Chapter 88

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A very busy day for Raine as Amora was not well so Caden didn't allow her to come to work.. and Misha went to her parents with Kevin..

Without her two best friends..her work doubled.. she had no time for lunch and continued working till evening.. finally getting off from work she took a deep breath and laid on the couch..

Raine: such a tiring day..uff these two little witched enjoying time with their partners and here I am working like a machine...and where is Jacob.. he should at least call me.. idiot.

She kept mumbling and her eyelids became heavier and she fell into slumber.

Here Jacob ended his meeting with the client after signing the contract and thought to pick up Raine from work.. he drove to the company..and went to her department..

Entering her cabin..he found her sleeping on the couch.. he smiled and kneeled near her placing a kiss on her forehead.. he caressed her face.

Jacob: hey firecracker.. get up..let's go home..

She lazily opened her eyes and saw Jacob.. giving him a weak smile she sat straight.

Raine: when did you come back?

Jacob: just now.. but why you are looking so pale.. are you alright..?

He touched her forehead and felt it a little hot..and not eating for the whole day made it difficult for her to keep her eyes fully open.

Jacob: are having a fever.. and why are you looking so weak.. did you eat or not..?.

Raine: no I was busy.

Jacob: what?? why have you been so careless.. let's go home now...

He grabbed her stuff and carried her in his arms..she leaned on his shoulder.. they drove to the apartment.

He put her in bed and gave her some juice to hydrate her...he was a little angry with her..this was not the first time she skipped her meals.

Jacob: finish this juice and take a bath. I will prepare dinner for us..and don't you dare to come out of this room.

Raine got a strict order.. getting a bath she sat on the bed and waited for Jacob..she closed her eyes.. she was feeling better but hungry now.. she couldn't go out of the room.. Jacob is a very hot-tempered person so it's better to not give him any chance to be angry.

Jacob entered the room and checked her temperature again. it was not that much hot but he was still worried about her.. he carried her again. And bring her out.

Raine: why are the lights off.. switch it on or you will get hurt by something.

Jacob: I know where I am walking.

She tried to look but the darkness was so much that she couldn't even see Jacob also.. he placed her chair..and went away.

Raine: Jacob... Switch on the's dark..

She didn't get any answer..she rose from her seat and the lights turned on.. she looked around.. the room was filled with balloons and flowers.. the table was filled with so many dishes. it's like a Romantic dinner date..

Jacob came to her and kissed her cheek..She was not able to understand how it happened.. there was nothing when they came..

Jacob: do you like it?

Raine: yes..but... When did you arrange it?

Jacob: well I have already planned this but I did not know that you would become sick.

Raine: I'm sorry Jacob.. but seriously I just love it.. it's really beautiful.. hey you brought so many dishes.

She took a look at the table and found her favourite dishes.. she clapped in excitement and turned towards Jacob but gasped watching him on his knees holding a box...

Jacob: Raine D'Souza... My lovely firecracker.. the day when I met you. I felt a spark in my heart. but I didn't realise the meaning behind it.. we fight we quarrel but behind all of those..there was care for each other.. the last 3 years I realised how special you are to me.. I tried to win your heart with pointless fights..and finally confessed my love to you.. and you make me extremely delighted when you accept me in your life.. but now.. I want to seal ourselves in marriage.. so here I am. My beautiful Raine.. will you marry me...??

Raine was in tears..she got so nervous that she started laughing and crying at the same time.. she just nodded and offered her hand..

Jacob pushed the ring on her finger and kissed her hand..Raine also kneeled in front of him and kissed his lips.. Jacob was a little surprised but kissed her back..

Raine: thank you.. the ring is really beautiful..

Jacob: my choice is always beautiful..

He kissed her forehead and wiped her tears..they both enjoyed the dinner together.. Raine eats so much like she was hungry for a month..

In the meantime, Raine clicked a picture of her ring and shared it with Amora and Misha.. within a minute she got a video call from Amora..


Amora was so much excited that Caden got amazed.. Raine shows her hand and Jacob back hugs her..

Caden: congratulations.. finally you are leaving your bachelor life..

Amora: wait Misha is also joined..

Misha: congrats Raine..

Raine: thank you all.. Hey Misha.. what did your parents say..

Just then Kevin also came into the frame and brought Misha's hand to the camera.. Kevin has already put a ring on her in the presence of her family..

Amora: oh my god.. I'm so happy for both of you.. Misha when you both are coming back we all be celebrating this together..

Kevin: tomorrow.. we will talk later her parents are waiting for us..

Raine: bye bye..

They all cut the call.. everyone is happy.. Jacob brings her to the room and both of them cuddle with each other..

Jacob: what are you thinking?

Raine: nothing.. I am very happy to have you.. I.. I just can't believe it's real or a dream..

Jacob bit her cheeks and she hissed in pain..

Jacob: it's not a dream..

She playfully hit his chest and hugged him tightly..

Jacob: let's meet your parents.. I want to introduce myself..

Raine: they are coming this weekend..I have already told them about you and they are happy..

Jacob: ok then.. we will get married soon..

Raine: why..?

Jacob sighed loudly and hugged her hiding her face in his chest..

Jacob: it's already hard to stay away from you... And I don't want to give you any chance to change your decision..

Raine: hehe.. don't worry.. I will marry only and only you..

Jacob: I know.. but now I am running out of patience..

Raine: for what..?

Jacob: for claiming you my little firecracker..

He said seductively in her ears..she shivered and became shy.. he kissed her head.. Jacob kept teasing her with words until she fell asleep.. he kept looking at her face in the moonlight from the window.. and slept securing her in his arms...

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