Coconut opener

517 26 13

|🌟|Neteyam POV:

"YEAH! LET'S GO! " I heard my brother, Lo'ak scream as I flew the papaya ball right into the basket, we scored!

Different types of screaming started from the other teams and a few people who came to see the game started to be heard from the side where the wooden benches were, even some clapping and good oos to our surprise, 

" Good game " Rotxo came to me to shake my hand as some na'vi threw me and my siblings some water as we got back to the wooden benches, a whole crowd covering me again...

Not that it bothered me, all this attention, we didn't have games back home and for sure if we did have no one ever took them so seriously as here, I didn't like the whole crowd and hype about them but I didn't dislike them either, 

" You guys were amazing! " A girl cheered, as I smiled using my eyes, more people came to congratulate me as I saw with the corner of my eyes my brother and sister talking with Rotxo and Tsireya, but I didn't see- well you know who.

" Thank you, everyone- but it isn't a big deal " I added to the crowd, as I slowly slipped away from there, trying to hide from the new fans I have now apparently.

" WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT, HUH!? " I heard a scream as I took the corner to go back to my cabin, some group of navies just screaming? until I noticed his back, I mean how could I miss that bun really, 

" I will win oK don't worry, AxEL " Some guy mocked him, as I believe was the guy who almost got into a fight with my siblings that one time, I didn't speed up so they won't notice me listening to them.

" I lost OK? Can you just get over it, Ax'el " He said, pretty mad from my view, " HOW, DUDE HOW COULD YOU LOSE TO THOSE FREAKS!? " that guy added again, with a girl standing next to him, " He's right, Ao! You're such a loser " I frowned.

" Look, it's just a childish game we did for fun, can you stop acting like I lost the island for one stupid game? I think you two are forgetting who are you yelling with." he said as his eyes darkened and fixed a death stare on them, the advantage of being taller looked scary from my view now.

" Guys, He's right, maybe he even let them win, so they'll have a great time here, he is the next chief after all " A girl with really short hair somehow painted blue at the front spoke, some people also nodded, " Fine..let's go guys " The Ax'el guy spoke as he and other three guys walked off, the girl following, I slowly managed to get out of my hide spot I kinda, somehow took while I tried to get away from their view and go back to heading to my cabin, but I couldn't go too far away as I heard someone calling me.

" Hey! Over here " I looked to my side as the short-haired girl from earlier, screamed at me, they were in the same spot, with well yk and another girl with some kind of dead starfish crown on her head.  She waved me to join, so I kinda did.

" Hi " I responded again smiling with my eyes, " Hey, I just wanted to say you did very good out there, I enjoyed watching it " She smiled at me as I stood right next to him, " Yeah, it was really impressive the tricks you did " The starfish crown girl added, " Thank you, it was fun, I never played it back home " I added as I heard a sigh next to me, " You played good for your first time," he said.

Did he just complimented me? " Oh- thank you " I again smiled with my eyes and I think another corner smile formed, he never really talked with me with other people around, and even the other two girls looked rather shocked, " I agree- " the two strand blue girl said shyly,

"We just invited Ao to join us for some coconuts, maybe you wanna join? " The starfish crown girl said, I nodded, " Sure," I said, she shook my hand, " Glad to hear, I'm Ela'va but you can just call me Ela " She smiled, " And I'm Ani'ran, call me Ran tho, " the other one said, 

" I'm Neteyam, nice to meet both of you " I smiled with my eyes again, As the four of us got on our way to the coconut trees area.

- As we got there, the two girls Ela and Ran took their spears and started aiming for the coconuts from the tall trees, I didn't have a spear and I also didn't take my bow with me, 

" I'll knock some coconuts for you, if you want " He added from behind me, " I have another idea " I added, as I used a closer tree to jump on it and then smash my body into the coconut tree two of them dropping from the impact, " There," I said as I throw him one,

" Wow- ok, um thanks " he added, in a quiet bored tone as he went to sit on the sand resting his back on a random cabin there

I raised an eyebrow, as I went to sit beside him, " Something's bothering you? " he didn't answer and just opened his coconut ignoring me, I glared as I went to take out my pocket knife,

" And of course, I forgot to take it from home " I sighed, as he slightly side-eyes me and just gave his free hand to me, I groaned a bit, as I put the coconut in his hand, " At least you won't let me starve," I said, and he corner a smile and maybe even an inner smile, 

He opened the coconut and passed it to me, " Sorry, I was just thinking " he said as I took the coconut and started eating some of it, " It's ok " I answered.

" You know, you pretty awesome, for a freak " he slightly smirked as I did a small frown, more of a playful one actually, " Really? " I said, and he nodded

" I don't say that often, I should do it more " he answered back, " I think you're calling me a freak pretty often," I said in a sarcastic tone ending with a small chuckle, " Not that," he said.

I sat there just tilting my head as he dropped his coconut and got up, " You're awesome" he said again in a soft tone and let out a more bored-sad smile to me, my eyes widened for half a second, and my face got hot.

" Thank you... " 

I said.


- I'M ALIVE BITCHES (kinda) hope you enjoyed this chapter<33 


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