Chapter 99

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Andrew was watching his lovely wife cooking in the kitchen while sitting in the living room.. he was holding a file to read but his eyes were on her..

Serra felt his gaze and turned to look at him but he diverted his eyes immediately.. and showed he was busy in file.. Serra shrugged her shoulder and continued her work.

She served the dinner on the table... And called Andrew.. they both were eating when Andrew decided to break the silence.

Andrew:'s awesome right that Amora is going to be a mother. I mean a small baby they are so adorable..

Serra: yeah right..she was so happy.. she told me that today they also heard the baby's heartbeat. Caden sir also got very emotional that time.

Andrew: of course.. afterall every man will be emotional when he gets to know about being a father...

Serra just gave a nod focussing on her plate.. Andrew gulped before saying his next word...

Andrew: don't you think we should also try it..

Serra: try what...?

Andrew: I want to see you pregnant.

Serra choked her food and gave him a 'what the hell' look.

Serra: wh..what...?

Andrew: I want a baby.. please Seri.

Serra: have you forgotten how our parents scolded you for lying to them about my fake pregnancy...

Andrew: but I am talking about the real one.

Andrew got up from his seat and kneeled near her.

Andrew: please Seri.. I also want to be a father. I want a baby please.. don't say no...

Serra: stop it ad.. you have become so demanding nowadays...

Andrew: so what? You are my wife. I can demand anything.. please, please..

Serra sighed. Andrew was very impatient when it came to Serra.. they both love each other.. now Andrew never stops showcasing his love in the company also. She thought for a while.

Serra: alright...


Andrew scream in joy and carried her in his arms.. and walk to the bedroom..

Serra: hey what are you doing.. you haven't finish eating...

Andrew: I will eat you Seri..

Serra: put me down why you are going to room..

Andrew: you just agreed to give me a baby..and we have to work a alot for that.. so let's start doing it now..

Serra: no..stop...stop ad....

Andrew pushed the door closed and throw her on bed and hovered over her... In few minutes their clothes were on floor and the room was filled with Serra's moaning... Andrew took her again and again until he gets exhausted...



Caden: here baby..drink this healthy juice...

I looked at the bowl of soup in front of me.. he has memorize the whole diet chart and make me eat according to eat.. I love his care but sometimes he is too much...

"Can I gave something else.. I mean I am bored from this soup.. how about a burger.."

Caden: junk foods...

"a small bite..."

Caden: no means no... Come on open your mouth..

I show my tongue before opening my mouth.. he fed me the whole soup.. and than give me medicines in my hand.. I plead him showing my puppy eyes.. but this Cady has become cruel now..

I ate medicine..yakkk...but I have to do it for my baby.. I am sure my baby also not liking this medicine.. don't worry baby...once you come in this world..we both will revenge on your dadda..

Due to pregnancy I start feeling more sleepy I slept instantly holding Cady..

Next morning... Cady went office after making sure I eat my breakfast and medicines.. I have some work so I decided to complete that at home.. because I felt nauseous many times..

Cady keep calling me in every hour..urghhh...once again my phone rang...

"Yes cadyyy..."

Caden: amor.. I am going for an important meeting so won't be able to call for two hours...

"It's ok.. you don't have to worry about me..I am totally fine.."

Caden: take rest..I will call later..

I cut the call and resumed my work.. later I take a little break and think about some new designs.. I thought to visit dad's factory.. I will bring some materials..

I changed dress and walk downstairs holding my purse.. I went out towards the car but the driver was not there.. where he went.. hmm it's alright I can drive too...

I sat on the driver seat and starts the engine... The guards open the main gate looking at the car and soon my car was out from the premises...


After Amora left taking the car.. the driver came back to the garage and saw the car was not there.. he went to the guard...

Driver: hey..where is the car..?

Guard: you mean the blue one..

Driver: yes..

Guard: mam just take that car herself...

Driver: WHAT..? OH NO...

Guard: what happened..?

Driver: that car breaks were failed I just went to call a mechanic for that.. and when I came the car was not there...

Guard: oh my god...we need to inform sir.. and bring another car we will follow mam..I am sure she is not gone far....

The guards and driver panicked for their mam... One of the guard immediately call Caden's number..but he has left his phone in cabin..

The guard tried again..and luckily this time Andrew came to the cabin to get a file from his desk... He saw Caden's phone ringing... flashing the security guard name..

Andrew: yes..?

The guard told him everything to which Andrew turned pale and run to conference hall...

Caden was busy with the client when the door burst open.. everyone becomes shocked to see Andrew running to Caden like crazy.. Caden also looked confused...

Andrew: amora...

Her name was enough for Caden to get worried.. he went to Andrew... Andrew gave him his phone...

Caden: what amora...???

Andrew: we need to go.. she has tooupon k a break failed car.. let's go...

Caden felt a thunderstorm over him upon hearing it.. he ran to his car followed by Andrew... He pulled out his phone and traced her location... He was getting worried and angry at same time...


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