Chapter 40

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Jacob: So that car intentionally wanted to hit Amora..

"Yes...the road was clear..only Amor was on that side..AND the car was on the wrong side.."

Kevin: yes...see this footage...the driver has enough time to slow down or to drive the other side...but it still keep coming towards amora..

"Someone is trying to hurt her"

Jacob: hmm...I had already ordered my men to find the car and it's owner..

Kevin: what are you thinking.. Caden

"I just got scared that moment...I know I would have sound like a coward..but I'm afraid of losing her"

Jacob: love her.. getting scared for's normal

I just hummed but my mind was replaying that whole incident..just than I got a text on my phone..I open and found my Amor text...

(Text) * I know you must be worried because of what happened...but please don't's just an saved me on time... So Cady.. don't worry at you..*

A smile crept on my face reading her text..she started knowing about my habits nowadays... But how can I stop worrying about her..she is my life now..

After dropping her at her home.. I inform Kevin and Jacob to meet me and I discussed the whole thing with them.. being millionaire and top businessman is not easy.. we have rivals but some are dangerous..who can go to any extend..and will not think to kill anyone..

I can't imagine Amor to be in like the situation when my mom got in an accident.. if anybody tries to harm her I will kill that person brutally..

We waited for the information about that car when Jacob got a call from his men... He listened everything from the other side and cuts the call...

Jacob: your doubt is right.. the driver actually wanted to hit Amora.. but my men found that car after it was burnt.. and we had already seen the CCTV footage..the license plate is missing from the car...


Kevin: what should we do now...

"Double the security..and also take care of Raine and Misha.. if we are been followed than it's possible they both are also not safe..."

Kevin: I will take care of it..

Jacob: I will try to find the owner of the car..maybe that car is stolen or rental..

We all discuss about the safety of our families..and other things.. than suddenly I got a call.. Mom..?? I already inform her that I will be late.. she would never call unless it's important.. I received the call but only heard her sobbing voice.. I got worried... The next second I felt a mountain fall over my head...



Cady was so much angry and worried about me... I also got careless while crossing the road.. I didn't realise when that car came suddenly...

He saved me but also scold me.. come on Amora...when you will stop being so careless... I still remember his expression... He got so scared... But I am happy to see how much he cared for me..

In a month he will be graduating..and I won't see him in university.. because I still have one year to complete my graduation...

He will join his dad's business..and I am sure he will be a great businessman just like his dad...

But today when he told me about his mom's accident.. I realise how much he love his parents...and now me also.. but what kind of rivals who tried to harm aunty...I mean that.. business should be done fairly.. but because of some people it's turns dirty...

I want to tell mom and dad about Cady.. he has already told his parents about us.. now I should also tell my parents.. but my dad was so busy.. finally he is coming back tomorrow.. and I will tell them everything...

My chain of thoughts interrupted by my mom's voice..

Lisa: Amora....Baby..come down and have dinner...

"yes mom.. I'm coming..."

I ran downstairs ignoring my mom's glaring eyes...she always scold me that I run on stairs.. but I love her nagging..hehehe...

I joined her on dinning table...

"Mom..what time dad will be home??"

Lisa: umm...maybe at noon..If his flight is not late.. why??

"actually...I wanted to speak to him...I mean both of you about something..."

Lisa: ohh... about what..

"not now.. let dad come.."

Lisa: fine.. oh I forgot to ask...who dropped you today...I thought it's Misha..but the car was different...

I choked and drink whole glass of water..after calming down..I look at my mom who is already looking at me suspiciously...hehehe

"It's not Misha.. my other friend dropped me.."

Lisa: who..

"I will bring my friend at home soon than you and dad both will meet my friend"

Thank god mom didn't ask any further questions...or else she would have force me to spill the beans.. ofcource she has been a TV reporter...

We got dad's call that he was about take his flight...we talk with him for sometime and mom as usual she sat on the couch after completing her work and switch on the TV..

Ughhh...she and news channel.. I got so bored watching it.. I wanted to change the channel but her glaring stare stop me.. fine I think I should go back to my room and complete my work and leave my mom with her news channel...

I greet her goodnight..and than start walking up the stairs but than I heard a news which shocked me to the core... I turned instantly to look at the news and got terrified...

My voice just stuck on my throat in fear.. my mind was only thinking what is going on.. the news was live and I could see other reporters also and the guards were preventing them to go ahead... and only one person I can think right now...



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