Warm Hands

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 Darcy scratched at the door. "Stop, Darcy." Avery sat on the sink in the girl's lavatory. She held onto her copy of 'The Magic Mountain' and tried to stay balanced. The cat stared up at her. "Stop, don't look at me like that. When we get to Hogwarts you'll have free rein."

He meowed at her and she sighed. "Fine." She unlocked the door and slid it open slowly. Darcy ran out. Closing the door again Avery went back to her book. She skipped her prefect meeting and had gone straight to the lavatory so no one could take it.

"Have you seen Avery?" Lily asked as she opened the compartment.

James looked up, surprised that Lily was talking to him. "No, I saw her get on but lost her after."

Remus and Oscar appeared behind the redhead. "She skipped the meeting."

"What? Avery wouldn't skip a meeting."

Lily rolled her eyes, "Yeah we know that. That's why we're asking around."

"Want help looking?"


"Yes," Remus looked at Sirius and Peter. "You two want to help as well?"

Sirius and Peter nodded, standing to follow the others. "We already checked the first five cars. If you all go to the back we can meet up in the middle." Oscar said to the three boys.

"Okay. And if we find her?" James asked.

"Stay where you are." Remus said, "Just stay by her, even if she doesn't know you're there."

James' face became concerned. "So she didn't answer any of you either?"

All three nodded. Lily spoke first, "Chop-chop. Let's find her."

They checked every compartment, every lavatory. Eventually, Oscar, Lily, and Remus ran into the other girls. "We were wondering where you were," Marlene said as they walked in.

"Where's Jacob?" Oscar asked.

Piper looked toward Ali. "He ditched us." Ali said, "Went off with his girlfriend and her friends."

Piper crossed her arms. "Stupid Hufflepuff."

"That's not important right now," Mary said, "What's wrong?"

"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong." Lily said.

"Okay, something is definitely up," Dorcas said. The girls all stood.

"We can't find Avery. Potter, Black, and Peter are all down at the end of the train looking." Lily shot out.

Ali and Piper looked at each other. "Well let's go."

Avery froze, "Is anyone in here?" Silence, "Avery?"

Panicked Avery raised her voice, "Occupied."

"Okay, Avery open the door."

"Avery if you don't open the door I will!"

"Go get the others."

"Alohamora." The door unlocked and Avery jumped to keep it closed. She failed miserably and Lily stepped into the small room. "Thank Merlin!"

"I was trying to pee."

Lily gave the girl an unimpressed look. "You're not a good lair."

"What, what do you need?"

Lily studied the girl. She looked pale and thinner. When she got to the girl's face she stepped closer. "Avery, what happened to your face? Did someone hit you?"

Avery covered her cheek with her hand. "No, I ran into something. Why do you care anyway?"

"Because I'm your friend."

"Friends write during the summer."

"I did! You're the one who didn't write back, you didn't write back to any of us!"

"I can't write anyone back if I don't get letters."

"Why didn't you write first then?"

Avery moved her eyes to the side. "My grandma wouldn't let me use the owls."

"Oh, Avery."

"Don't, I don't need your pity."

Ali stepped forward. "Avery stop. We all had this same conversation last year. Let's go back to our compartment, get you some food, maybe you could take a nap."

Avery bit her cheek. "Okay."

Avery put on her backpack and handed Marlene Darcy's carrier. "Where is he?"

"Somewhere, he'll find us."

"Avery!" The girl turned as she heard the boys. Remus led the pack and grabbed onto the girl when he got close enough. Avery tensed and then melted. She wrapped her arms around his torso. His hands found her face and he studied it. "Why didn't you write?"

James cleared his throat. "Let's all talk somewhere else." He smirked. "I heard the prefect car is very nice."

Okay, so act 2 has started. I'm gonna post a chapter or two every 5-7 days. Anyway. Thank you to all that have been reading this.

This story is basically just those little stories I play through my head before I sleep because I'm alone. :) It's a mess tbh and when I finish the whole story I'm gonna go through and like edit it.

Anyway. So after act 2, which is 6th year, I'm gonna have act 3, 7th year, and act 4, after hogwarts. So yeah. Thank you!

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