Chapter 6

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The whole crowd was cheering for both the them Amora with her two best friends clapping and shouting for Caden and his team...
The audience were appreciating to the banners arrangements even the team and announcers also shown their positive response to it...which also motivates the team...but no body knows who did this... Amora kept it as a secret she doesn’t want any attention... specially from Caden..what if he gets angry..
Caden, on the other hand, was happy with the team work...they are leading and the opponent team was not that bad in performance...they are just 2 points behind so it’s neck to neck competition...
Caden spot Amora who was smiling and jumping with happiness..and Caden was also giving his full determination to win this match for his team and for her...
But the match become tough when the opponent team scored a basket just before the end of the match...which results in the tie of scores...
Every one gasped at this point.. because it was unexpected... Amora frowned and looked very upset at this...
The announcers said there will be a tiebreaker..which means the match will be played for another 5mins..and if no team got success in scoring the basket than the match will again played for the next 5mins...
Hearing this..Caden turned in the direction of Amora and watched her leaving from her place.. don’t know where she is going...but Caden felt hurt...he wants her to stay till the match end...
The match started but Caden was little distracted because of his Amor absence..but none the team the match again extended for 5mins... But before they could start a sudden fire cracking noise heard by all...and their attention diverted to the sky...
As soon as these words appeared in sky from the firecrackers... everyone read it loud.. Caden also saw it..and knows who did it..he felt immense pleasure reading it...the match again started and Caden scored the basket twice which leads them to winning...
The audience went crazy and congratulate Caden and his team..the announcer also declared them winner and appreciate the losing team for their performance... The trophy was awarded to the winning team by the guest of honour...
But Caden eyes were searching one person...
“Hey look at the sky”
Someone screams and everyone looked up at the sky.. hundreds of balloons are seen floating in air...the team felt happy to see such beautiful compliment for them...
Later after the award ceremony..Caden hurriedly changed his outfit and move out in search of Amora..he only wants to see her once...but kept a cold face because he can’t express his emotions..
He almost search the whole university but she is no where..
“Did she left”
Caden again start searching until he came across a classroom...he saw someone was sitting on chair and sleeping keeping head on desk..he can’t see the face as it was on the other side..
He enter inside the class and look closely..and a smile came on his’s his Amor..who was sleeping like a baby...her bangs were falling on her forehead...she is looking adorable as her rosy lips were pouted and her fluffy cheeks just making him insane..
He can’t stopped himself in admiring her and look her closely...this the first he was this much close to her...he study her every detail of face..
“you must be very tired”
He without thinking anything kissed her chubby cheeks..he felt like his lips touched cotton.. it’s so soft and smooth..he kissed her cheeks twice..and she smiled lightly in her sleeping...
“Thank you so much Amor..for believing in me”
He keep looking at her for a while until her phone starts ringing..Caden frowned and look at the caller name...driver uncle he read...
Amora wake up from the calling sound but didn’t opened her eyes..and sat straight...Caden moved back slowly and stand at the door..
She answered the call with closed eyes...
“yes uncle I am coming”
Saying this she stands and walk out carrying her bag...she was still half sleep..the only thing she knows that she wants to sleep more when she gets home..
Caden saw her walking in clumsiness and follow her in a distance to make sure she don’t get hurt walking like this..soon she reached to her car where her driver was waiting..
Caden saw the middle aged driver opened the back door for Amora and she hop in.. he watch the car until it get out of his sight...

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