Easter at Evony Estate, Part 1

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 Avery laughed at Thomas as he dropped his trunk on his foot. "Don't laugh at me, little girl!" Avery laughed harder.

Theodore, Avery, Thomas, Lucius, and Narcissa were all staying at Thomas' estate in Greece. His parents who were supposed to join them made the decision to instead go to their estate in Italy.

"I'm so scared, Thomas."

"You should be, I know where you're sleeping tonight."

"That was a direct threat. Theo, your best friend has threatened me."

"It's okay A, I'll protect you from mean old Tommy," Theodore said with a grin.

Thomas showed Lucius and Narcissa the rooms they'd be in before moving into a new area and showing Avery her room. "It's beautiful," Avery said as she looked out her window.

"Good, because it's yours for the next two weeks." Thomas turned to Theo. "Your room's right next door."

"I'll see you later A," Theo said, kissing the girl before following Thomas.

Left to her own devices Avery started to unpack her trunk. Thomas had said to pack short clothes so she had packed plenty of tank tops and shorts, most from the muggle shop in Hogsmeade. She changed into a pair of athletic shorts and a tank top, deciding it would be fun to explore the town that was close by.

Avery looked into Theo's room, he stood by the dresser, folding clothes. "Hey, I'm going to walk into the town. I'll be back in a little while."

"Do you want me to join you?"

"No, it's okay. I know you probably want to spend some time with just the others. I'll be back for dinner."

"Okay. I love you."

Avery smiled. "I love you too."

The town was small, all wizard. As Avery walked through the shops she stopped at one, staring in awe. The whole front window was filled with muggle and wizard books. The bell above the door chimed as Avery stepped in and a young girl watched as Avery moved towards the first shelf.

Only to the second shelf, Avery could no longer hold the books she held. She walked up to the register and noticed the small girl. "Oh, hello! Do you mind if I keep these here? I still want to look but I can't hold any more." The girl nodded.

Avery dropped the books down and then continued on to the shelves. After an hour she came back to the register. "I've finally finished! Is your parent here? So I can pay?"

The girl, instead of leaving to find an adult, started to count the books and type into the register. "8 galleons and 12 knuts." the girl started to put the books into a bag, scooting it toward Avery when she finished.

Avery took out 9 galleons, laying them on the counter. "Keep the change, okay? And thank you." Avery grabbed her bag and walked out of the shop. Checking the time she saw it was only 5 so she continued on. She went through a boutique and bought a bathing suit, seeing as she had not won one. She tried on multiple dresses but decided against them all. Finally, when the time had reached 6:30 she walked back.

"Did some shopping I see," Narcissa said as Avery walked into the living room.

"Oh, that town is wonderful!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. We were about to discuss dinner actually. Want to stay in or go out?" Thomas asked.

"I don't really care. You all can decide."

"I say we should stay in tonight. We have two weeks to eat out and explore." Theo said. The others agreed and Thomas asked one of the house elves to start on dinner.

Avery sat on the balcony that was connected to her room. Thomas had told her earlier that he knew she'd appreciate it the most. "Guess who?"

Avery laughed, "Hi, Theo." He kissed the side of her neck and she moved her head to connect their lips.

"We were gonna go down to the beach, did you want to join us?"

"I would love to, I bought a swimsuit today so it's perfect timing."

"Perfect, I'll be waiting downstairs."

Avery looked in the mirror, she never really wore revealing things so a bikini was definitely top of the 'don't let Gran know' list. She grabbed a towel and ran down the stairs to meet the others.

"You look great, I like the suit," Theo said as they walked towards the beech.

"Really? That's good. I don't go swimming a lot anymore so it's the first time I've worn one like this."

"Well it looks great on you, I promise."

As they approached the beach Avery stopped. "It's so beautiful. I love Greece." Thomas dropped his towel and ran to the sea, diving in once he got deep enough. Lucius and Narcissa followed in after but slower. The pair swam together, giggling at each other. Avery ran in, jumping on Thomas before he could turn.

"Ahh, Avery I'm gonna throw you!" Avery laughed and held on tighter. Though Avery didn't have siblings she thought maybe this is what it would be like. "Theodore! Get your deranged girlfriend off of me!"

"Okay, come on love." Theo grabbed Avery and pulled her deeper in. Though he could still stand Avery could not.

"Are you bringing me out here to kill me?"

"Never. It's just farther away, I feel like we haven't had any alone time today."

Avery moved so her legs were wrapped around his hips. She ran a hand through his hair. "I thought it would be good for you to have time with your friends. I feel as though I've been stealing you from them a lot."

"They like you, they really don't mind. Thomas usually goes along with Lucius and Cissy, he enjoys their company and they enjoy his most of the time."

"Still, I don't want to be the reason you miss something."

"And you won't be."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Avery."

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