Ropes and Ties

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|🌀|Aonung POV:

" What are we even going to tell them anyway." I asked him as he sighed and crossed his arms to his chest, " Well- maybe I got sick or something or a body fever and you went to- hmm " 

" To hell probably, " I added as a joke as he tsked, " I'm serious, Aonung " I nodded at him, " Me too" I gave him a sweet smile instead.

" Maybe- you went to get another axe? and we broke this one and we tossed it somewhere here, " He began as he picked up some of our axes from the ground, I made a thinking face, " Yeah- alright, that maybe works- " He sighed and went closer to me,

" I'll break the axe before going back to my cabin to get another, you should head to your cabin then. " I said as Neteyam started resting his head on my chest softly, " I don't want to go home alone tho- " He sighed as I wrapped my arms around him.

Letting my chin on his head, " I know, I don't want either but maybe we can see each other tonight, at the coconut area? " I said as I raised my head so I could let him face me,

He pressed his lips onto my lips, " Fair enough, then " He responded with a small soft smile, " I think I'm getting a body fever anyway, my arms are sore " I chuckled as I let him back away, letting myself hold his hands into mine, " Then go rest. " I said back to him, raising his hands and kissing them.

He playfully rolled his eyes a bit " See you later, " He went in and kissed me before he went on his way to his cabin very sneaky so no one would see him, I went back and picked the axe and I broke the stone part of it in half.

I went fast too to the cabin and picked a random axe, to my luck there was no one inside when I came by as it was already somewhere past lunchtime but I jumped when I opened the door and I was faced with my sister,

" Oh- ewya- Sis you scared me " I added backing away and lowering the new axe as I almost went on and swayed at her, she exhaled a bit and looked at me with a big frown, " Where the hell have you been!? " She snapped as I tilted my head slightly,

" To get a new axe? " I said raising it to her face, she pushed it slightly and exhaled some more, did she run here or what?

" for like? two hours or- " I rolled my eyes a bit, " No- I kind of fell asleep when I first came to take it, that's why it took some time " I explained as she went inside closing the door behind her,

" And. Neteyam..? " She stopped mid-walking to the table and turned around laying a bit on the wooden table, as I put the axe down next to the doorway.

" I don't know- that Prick was still there when I left " I explained trying to wonder what nickname I could use and not blow my cover, I even almost called him by his name, and to my sister that would be suspect.

" Oh..Ok then " I nodded as I crossed my arms to my chest too, as my sister looked pretty tired, " Sorry if I- you know freaked you out," I said, as I remember the stuff she said back there with that bitch of a freak,

I love my sister, and I would protect her with my own life if needed even from this new 'crush' of her, and sometimes even tho I don't feel that love back I enjoyed hearing her take my side out there, it warmed me up as hell.

She smiled slightly at me, " It's fine, I have been a little worried nothing much " she explained as I gave a small smile back too,

" So- did the rest finish or? " I asked as she nodded a no, " Actually we still have to bring those trees you cut and the roof," she said.

" Ah- well I can come with you if you want " she agreed, " Yeah, bring that axe too if the other one breaks, " I nodded as she started to go to the door, I slightly put myself in front of her.

" Actually- can we hug..? " I asked a bit weirded out by it, she tilted her head a bit but smiled softly at me, " Yeah, I kinda want a hug too, big bro " She answered letting her arms take hold of me as I hugged her back,

I missed this, I missed talking with my sister a lot.

" Thanks, Reya..." I whispered, " What is the worth of a sister if I can't give you the minimum? silly " She added, as I rolled my eyes and smiled back, " Yeah, I guess you're right "


- As we finally got back to the burned cabin that was built, with me and Tsireya both holding some of the cut trees, and well of course I had most of them while Reya held somewhere to four trenches,

" Put them here " She signed to me as she dropped the trenches down somewhere close to the foundation and so did I, as I noticed Rotxo and Kiri somewhere close working on the roof down on the sand until we could tight it on top of the cabin,

" Oh, Aonung! Can you bring me some of the trenches and the palmer leaves from there? " Rotxo called, as I nodded back and went on getting those stuff getting closer to these lovebirds who were all giggling while working on the roof,

" There, man," I said as he gave some of the leaves to Kiri, " Thanks, " he responded as I noticed how Kiri sighed, and I didn't even know if it was because of me.

" My hands are so sore- from all of the ropes we need to tight.." She added more to Rotxo's way than me, I didn't say anything wanting to turn and leave to see if Reya wanted anything,

But. She was my Boyfriend's sister.

" I can finish the rest then..." I added slowly careful about how could i tone, as she slightly looked up and so did Rotxo at me, Rotxo seemed surprised.

"'re talking to me...? " She asked, I felt cringed for some reason, I mean I was looking down at her while saying who'd I be talking with? The sand she sat on?

" Yeah- " I responded, again emotionless with a slight tint and I mean the smallest tint of nice in my tone, I didn't want to sound rude or sarcastic about it.

She looked down at Rotxo and back at me then back at Rotxo and then back at me, what the hell was wrong with people nowadays anyway?

" Sure- Um Thanks...! " She added quickly getting up and letting me sit down in her place as I went on with the ropes tightening the trenches and palmer leafs together,

As Kiri finally went to talk to Reya, Rotxo's eyes never leaving me, I glared a bit at him, " What? " I said back to him trying to still keep my focus on those leaves and trenches,

" Nothing- but that was not something rude too well- you know of the 'freaks' " He added being sarcastic by the end, I sighed a bit and looked up back at him, " I can be nice. " I said.

" And she's your girlfriend after all..." I added after, and to be honest, that was also a reason but the most and the biggest part of the reason well- you know, she was Neteyam's sister.

And I had to deal with that.

𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungWhere stories live. Discover now