfortunately, James was fast due to quidditch and caught her arm.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah, what the fuck happened?" Avery gave James a look.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb Avery. What happened to you? What happened to us?"

"We grew up James, just because our parents were friends doesn't mean we have to be."

"Okay that might be true but there's more to it! I know there is!"

"Do I have to point it out to you Potter? You became the Gryffindor arsehole, you pick on everyone that's not part of your house, especially Slytherins. You make some of their lives a living hell for no reason." Avery shook her head. "You used to be so nice and now you're a jerk." Avery turned and started to walk away. "And don't forget, you still owe me new shoes!"

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