A Hug Too Addict.

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|🌟|Neteyam POV:

- I let myself smirk as we continued kissing, his arms around my waist as my arms were around his neck my elbows raised slightly so my hands could go free into his hair while I sat on his lap,

He broke the kiss raising his head so he could look at me smiling like an idiot, " You're so handsome, love~ " He purred as I rested my forehead onto his forehead rolling my eyes for a second, and returned his smile, " I am? I didn't know that. " I said in sarcasm as he pressed a small kiss on my nose my tail starting to wag just like that, I moved my hand from resting on his shoulders to his cheeks cupping both of his face-sides smiling like an idiot too as he tightened his hold around my waist just making sure I won't fall.

" I think you're way prettier " I added letting myself have a way longer eye contact his cheeks went pinkish shade and he frowned slightly at me in a playful way, " If you insist, then I'll agree " He added as I smirked instead and pressed another kiss on his lips,

We kissed for some minutes just talking about the day we had, as he continued teasing me about my little crush on Huso, and just stuff in general, " You sure did get an e- " He began again with that making me blush like crazy, " Aonung! " I added with a frown as he giggled instead his tail started to wag like that from the sound of the sand moving behind him, " I want to turn over, " I added as a yawn escaped my mouth as he tilted his head and chuckled sweetly at me once again, " Then turn over, love " He added as I turned over as he sat down, from facing him sitting on his lap I face the other side laying my back to his chest as he cuddled me all over him.

I stretched as he laid his head on my shoulder nuzzling his cheek to my neck as I raised my hand and petted him on his head messing his hair around,

We both sat there like that for some time slightly just feeling comfortable next to each other and hearing the sound of the ocean not so far from where we sat down at the coconut area, I started to hear something like a purring sound.

I opened my eyes from my half-nap that was going on as I looked to my side, Aonung was sleeping, or more like a better half-napping and the sound was coming from him, my ears pinched higher to make sure the sound was coming from my boyfriend as I began chuckling almost instantly waking him up, " M- What? " He added raising his from my shoulder as I placed a hand over my mouth to try and stop laughing like that,

" What is it? " He asked me looking at me and getting his grip tighter around me as my body slightly shook from laughing, he frowned at me more confused by why I was laughing, " Neteyam! " He started to laugh too from my small laughing crises, He began tickling me, and I started laughing even more as I jumped from his pull and turned over as he smiled at me, " You just purred- when you napped " I added trying to calm down as he let his hand on my thighs keeping me up, His eyes widen for a second and blushed, " I what- now? " he said as I chuckled once more,

He frowned at me and rolled his eyes at me getting his hands higher up onto my back and pushing me towards me until I could finally reach his lips, kissing them, " What? now? I can't purr if I want to " He said breaking the kiss for a few seconds, I smiled finally calming down, " Of course, you can, love~ " I purred back at him as I cupped his cheeks again and pulled him in a kiss.

" Well that's something- "

- For a second my heartbeat stopped as we heard a voice coming from behind me where the entrance of the coconut area was, I jumped almost in a blink from his arms falling a bit on the sand behind me as Aonung got up from sitting down seeing his shocked face from my view turning around and also getting up as my whole month dropped.


" Ma'am- this is not what is looking like- " Aonung began to explain getting closer as I looked just as shocked and just surprised by everything, her expression was slightly bored with her eyebrow raised,

And then she started to laugh softly, Aonung stopped confused, and looked back at me as Huso wiped a tear from laughing, I looked just as confused, " You don't have to explain Aonung, I will not tell anything to your parents " She added with the same soft tone as before as Aonung sighed in relief then his face shocked with slightly blushed in his cheeks cleared his throat, " Um- Ahem. Tell them what, Ma'am we weren't- " I felt so fucking embarrassed my cheeks I think were just as red since I saw Huso's face when I got up I didn't get anything that was happening around me,

" I found this at the stadium, Ela'va told me it's your bag and that I would find you here " She added throwing a small bag around her shoulder to me, I stared at it fast, and it truly was my bag.

" Oh- Thank you! Huso- " I said quickly scratching the back of my neck still pretty pink in the cheeks, " You two should consider making out in more inside places, will ya, Alright kiddos? " She added to me as my blush grew bigger, Aonung began to talk slightly as he looked at me, " But we weren't- "

" Oh please, I might not be as young but those looks you two give each other is more obvious than you think " She chuckled after saying that, We both blushed.

" I won't tell you're father, you don't have to worry, I was just surprised at first too well- you know see you guys like that in such an open area," She said with a soft yet laugh into it, Aonung let his arms at his chest and clear his throat again, " Yeah- we will be careful next time, Ma'am- "

He assured her as Huso just simply returned a smile to us, and before she turned to go on her way she said in her casual soft tone " Oh- And by the way I'm flatter Neteyam but I am a lesbian " and then went on her way as my face froze in place, As Aonung burst into laughing. 


𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungWhere stories live. Discover now