Painful Soup!

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|🌟|Neteyam POV:

" It's- about Tsireya... "

Tsireya? In like Aonung's sister, In like the kindest and nicest na'vi I ever meet how could she bring Lo'ak in such a situation?

" Tsireya? " I added as he looked up at me for a slight of a second then back at the table and sighed, " Yeah..." He said to me as he looked away, I slightly frowned, I thought he had a fight with someone and they said something triggering but Tsireya? How could I deal with that, I could beat those guys that provoked him, of course, But it's not like I can go and what? hit Tsireya? No, thank you.

" I don't understand, " I said again after some time of silence, He didn't say anything anymore but I could slightly see some tears going down his cheeks, I felt bad again, I felt worried again, how, how could Tsireya bring my baby brother into such moment? What happened, what the fuck happened,

" I- I'm an idiot..." He added suddenly as he wiped his dry tears desperately, I got closer to him letting a hand on his shoulder, " We can stop talking about it if makes you- " I added trying to calm him down, his body shook for a second but then he interrupted me, " I feel in love with her. " I think my jaw dropped.

Not that he had feelings for her, that was long ago obvious, I knew that already but my little brother? Telling me something about his feelings about his little crush that's so fucking new, Who's this and what did he do with Lo'ak,

I tried changing my face before he could see me shocked as hell, " Oh, I see. " I added trying to sound calm and bold, so I wouldn't make him uncomfortable, He sighed more as he finally looked at me getting his head up, from the table and then replacing it with his hands, slowly fidgeting with his fingers, " You tried telling her that, and it got bad? " I asked trying to find out what happened, He frowned to himself and sighed even more lowering his head and moving his eyes from me back to the floor.

" It kind of- It started from way back, small arguments at first because of her brother always picking a fight with you..." He began talking as I frowned too at his words, of course, It was going to be my fault somewhere around this thing,

" Then, After we kind of sorted that out, and started hanging out more and more, I kind of- realized something, that maybe I like her company that much for some reason, you know.." He added once again, I simply nodded and continued listening, " But then, that asshole came in again, picking fights and well maybe I was trying to pick fights too since he came to us that day, with those guys, that first day I kind of hated this asshole and you know maybe I look for fights too since then. " He started again, unsure of what he said, shaky voice and trying to explain to me what happened even tho I didn't understand a bit, but went with it.

" So we kind of started arguments again, she always tried an excuse for her brother, telling me he is not like this always he's just like this when someone is triggering him and how I could give him a chance, and I tried, I really tried but then the task thing happened with you and him being put to cut the trees, you getting hurt, his reaction, everything, It got me mad again, she tried to calm me down but I didn't listen I started being very mad towards her but manage to calm myself at home and apologized in the morning..." I sighed at everything I'd heard, how could me and Aonung be such a prick in their life, how did we get to this?

" I wanted to apologize, I got her some flowers and she invited me inside, and we- kind of- kissed...? " My jaw dropped again, MY BABY BROTHERRR AWHH! HIS FIRST EVER KISS THAT'S SOOO! I AM SO PROUD OF HIM! 

" Oh! " That's all I could add to that, he threw me a small frown, I smiled guiltily at him and pat his shoulder once again so he could continue, he sighed instead even more going back to his sad frown and continued the story, " Then- after some days we manage to get into a fight again, I told her about how much her brother gets me mad and she tried to protect him again and take his side, so we fought about it, I pushed the line again, going and saying bad stuff about her family- about him, about literally I don't even know but I knew I was so fucking mean and a bitch overall, and then she slapped me. " 

𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungWhere stories live. Discover now