Cute Tail

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|🌀|Aonung POV:

" What the fuck? "

" Dude you're so bad at catching fish- " Rotxo said to me after literally breaking my arm while catching a fish, " Wow yeah, like I didn't notice arsehole," I said annoyed.

As we took the basket we had with the fish we cached for the day the wind become uneven, and some of my curly hair came in my eyes suddenly, " The fu- " I was about to say but then three creatures invaded the sky, big creatures with colorful skin and big wings landed on the island

Some of the navies stood back but when we saw some omatacya people getting off the creature there was a crowd forming around them, as both I and Rotxo joined them

They didn't seem any aggressive type so I didn't join in until my dad came riding on his skimwing, we later on found out that the omatacaya man was Jake Sully as we usually know as the toruk makto, him and his family wanted to hide in our clan?!

As I heard the conversation going on as I got closer, other people moved aside so I can see the new invaders better, I was yet disgusted but surprised too, these forest people looked so funny, I barely could keep my laughing off, they were a darker blue then us, with that so their white dots more printed and more visible on their skin as well as their stripes, they were skinner then us, even the more buffer one, Jake Sully, looked skinny and frail, as I eyed each one of them close, they did the "I see you " sign at me and Rotxo, there was the female tall one, I guess to be Jake's sully wife and two other ones, one who looked fucking funny with like a huge forehead and the other one next to it, who looked rather slightly buffer then the forehead guy who looked rather like a mini male version of Jake's sully wife.

As I moved around so I could see them better from the side Rotxo whispered to me, " Look at the tail- " he said as I take a look at one of their tails, it was skinny with some kind of hair tip at the end looking like one of those big cats tail that used to come here to fish and we used to hunt them down, they looked like a baby tail around what we have, I giggled.

Not that it was very funny I could hold a funny laugh even when I saw that huge forehead, but not that I have no emotion but I gotta admit it was a cute tail for some navis who claim they are "warriors".

As soon as my mom came she straight got on bullying them up and I loved every second of that not gonna lie, somehow than they manage my mom to let them stay which also shocked me.

" My son Aonung and daughter Tsireya will teach them our ways, " My dad said as I felt the sand move away from my feet, " But- "I said as he shut me up as I hissed in anger, what the actual fuck.


" Awh! Come on you can stop begin so rude for like five minutes? " Tsireya argue with me right after she came back from showing those pricks their new "house" or whatever, " No, fuck off," I said as she settled next to me, " Look I get that they might be different but they are as navi as we are you know? " she said, " Yeah totally the huge forehead freak dude with four fingers," I said in sarcasm

" Aonung! " she said in an angry tone, " What? Come on their gonna ruin our village imagine," I said, " Then you better help me out and teach them not to, Ao " she added

" Reya- I don't like this "I finally said as I saw her get mad with her crossed arms looking at me, " I know, but at least try? please," she said 

" Fine- " I sighed loudly as she grabbed me to go. 

As we were heading to grab these freaks we were stopped in our way by our mom who passed by us, " Hello mother! " Tsireya waved, She stopped and smiled at us, "You're going to teach our guests? " she added as Tsireya nodded, " Yeah, we're going to teach these freaks "

" Aonung! " Tsireya added, " Just do your responsibility, both of you, I'm not asking you to be friends with them " Mom added as she looked mad straight at me, I sighed a bit " Yes, Mama," I said as I let my head down, she patted my shoulder and got on her way

As we got on our way to the area Tsireya sighed, " You know- Mom is right, you don't need to friend them if you don't want to, Ao, just- let's get down with this " she added, 

" Yeah sure, but you better not get friended with them too. " I said as she rolled her eyes at me, " Aonung if don't wanna be friends with them that don't mean I can't " 

" I didn't say that "I lied as I rolled my eyes too, mimicking her, " You did, Aonung, and it's not even the first time, you know I do not like the guys you're hanging out with, yet I never told you not to "

" Look I just don't like them ok? do not go around them or try anything, you just gonna get in trouble or who knows what "

" I won't, you don't even know them," she said angrily as we stopped walking

" No! I don't but they are forest people! their fucking dangerous, Reya " I said trying not to sound too harsh on her

" Yeah right, forest people, they are as dangerous as we are and I don't see me not talking to you! you are such a prick " she said angrily as she started walking forward

" Tsireya! " I said out loud as I started walking faster on to catch her, oh god I hate when she's doing this, trying to be all friendly and not even knowing who's she friendly with, those guys have probably rabies or some shit and she's all lovely and ready to lick their asses, it's so annoying! ugh, sometimes I wonder if she's adopted or not.

" Wait up! "

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