A Nice Christmas

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 "Avery. Averyyy." James stood over the girl and shook her lightly.

"You have to shake her harder than that," Sirius said.

James proceeded to shake the girl, he gasped as she fell onto the floor.

Slowly, she sat up. "What the actual fuck."

"Mum wanted us to wake you. Breakfast is ready, then we're opening gifts."

Avery stayed on the floor for a minute. Finally, she looked back at the boys. "Okay. I'll be down in a second."

James gave Sirius a look. "I'll be in the kitchen." Sirius left the room leaving the two alone.

"Are you okay?" James moved to sit next to Avery on the floor.


"You don't have to lie to me. You know that right?"

"This is the first real Christmas I've had in a while. It's weird too because I remember how we used to come to your house for Christmas dinner. My mom and dad would dress me up all fancy, and yours would tame your wild hair." Avery went silent. "I miss it."

"I do too."

"Avery, this one's for you dear." Effie handed Avery a large blue-wrapped box.

"Oh, Effie, you didn't have to."

"I've wanted to for a while, Avery."

Avery slowly ripped away the wrapping and smiled. "I thought this got thrown out?"

"We went through the house after you and your grandmother. I took some stuff I thought you might want." Avery stood and hugged the woman. "There's more in the box, go and look."

Avery went through the rest of the box, discovering things she hadn't seen in years. The boys would look over and see what was there, making comments about some of the things every now and then. When the girl got to the bottom of the box only one thing remained, an old journal.

Slowly she opened it. "This was my mother's."

Effie smiled at the girl. "Read it."

Avery hesitated. "I'll go through it later, right now I'd like to be here, in this moment with all of you."

"Good," James said as he dropped about five packages in front of her. "These are from the girls and us guys."

"Oh, thank you!" Sirius and James sat on either side of the girl and watched as she opened the presents. Mary had gotten her a little stuffed cat that looked like Darcy, Marlene, and Dorcas had gotten her more guitar sheet music, and Lily had gotten the girl a new journal which was made specially to write and create potions.

She opened the other Ravenclaw's presents next, Ali and Piper filled a box with Avery's favorite sweets and Oscar got her a new jumper. Hesitantly she opened James and Sirius' present. Surprisingly nothing popped out and the girl hugged the two boys as she saw the many books that filled the box. Peter, like the girls, had filled a box with sweets for her but many were from other countries like America, France, and Germany. Finally, she opened Remus' gift. She smiled as she read the note that sat on top.


Happy Christmas. I can't wait to see you at the Potters tonight for dinner. I know how much you love King's writing, I thought you might like hers too. These are a couple of my favorites by her. I added a couple notes in them so let me know what you think of them when you finish.

I'll see you tonight, Remus

Avery smiled and shook her head. She took out the three books. All were by Shirley Jackson. 'The Haunting of Hill House', 'The Missing Girl', and 'Hangsaman'. "You didn't tell me Remus was coming for dinner," Avery said to James.

"Thought you knew. His parents are going to see his grandpa as St. Mungos so we thought we'd invite him."

"That's really sweet."

James smirked. "It's all part of my plan."

"What do you mean it's all part of your plan?"

"I'm gonna kill him." Avery banged her head against the door of the closet.

"Okay, if you keep hitting your head you're gonna get a concussion." Remus pulled the girl over to him.

"You're okay with this? We're stuck in a closet on the top floor, no one goes up here."

"James will be back. Give it a little time and he'll let us out."

"He better. Effie made brownies and I can smell them from here."

"I'm sure there will be plenty when we're let out."

"If there aren't I blame you."

"What! Why?"

Avery gave the boy a sharp look. "We can go, James, we'll help you find Monopoly." Avery tried to copy the boy's voice but failed.

"I don't talk like that."

"Okay well, I can't do voice acting. You get my point."

"There's no way they're gonna get through the whole pan of brownies. If they do then I'll give them detention when we get back."

"I can do that myself. I'll give you detention as well though if all the brownies are gone."

Remus laughed and sat down, Avery followed. "Did you enjoy my present?"

"Yeah, I'm really excited to read them. Did you get mine?"

Remus smiled. "Yeah, I'm really excited to start reading them."

"Good, I wasn't sure if you had any of them yet so I had to do a little guesswork."

"Well lucky you because I didn't."

Avery yawned. "I'm tired."

"I'll wake you up when James opens the door."

Avery smiled and leaned her head against Remus' shoulder. "Thanks, Rem."

"Of course, Ave."


I have been SLUMPED yall. I hate school and I hate work.

Anyway.. I'm getting back into writing rn so enjoy 

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