Halloween, 1975, Part 2

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 Lily, Ali, and Mary all sat with their pumpkins on their laps, smiling as Avery took a picture. "Can I please join now?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah," Avery said, backing up so Sirius could fit in the frame.

"I love the pumpkins," James said as he walked up with Remus.

"I know, I modeled mine after you," Sirius said.

James' face distorted into disgust. "It's beautiful Padfoot," Remus said.

"Where's Piper and Peter?" Avery asked, looking towards the two boys.

"Went off to sample different foods. They got along quite well." Remus replied.

"Hey, that's the guitar I said looked familiar!" James said, pointing to Avery's guitar.

"Yeah, Avery bought it from some bloke, said it was her dad's," Sirius said.

"That's where it's familiar!" James turned to the girl. "Your dad used to play for us with that guitar! How much did you pay for it?"

"30 galleons, had to borrow 10 from Black. Stop moving Ali."

"30 galleons! Why so many?"

"It's older and well made, I'm surprised he didn't up the price after I threatened him."

"You threatened the guy?" Remus asked.

"He was being a bitch. I did what I had to do." Avery put the camera down, handing it to Lily. "And Sirius, I'm not doing your assignments, don't be lazy."

"What! Remmy, do something!"

"I have no control over this."

Sirius grumbled, walking over to James and leaning on him. "It's okay Sirius, Avery is just a mean, mean girl."

"Oh shut it, Potter. Want to look through more booths?" Avery asked the girls.

"Sure, I think I saw one with old books towards the front," Lily said.

"Let's go," Avery picked up her guitar and bag from the music shop, following Lily, Ali, and Mary.

"Oh," Remus grabbed the girl's wrist. "Has James bought you those new Converse yet?"

"No actually. I was going to badger him about it during lunch."

"Why not ask him for the money right now? There's a store that sells them just a couple of buildings away."

'Really? Yeah sure." Avery turned to look at the three girls. "I'll catch you three later." The girls nodded and walked away. "Potter! I think it's time you pay up about my new shoes."

"I thought you forgot about that if I'm being honest," James said.

"I wear them every day, how could I have forgotten?"

"Bad memory?"

"Just hand over 10 galleons, Potter, Remus will keep track of how much it actually is."

"I promise I will James, I'll even get the receipt."

"Fine, I'll see you two later." James handed Remus the 10 galleons, walking off with Sirius towards the quidditch store.

"How's you know they sell muggle shoes here?" Avery asked Remus as they walked towards the shop.

"This one sells muggle clothing, found it last year, I'm surprised you didn't know about it."

"I really only go into a couple of stores. None this far back, are you sure you're not trying to kill me?"

"I'm sure Avery."

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