The Sorting

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After the train had emptied Avery went through for one final check of cars five and six. After making sure everything was taken out she exited the train and found Oscar and her friends waiting for her. "You guys didn't have to wait."

"Yeah, we wanted to though, also Darcy's been pissy since you left," Ali said, handing Avery Darcy in his carrier.

"That's 'cause I'm his favorite." Avery opened the carrier to hold Darcy and tossed the cage to Jacob. They chatted as they walked towards the carriages. "This poor girl, she already heard about the prejudices and is scared," Avery said, talking about Emory.

"Let's hope she doesn't get put in Slytherin, she'd die of fright most likely," Piper said. They entered the closest carriage and held on as it started forward.

"She didn't seem like the type, I'm guessing Hufflepuff for her."

"Hey Avery, what happened to your shoes?" Avery groaned at Oscar's question.

"Gryffindor boys happened. I fucking hate the Marauders. Think they're so great but they're really arseholes."

"You and James used to be great friends before school," Piper added in.

"People change Piper, you should know all about that," Avery said giving the girl a sarcastic smirk.

"Hey! Don't bring up that little mistake of the fourth year," Piper said, sitting up straighter.

"Whatever, anyway. I go to the fifth car and the Marauders are coming through too, they spill this red sludge all over me and now it won't come off my shoes! I've run into them far too many times, enough for a lifetime really."

"It was odd that Remus Lupin was sitting with you when I entered the prefect compartment."

"He wouldn't stop talking to me!" Avery whined.

"Maybe he's trying to bridge the gap between you and his little group?" Piper offered.

"Never, never in my life will that hole be filled," Avery said sternly. The conversation ended and Avery put Darcy back into his carrier as they approached Hogwarts. Once they stopped they started the short trek up to the great hall and to the Ravenclaw table.

"How boring do you think Dumbledore's speech will be this year?" Jacob asked the group.

"100%," Ali said, playing with a piece of her hair. The doors to the great hall opened and the group watched as the new first years entered. "Which one was Emory?"

Avery looked through the group, pointing out the small blonde. "Her."

"I'm saying Hufflepuff," Oscar said. Everyone nodded their head agreeing.

"Isn't Ellie starting this year?" Piper asked Oscar.

"Yeah, Grandpa thinks Slytherin for her. I'm saying Gryffindor." Oscar replied.

"Anderson, Ellie," McGonnagal called out. The group of five watched as Oscar's little sister walked up to the stage. Once she was on the stool the sorting hat was on her head. A minute went by before the hat yelled out.


"Looks like your grandpa won," Jacob said.

"Now I owe him 10 galleons," Oscar said, clapping for his sister as she took her seat. The ceremony went by slowly and Avery really only listened for kids put in Ravenclaw and kids she knew of. By the time the list had gotten to 'S' there were already six kids put in Ravenclaw, four girls and two boys.

"West, Emory," Avery looked up to watch Emory take the stage.

The hat took 4 minutes to choose Emory's house, "Ravenclaw!" Avery clapped loudly and waved Emory over to her when she came towards the table.

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