Denial is a river-

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|🌀|Aonung POV:

- The next day whatever happened yesterday wasn't so much a difference, my head was still burning but not like yesterday, I knew getting mad would affect my health, but it's not like I could control that very well.

The issue was, not that I was angry today, I was angry because of myself, that somehow without me knowing my brain or body or what you wanna call it decided to fall in love without my consent, how dare they right?

It doesn't bother me, and somehow I still wanna be in denial and refuse everything my ego is screaming at me to do, but in reality, I'm not that dumb and I have to deal with this problem in some other way than just ignore it.

I could talk to someone, that would help right now, but knowing me talking with anyone at all about how I fell in love, leaving the 'freak' part, with a MALE na'vi would not look good in anyone's eyes, especially my fathers or my mothers

I don't even know if there's a word for what I am experiencing right now, I don't think I am the only guy who looks at another guy and goes, 'Yeah, I want that' especially if that someone is him.

I mean, come on let's be honest, his somewhat shorter than me, not too scrawny and not too buff, with amazing shoulders and eyes, and just him being him is attractive, to be honest...

In conclusion, I don't fucking know what to do, should I be nicer to him? but I don't know if being nicer to him out of nowhere is noticeable, he's smart and that's bad

Being mean and doing the 'bully' way of liking someone is not it, I can't bully him even if I do it out of love, that's just stupid.

" AONUNG! Breakfast is almost over, wake up " I heard my mom scream and I almost fell from my bed and also my bed of thoughts, " Coming- " I said back, as I got up from half of the bed, as I was half on the floor.

I just went with a lazy bun, I couldn't even think of something in my own house anymore, it was so frustrating, I went into the kitchen of course my dad was nowhere to be seen, I and my sister saw him randomly on the day with work around the village, or night, very late in the night. if we're awake.

" Morning, brother " My sister greeted me, I nodded and sat down to eat an apple, As I was eating my mom went to the door, and knocking started to be heard, I heard her sigh a bit before calling me.

" Aonung, it's for you " she added, as I got up with my almost finished apple and went to the door, " Oh," I said, Ani'ran and Ela'va standing at the door.

" Hi- sorry to bother you for breakfast, we just wonder if you wanna hang out with us? " Ela'va said, I wasn't the mood for those guys- " I don't know, I'm not in the mood for Axel and his shit " I added, Ani'ran frowned, " No- we meant if you wanna hang out with us," she said while moving her finger at her and Ela'va, " Oh! sure, I guess," I said, I put the apple in the trashcan and waved bye to my sister, my mom was too occupied with her stuff, and went with the girls.

As we went to the coconut area, someone was waiting for us.

" Neteyam! We're back, " Ani'ran said as he waved us over to sit, I felt my ears burn for a second, without a reason in particular.

We came over and sat on some rock that I guess was brought over by Ani'ran and Ela'va a while back, so we could hang out here, the coconut trees planted by us not so long ago making a nice shadow over the whole small area where we were sitting.

" So, anyone anything new to say? "  Ela'va added, " Oh, I have one, a good one, " Ani'ran said, I raised an eyebrow, " What! Say It " Ela'va said, " Yira'ki and Ax'el broke up, " Ani'ran said as Ela'va gasped, I was surprised myself too, " HOW!? " Ela'va said, " Yira'ki hooked up with someone, and Ax'el found out " 

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