Oh shucks

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|🌟|Neteyam POV:

" I- I didn't mean to, I apologies," I said quickly backing away, " He opened his eyes and stare at me in anger, whipping the blood he had on his jaw, " Fuck off," He said mad as he stormed away from the water, leaving me there.

" Shit- " I whispered to myself as I saw him going back on the sand and the village, I didn't mean to hit him, not that he didn't deserve it, I don't want trouble.

He was a total arsehole for sure, but it wasn't fair on me to just slap him and snap like that, I don't know why I got so builded up with him and let him get on my nerves, that- never happened before, I usually keep my anger shut and act mature, this was very strange.

But he did anger me, I didn't know how to not stop slipping from the Ilu's back he could just show me instead of fucking swearing at me, and begin a total jackass to me

I sighed as I squeezed my hair from the excess water, trying to come up with some lame excuse why didn't I learn how to ride an Ilu I didn't want to explain that me and that asshole fought instead of learning how to do that, I needed to find something-

" Hey! Neteyam " I heard as I turned around to see Tsireya with my brother and little sister on their Ilu, " Oh- Hey " I answered

" Oh? where's my brother- " she said, as I screeched the back of my neck and smile awkwardly at her, " Ah- he taught me everything I need to do, heh, I just feel kinda sick so he decided to leave and train later when I will feel better " I said without mumbling the most important thing not do when lying.

" Ah, alright," she said, " You should go back to the cabin then, bro " Lo'ak added as I nodded, " Going there right now, thanks," I said

As I headed back from the water I went to my cabin where I found Kiri inside, I waved as she waved back, " Did you finish? " she asked, I nodded, " yeah- it was pretty easy " I said, kinda not liking where this conversation going, " Ah alright, it was the most amazing thing! " she cheered 

I nodded. " So- did Tsireya teach you or? " she said, I nodded again.

I got down to take some snacks from our food basket, " Did you name your Ilu? " she questioned after I picked some coconut up and start breaking to drink it, I eyed her, " No, not yet " I said

" I called mine, Ocha," she said, I nodded, " Mine was a stubborn one. " I slightly smiled. I did like the joke I did then,

" Mhm, We should go swimming sometimes and maybe you can choose a name, " she said, as I eyed her again after drinking some coconut juice

" Hm, maybe," I said, " Yeah, I say maybe after you drink I feel like swimming, " she said as I put down the rest of the coconut, " I can't do that now," I said, as she looked at me with judging eyes, " Why not? " 

" I- I feel kinda sick " fuck, I slipped a mumbling there, I hope she won't notice that, 

" Ah- ok, I can make you something then, where does it hurt? " she said, as I smiled.

" Um, here "I pointed at the lower part of my belly, " Ah ok, I think I have something it should calm your pain but be careful it kinda sucks if you don't feel anything at all in that area, " she said as I eyed her deep, my belly didn't hurt- what should I say?

" Actually- I think I feel better now," I said happily, as I smiled, " Oh, ok, so when we're going swimming? " she said as I eyed her, and screeched my neck, " Um " 

She got up from her little table thing where she kept all the medical stuff she bargained herself from home and come closer to me, I was sitting down on a hammock,

" Lying doesn't fit you, Nete," she said seriously as she sat next to me I sighed loudly, 

" So since when did you know? " I said boredly, " Since I went to talk with Tsireya and she wasn't training you," she said in a soft tone smiling, " Oh shucks," I said as I burring my face into my palms

" So? What happened" she said as she patted my shoulder, " Look- I just got and train with Tsireya's brother and it didn't go well. " I said, as she hummed, " Did he say something? "

" I slapped him," I said seriously looking at her, as she made a gasp-socking face, " Wait wait- you what? So you say you slapped him even tho he didn't even raise your hand at you? I'm shocked," she said half-laughing, I rolled my eyes playfully, " Yeah- " I said

" That's a Neteyam I never meet before- " she said, as I pushed her shoulder slightly, " But he started bleeding, " I said, as she  tilted her head, " No- like he had this bruise on his jaw, and my slap made it bleed probably because it was untreated," I said as she nodded

" He probably deserved it anyway, " she said, " He did, but it wasn't fair of me," I said

" Do you feel bad? " she said as I eyed her, kinda surprised, feeling bad for him? ...

" No, of course, no, he's a prick," I said shaking my head, she agreed, " It's just- I don't want the trouble that's all, " I said as she thought. 

He was an arsehole a big one, I didn't hate- hate him but he was on my nerves for quite a while now, yet he didn't deserve that big slap on an already nasty bruise.

" I think I might have something for him " she added, " Hm? "

" I have some kind of lotion you could give those to him? " she brought a leaf-bag to me full of small bottles and patches, " I don't know-, I don't think he might wanna see me again," I said

" Well, find a way, big bro, and jog on because I don't think you will find him later on," she said, as I got up hugging her tight, " Your the best sister," I said, as she patted my back, " just go," she said smiling as I did so.


As I was somewhere close to his cabin I sat there on a rock with the bag in my hands thinking of somehow a way to give this to him without me begin there, I looked around and I found somehow a rock-

" Maybe this? " I whispered to myself as I picked the rock up and looked at it, it was a pretty neat rock I could write something on-

I grabbed my pocket knife as I hardly scribble on it, as I wrote " Sorry -Neteyam " on it, and tied it with a small rope I usually use when the lame from my knife break and I have to put it back.

As I tied the leag-bag to the rock, I grabbed it and go somewhere close to a window hoping it was his and hide in the bush, as I threw the rock at the window, and run away. 


FUN FACT YOU GAYS, I am so sad you don't wanna talk w me anymore :d /hj ALSO DONT FORGET TO VOTE<3  and ty for the 200+ ppl who are reading the story I really wanna see more of you, for my motivation but thank you for everything🌟💙

( I didn't recheck the story so if you see any mistakes I am sorry! I am very tired(mentally) and I'm trying to keep up with the updates </3 )

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