James Tries to Talk. Again

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When Oscar met with the Marauders the four suggested they all go to the Gryffindor common room. Oscar quickly agreed, excited to see what it looked like inside. When they arrived outside of the common room Sirius covered the boy's ears. "Sorry," Sirius said as he moved his hands, "Can't go leaking the password."

"No, I understand," Oscar said as the five walked in. The group sat on the couches by the fireplace, Sirius, Remus, and James taking the big couch while Peter and Oscar sat across from each other on the floor so they could play a game of chess.

"I can't wait for winter break," James said to the group, looking up towards the ceiling.

"Same, this work from class is killing me," Sirius said.

Peter looked towards the boys on the couch. "I'm ready for the ministry party. They always have the best food there."

"Really? I've never gone, always thought it'd be boring." James replied.

"My Mum makes me, says I need to make connections."

"I went one year, pretty boring, Regulus and I just hid in a corner. Have you gone, Oscar? Remus?"

"I go every year, Piper and I go because we don't want Avery to be alone."

"I've never gone, not good with big crowds. My Mum and Dad say it's nice though. They said that the Bagnold manner is beautiful." The boys agreed Millicent Bagnold had a reputation to uphold and her house was not going to be what brought it down.

"You should all come this year. Ali told me yesterday that Avery invited them all. It'd be fun to have everyone there." Oscar suggested to the group.

"That would be cool," James said. "I'm in, it'd be better than staying home alone all night."

Sirius looked over to the boy. "I live with you now, did you forget that?"

"Oh, yeah you do. Hey, since we're on the subject, Oscar, do you know why Avery was all sulky yesterday? Remus wouldn't tell us."

"I uh, brought up her parents. Wasn't quite happy with me."

"That's why you asked me that question?" James asked, looking towards Remus.

The werewolf shrugged. "Wasn't my place to say."

"I tried talking to her at the beginning of the year, she wouldn't listen. Oscar, you're one of her best friends, is her gran really bad still?"

Oscar hesitated for a moment. "Yeah, I mean, Avery's not the same as she was when her parents were still around. It could just be that she's gotten older but it's been like this since they died."

"What'd she say to you last night Remus?" Sirius asked. "And don't say it's not my place to say. I will push you out of that window."

"She said her grandma blames her for her parent's death."

The three Gryffindor boys went quiet. Peter broke the silence first, "What!"

"You're kidding me! Avery didn't cause those dark wizards to attack her parents!" James said.

"I know, but last night she told me that and, I just, who would say that to their grandkid?"

"Avery's grandmother apparently," Peter said.

"Her grandma has so many expectations for her too, it's really the reason she doesn't like you four. She was told to stay away from you because of your reputation here in school." Oscar said.

James jumped up, "I knew it! At the beginning of the year, I told Avery I knew there was a deeper reason for her not wanting to be friends!"

"Well, there it is. It's sad really, Avery isn't the same person she used to really be and none of us, not Ali, Piper, or Jacob think she'll really be who she used to be again. At least not until she cuts her gran out and can live for herself again."

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