chapter 13

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Huo Ning gathered up his light white coat and put on a pair of plush slippers. He was probably the most indecorous person who visited the B2 floor. Leaving the doctor's high-tech nest, the B2 floor is quiet and cold, only the broken ground and blood splatters can tell that there has been a fierce battle here. Horning rubbed his hands and walked through the deserted corridor, aiming directly at the library. He needed to bring the building's construction drawings and related materials out of it.

The door of the library opened, and the giant monster inside the door had a face-to-face meeting with Horning. The iron-gray skin of the same model as AC-207 looks like an oversized spider, with a black leather ring tied on its fat belly, with a shiny nameplate on it, and sharp inverted edges on the joints of its slender legs. Thorns, five bright small eyes are incompatible with the huge body. Huo Ning froze there for a while, already exhausted from the sexual experience, and even lost the strength to escape at this time.

But this monster didn't make things difficult for him. It clicked and danced a pair of short and sharp chelicerae at the front that had degenerated into mouthparts, as if criticizing Horning's smell. After a moment it backed away soundlessly, clearing the way into the library. Huoning hesitated for a while, not knowing why the other party backed down, but he still walked in boldly. He still has a hidden privilege that can be activated in this world. Although he was seen through by the doctor at the beginning, it should be more than enough to deal with this synthetic beast.

The spider-like AC302 lurked silently in the corner, uninterested in the Twoleg that entered the library. Horning came to the bookshelf without hindrance, compared the scripts provided by the system, and successfully found the broken notebook hidden among a pile of tomes. The blue ink is half-faded, and all the stories about this building are recorded in it.

Then there are drawings. The script only said that the blueprints were buried in the pile of waste paper. Huo Ning looked at the waste paper all over the floor in the reading area with a desperate expression. After a while, he took a deep breath, rolled up the sleeves of his white coat a few times, and resignedly began to rummage through the pile of old waste paper that hadn't been touched for many years.

"Ah... choo!" Even if the throat is still unable to make a normal sound for the time being, the sneeze should still be sneezed as usual. The disturbed monster in the corner made rustling noises, and then returned to the silent state, and the heart that Horning raised was put down again. He shook out the old blueprints from the pile of waste paper, put the blueprints in a broken notebook, and left the library with two weapons. Where he couldn't see, the monster spider walked on the ceiling and followed silently.

It's okay to find the library, but it takes a little luck to find the survivors who are constantly moving. Horning tried his best to recall the road features captured by the probes that the protagonists passed by in the surveillance, and then tried to deduce their heading direction from the traces left on the road.

"System, activate the privilege." He whispered. The body becomes transparent, and the notebook floating in the air looks extraordinarily weird. After he disappeared, he didn't have to worry about bumping into the protagonists and couldn't explain clearly, Huoning felt a little more at ease.

The mantis man was finally thrown off by them, and Xu Xiao took her friends to rest in a storage room. The room was short and cramped, and there were cardboard boxes that had been placed here for unknown years, exuding a mild musty smell. The environment is a bit poor, but the sound insulation and airtightness of the storage room are very good. They were wounded and tired, and they really didn't have time to pick on their surroundings. Ou Huang handed Xu Xiao a bottle of water, and Xu Xiao unscrewed the lid and drank most of the bottle. "I'll go out and have a look." He opened the door of the storage room a crack, and the corridor was quiet without any movement. But he knew in his heart that the mantis man who had been chasing them here from B4 must still be not far away, what's worse was that there was a giant spider lurking somewhere, and Lao Liu had encountered the giant spider back then. Without Lao Liu, who is proficient in structures, their plan to blow up the building can only be temporarily stranded.

Xu Xiao crept out of the storage room, and when she was about to pick a random direction, she found a dilapidated notebook on the ground in front of her. No matter how cunning the spider monster was, it would never use this kind of thing as bait, so he picked up the notebook immediately and returned it to the storage room.

"Emperor Ou, show me some light." He carefully held the old notebook, some of the handwriting was blurred, but it's not hard to guess the meaning in context. The more she looked at it, the more shocking Xu Xiao felt. When turning to a certain page, a neatly folded piece of paper slipped from the page and fell to the ground. Xu Xiao bent down to pick up the piece of paper, opened it, and then her teeth chattered with excitement.

"This is the floor plan of this building!" With the floor plan, they will have the direction to escape and the opportunity to blow up the building!

Horning stood tremblingly in the elevator, he thought it was a conspiracy for the doctor to let him out. He was wearing nothing but a white coat that had no thermal insulation effect. Even if he wanted to escape, he would probably freeze to death in the cold building first. Now that he has dispatched the golden finger to the protagonist, the next thing to do is to wait for the explosion with peace of mind.

The elevator door opened, and the doctor stood at the door with an indiscriminate expression of joy and anger.

"You gave those people the drawings." His tone was calm, "You want them to escape from here and commit suicide?"

Why does the doctor still think he wants to commit suicide? Horning found it a little funny, "No, I won't commit suicide."

"My life is earned, and I don't want to die more than anyone else."

The atmosphere was stiff, and the two sides had nothing to talk about.

Since Horning sent the blueprints to the protagonists, the relationship between him and the doctor has suddenly become cold, and the daily enema sticks are still constant, but the two sides no longer have any physical communication. It was as if they were all waiting, waiting for the seconds to run out and the moment of judgment to come.

The riot started from a sudden power outage. The temporary generator set in the doctor's room was activated, and the emergency lights were dim, illuminating people's faces indistinctly. Then there was a violent shaking, the ground began to tilt, unfixed tables and chairs overturned one after another, and the bone china tableware in the cabinet fell out and crackled on the floor. Horning was staggered by the sudden explosion, and was then forcefully embraced by an arm. The Doctor dragged him around the corner until Horning's knees hit something hard.

It was the coffin that had been lying in the corner.

The doctor forcefully took Horning to lie down. The second explosion sounded, and the stained glass window with strong religious meaning was shattered, and the glass reflecting the blurred light and shadow crashed down, exposing the bright sunlight outside the window, but the coffin became darker and darker. It seemed that they heard the sound of glassware shattering next door, and choking thick smoke came in from the ventilation duct in the room. I don't know where the fire started, maybe some chemicals next door, and then the whole room gradually fell into flames, and the burnt smell of the fabric overwhelmed the smell of incense that had been permeating the room.

"Are you afraid of fire and death?" The doctor murmured, "Don't be afraid, you won't remember... When time turns back in the future, you won't remember anything..." "My name is Tours.

" After knowing that this world line was activated again, the young man who had gone through the reversal would no longer remember him, and Tours still stubbornly told the young man he accidentally captured by his name.

"That's good." Before Horning could figure out what he said, he felt a pain in the back of his neck, and then lost consciousness. The doctor hugged his little sex slave, closed the lid of the coffin, and fell into eternal sleep in the fire.

The end of the second world... It feels like I was very hasty when I wrote the plot (it exposed my desire to drive)

Tours has not realized that Horning is not an aborigine in the plot.

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