The Final Day

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"Avery! You'll miss the train if you don't get up right now!" Lily yelled to the girl.

"Okay, I'm up. I packed last night though. All I have to do is get ready and then put my hygiene and pajamas into my trunk."

"Do you know where Darcy is?" Lily asked.

Avery paused. Grabbing her wand she waved it. "Accio Darcy." Avery stopped as she heard a loud meow. Darcy came flying in and dropped into her lap. "Found him!"

"Smart-arse," Avery smirked at her friend and stood to get ready, placing Darcy in his carrier.

Lily, Mary, Marlene, and Dorcas joined Ali, Piper, and Avery at the Ravenclaw table that morning. "Oh, I'm going to miss you all!" Mary told the girls.

"We'll miss you too, Mary. You all promise to write?" Avery asked.

"Promise." The girls said.

Avery did her final rounds with Remus on the train, they had made up shortly after the Snape incident but Remus still apologized. "Thank you for putting up with us all this year." He told her as they walked the car.

Avery smiled at him, "I'm glad I did. For you and Pete at least. Promise you'll write this summer? And that you'll send your OWL scores?"

Remus laughed, "Promise."

On the platform, Avery hugged the girls goodbye. Her grandmother was late so she took the time to say goodbye to the boys, including the Marauders. "Avery, dear." Effie Potter walked up to the girl, trapping her in a hug.

"Hi, Effie."

"How was the rest of your year?"

"It was good."

"That's wonderful. I heard about the, incident. Thank you for trying to knock some sense into those two morons."

Avery laughed. "I feel bad, I went a little haywire."

"Don't feel bad. They need to get knocked into shape! Now, is your grandmother here yet? I don't want to leave you alone."

Avery looked around. "It's okay, she'll be here soon. Head on home Effie."

"Are you sure dear?"

"I'm sure."

"Okay, come and see us any time, okay dear?"

"Okay." Effie gave the girl one final hug, followed by Monty. James and Sirius both ruffled up her hair, making her smack their hands.

James walked backward, "Come visit, okay Ms. Prefect?"

"Okay, James."

He gave her one final smile before grabbing onto his dad and apparating away. "Was wondering when they'd leave." Avery groaned.


"I'm your ride home."

"No, you're not."

"Did your gran forget to write you? She owled me, asking to apparate you home."

"I'd rather walk."

"All the way to Oxford?"


"Too bad I'm a gentleman." Theodore grabbed his and Avery's trunk, holding onto her arm right after. "Ready?"

"Let go!"

"Perfect!" They landed outside of the manor. "We made it in one piece!"

"Yeah, wow. You can leave now."

"Avery come on. Let's talk."

Avery scowled. "I'd rather die. Thanks for the way home, see you never."

Theo laughed. "Keep telling yourself that Avery. I would love to see that look whipped off your face when you hear the news."

Avery was at the door, "What news?"

"You'll hear soon enough." Theo gave the girl a smile, "See you around A." The boy apparated, leaving Avery alone, a thousand thoughts running through her.

That's the end of act 1 :O

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