Good Night, Neteyam

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|🌀|Aonung POV:

- I held his wrist going back to my cabin he didn't say anything as we walked I tried being slower and not hurrying him too much, Tsireya had to do her task and my parents weren't home anyway so we had a few hours together.

I felt weird but at the same time I felt angry for seeing him on that hill sick and yet trying to bring a huge rock down, I knew he was stubborn and when it was about work and responsibilities he was clearly way more responsible and mature than I was.

But yet he's still young for this kind of overworking, he took care of his siblings way more than his parents did and I felt bad, he is clearly neglecting himself and yet never complains about how tired he is, like ever.

I just wanted to hold him, I felt like holding him all day and just praising him and taking care of him like a baby, weird? yeah fuck yeah, but yet the way his whole daddy or mommy issues are so clearly makes me act like a parent,

As I opened the door he stopped walking.

" At yours- " he said, I turned around, " Yeah, there's no one home " I explained, I was still so angry with him, but I couldn't let my anger out on my tone, I was calm because I felt like he was going to cry if I scream right now for some reason.

" Ok- " he added and came inside as I just walked straight to my room, as I opened my door I made him go in front as he was walking after me still holding his wrist, and I grabbed his legs up in a princess hold,

" Aonung! " he said a bit shocked from picking up from nowhere, " Shut up, " I said as I dropped him in my bed, he yelped as he fell from my arms, " Asshole- " he said yawning, idk why but his yawns are straight up so cute,

" Wait here I'll bring you something to eat, " I said as he frowned at me, " I'm not hungry," he said with a serious tone, as I looked down at him and also frowned back.

I got closer to him and put my knee between his legs as he backed away letting his back on the cabin walls I got closer to him almost an inch away from his lips with my face letting my arms to his sides to keep myself up,

" I don't care. You're eating either way " he closed his eyes and then opened them again, he pecked my lips, " Fine. " he responded with the same serious tone maybe a bit madder.

I got up and went to the kitchen starting to make him something, I still had some fish and fries so I made those up and put them on a plate,

I went back into my room and he cuddled up in my blanket, he yawned as soon as I went in sat next to him, and handed him the plate, and he yawned again.

" After you're eating your sleeping," I said as he frowned at me while munching on his fries, " I have to help Tsireya "

" She's big enough to handle that, I don't care Neteyam, you hurt yourself, doesn't that matter at all for you? " I asked him letting my mad tone slip a bit.

" It does.. " he said quietly, I sighed, " It doesn't at all, and that worries me "

He sighed letting his plate down for a bit, " I didn't mean to worry you " he said, I placed my hand on his knee and kissed his shoulder.

" I know, but you must eat and sleep, or at least let me take care of you. " I responded and he sighed with rosy cheeks looking at me, he turned to me and jumped in my arms.

The blanket still covered the both of us as he wrapped his arms around my neck I let mine go around his waist, his tail waving like crazy, and I smiled widely.

We never actually hugged before and I genuinely liked it, his cold body on my warm one felt like heaven, and his smell all over me, letting his weight on me letting me in control.

I let my back fall on the bed letting him stay on me, he frowned as he moved his arms letting them on my chest, while I still held his waist,

He took his tongue out at me I raised an eyebrow and kissed his nose, and he yawned, " You're cute " he said as I chuckled, " I'm cute? " I asked him, he nodded lightly.

He went closer than going in to kiss me, I placed my hand over his mouth, and he frowned, " Eat and then sleep. " I said smiling.

He groaned and got up from me getting his plate back, I also got up.

I went back to the kitchen and started making him tea to calm him down, and went back as he finally finished his plate, I handed him the tea, and he started to drink it,

I stretched and sat next to him again waiting for him to finish his drink, neither I nor Neteyam talked, we just sat in silence but I enjoyed it, just there next to him watching him in my blanket drinking the tea I made for him, I wanted to cuddle up with him badly but I couldn't just tell him that, he would probably call me weird or something.

I smiled as he looked at me, " You're staring " he said, I raised my shoulders, " And? " I asked, " Don't stare," he said smiling as he put the empty cup down, " Don't tell me what to do, " I said as I got up and went to him raising his chin and went straight to his lips kissing them.

I broke the kiss and then he went straight up for a number two, I bit his lip lightly and backed away from that one too.

" Sleep. " I said he sighed and cuddled up in my blanket again and buried his face into my pillow, " Good Night! " he shouted his voice muffled from the pillow I chuckled,

" Good Night, Neteyam," I said taking the cup and leaving the room.



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