The First Letter

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Avery sat at the Ravenclaw table. Her plate was filled with chocolate toast and strawberries. "Are you okay?" Piper asked.

"Fine, why?"

"You never eat this much at breakfast," Ali said.

"I have to tutor some kid during lunch so I'm eating a lot right now."

"Who's the kid?"

"Some Gryffindor. Flitwick wouldn't give me their name."

"That makes no sense."

"Exactly. All I know is they're in our year and they're blon-. It's Marlene."

"Why couldn't he tell you it's Marls?"

"That's a good question. Why didn't she just come to me to begin with?"

"Embarrassment?" Piper guessed.

"Maybe. I guess I'll figure out when we meet." The group paused as the post came in. Avery caught sight of an owl flying towards the three. "Is that any of yours?"

The other two looked at the owl. "Nope."


The owl came closer and dropped a letter on Avery's plate. "Shit." She quickly wiped the chocolate off the envelope. "Wonder who this is from."

"Open it," Ali said.

"I'll do it later. I've got to eat then get to potions."

Avery walked out of potions. It had been a double class and she finally finished her forgetfulness potion. She had gotten away from the Marauders before they could ambush her and she made her way towards one of the courtyards.

Having reached an empty courtyard the girl pulled out the letter and opened it. Her eyebrows furrowed as she read the unknown handwriting. Reading further on her jaw dropped. By the end, she felt extremely confused. She shook off the weird feeling in her gut and started her walk to the library.


The blonde looked up quickly and hushed the Ravenclaw. "Shush. I don't want anyone to know I'm here."

Avery gave the girl a weird look and sat down. "Why?"

Marlene took a look around before facing the girl. "I told Dorcas that I'd get my grades up."

"So why couldn't you just ask me instead of going through Flitwick?"

"Because I knew if Dorcas found out she'd try to tutor me herself. I love her but dear Merlin, she can not teach to save a life."

"Again, you could have just asked me." Avery took Marlene's hand. "You know I would have agreed."

"I honestly was hoping Flitwick would assign me someone different but you're the best in the class so I can't be surprised I guess."

Avery took in a deep breath. "Tell me what you're struggling with."

"Ah well, basically this whole topic. I can't get the pronunciation or wand movements right."

"Do you have your textbook?"

"I didn't buy one."

Avery's face scrunched. "Why didn't you buy the book?"

"I never studied for charms last year and I did fine so I thought it'd be the same this year."

"This is advanced charms Marls, even I need the textbook to succeed."

"I'll order the book okay."

"No, Flitwick should have extra lying around. I'll let you use mine until you get one from him." Avery pulled out her charms book and handed it to the blonde. "We'll need to start from the beginning of the topic because that's the core for everything else."

"Dear Merlin, save me," Marlene muttered.

After her last class of the day, Avery made her way to the owlery. She had written a short letter to Effie and Monty about the letter she had received that morning. To say she was confused was an understatement. Her mind had wandered most of the day and she barely paid attention during classes. She made a mental note to ask Remus for notes.

She found her usual owl and gave him a treat. "The Potter's please." The owl gave a small hoot and flew away.

Chocolate Toast, Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now