Such A Good Wife

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|🌟|Neteyam POV:

" I think you're being stupid and immoral " Kiri added as both me and Lo'ak sat down at the breakfast table, " I'm not! I don't know what you are talking about... " He said as I munched on my apple, " You seriously choose to team up with Tsireya at the Siwm race? "

" She asked " He added as my sister face palmed herself, " I don't get it, Can't he team up with her, isn't it a free choice thing? " I said, " Aren't they against us? " Kiri said, " No, They are our friends, both Tsireya and Rotxo! " Lo'ak argued with her, " Yeah for sure, that's why the three of us and the three of them are in different teams? " Kiri asked as Lo'ak threw a piece of fruit from his bowl to her, " Well yeah, they only allowed teams of three or five " 

" Ok, then why our 'friends' Rotxo and Tsireya didn't choose to team with us instead? " She said as Lo'ak frowned at her, " Because- "
" Maybe because they prefer to team up with that asshole instead of us " Kiri added as Lo'ak rolled his eyes, " Well he is her brother so " 

" So, she likes him better " Kiri interrupted Lo'ak once again as I finished my apple, " So where do you wanna go with this Kiri? do you want me to go and tell her I don't wanna team up anymore? " Lo'ak asked as I got up to get some water and let them argue like always.

" You know what, you do you bro, but this friendship of yours with her seems fake," She said as I placed the water coconut cup down, " I think you both are stupid," I said.

" Why is that? " Kiri asked me, " Just let him team up with her, We can team up if you want, " I said as she nodded in annoyance, " I still think it's stupid "

" We should get going then the race might start soon," I said as we all left the cabin and went on our way to the beach.

As we got there, a few teams were around the beach just talking as the race hadn't started yet, and there were people around trying to find a team for the duo race, we understood that there would be some hours before the race would start and to get ready making the duos for the race.

" Alright, so you up with me right? " Kiri asked me as I nodded, " Yea- " 

" OH! Hey Kiri " Rotxo came from the mess of people that were everywhere on the beach, " Oh, hey Rotxo " Kiri waved, " Um I wanted to ask if you want to team up with me for the race," he said as he used his hand to scratch the back of his neck and smile widely at my sister, I swear he couldn't be more obvious.

" Uhm, I- " She started but I couldn't let her finish, " Yeah, she didn't have a team-up anyway " I smiled back, as his smile got even wider, " Oh! You didn't? " he asked as my sister side-eyed me and I could feel a punch in my shoulder the moment we got back home, " yeah- I didn't " she smiled back, as Rotxo looked like the happiest na'vi on Pandora, " I'm glad! I mean- I'm happy that I was the first to ask " he chuckled as Kiri followed him away from the lots of people as I and Lo'ak were stuck in the chaos

" Hey, bro I'm going to find Tsireya," He said, " Oh, Sure? " I said as he vanished from my side and I was stuck in the middle of the mess of nav'ies around trying to find a corner free from the area of the race.

As I tried to sneak to the side I found finally more of the open space that was far away from the actual area where the race was up, but I realized I didn't have a teammate for the race...


I didn't know who to ask to team up with, as I didn't know anyone other than my siblings at their two teammates, so I was pretty confused I wanted to ask the chief if I could just do it myself after all as there was no rule for that for what I know.

I got to the cabin and I knocked at the door, as I heard footsteps coming up to the door but after it opened there was Tsireya's brother at the door, not her father- " Oh- sorry to interrupt I wanted to talk with the chief- " I talked but he seems rather much different than yesterday at the best climber test, he looked very tired and kinda a mess.. so I lost my words for a moment.

" I don't know where you can find him, but he's not here " He spoke, in a very deep voice like he just waked up yet he had massive dark circles around his eyes, " Ah, I see- " I said as he almost closed the door in my face but I put a hand to it without relating and stopped him from closing the door, " Actually! um I wanted to ask how's your arm? " I said as he rubbed his eye before looking at me again

" Uh- yeah good," he said, " Oh- alright, but are you sure you ok, you look- tired? " I asked quickly, not that I cared obviously but I was worried even if I didn't want to be

" Yeah, I am I just, had a white night.. " he answered with the same emotionless tone he used since he opened the door, yet the last part was more silent and bored than emotionless, " I see, I'm sorry to hear that, " I said, I didn't fucking know why did I do that.

" It's fine, you didn't do anything," he said, but this time in a tired and sad tone, " Um, actually- again, I can make you a tea? it's pretty good after a white night my sister taught me how to make it " I asked him in more of a worried tone than I wanted to, even tho I expected him to just close the door in my face and call me the weirdest freak, he didn't.

" Yeah, sure," he said as he went to the side so I could come in, I think it was the first time I was shocked in a long time, " Thanks," I said as I came in the first and probably the last time, I don't know if he's sick or no but for sure he's on something for letting me inside.

" You have what you need in the baskets there " he pointed to the side of what looked like a kitchen before he sat down and let his head on the table, so I went on and made the tea for him

I didn't say anything while I worked, I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable and I didn't want to talk, I just wanted him to go back to sleep because he truly looked fucking tired, I opened the baskets and took the pomegranates and some mint to make the tea after I boiled some water.

" You know how to cook? " I heard him from behind me as I looked with the corner of my eye at the table where he sat with his cheek on his palm and looking at me, " Yeah, I do," I said before looking back to what I was doing, " Why? "

" Hm? " I took the cup to place it on his table before resting on the kitchen counter and putting my arms to my chest, " What do you mean? "

" Why do you cook- or why do you know how to cook," he said before he took a sip from the cup I placed, " Well, if the mom to dad can't cook for us, I can, "I said as he raised an eyebrow at me, as his tired, sad face was gone by now as I meet again the face I was used to, he smirked at me before he got up.

" Well, that means you're going to be a good wife? aren't you " he said as I felt my face heat up from anger, or I hope it was anger, I smirked like him and went closer to him, " At least I'm good at something," I said before backing away from him, " Hm, I see " he said as he kept that dumb smirk on before he drank even more, " Drink all of it it would make you feel better," I said he nodded

" It's good, I like it," he said, " Alright, then I should get going," I told him before getting closer to the door, " My dad is at the bridge from east," he said before I closed the door behind me, I smirked to myself.

I fucking knew he lied to me, I thought as I went to the bridge somewhere along the beach where me and my family first arrived.


- YOU GAYS? SO MANY CHAPTERS SO QUICK!! (hope I'll keep it up too) I'm starting school in an hour from now so see y'all soon =,))

(DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!! 😋☝) I also didn't have time to look for any mistakes so sorry for any grammar mistakes.


𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungWhere stories live. Discover now