Significant one

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|🌀|Aonung POV:

" I can't believe that shit punched you " one of my friends commented as we were in the medical cabin, " Yeah, me neither, what guts he has, " my other friend said

" I mean if I were a freak like him I wouldn't even dare to speak back " I hummed in response as someone bandaged up my upper arm, " What do you say, Aonung, " one of them said

" What do you mean," I said in an emotionless tone, " We should plan something to make that freak regret it, " some others said as the rest agreed, " No " I demanded

" Why not, your feeling bad now or what, " Ax'el said, one of the worst guys I ever meet to me, I frowned, " I never said that " 

" Well I think you've meant that, " he said back, as I got up from the leaf bed I was sitting on, I got close to him as I frowned deeply, and stare at him in anger

" And I think you are forgetting where you stand next to me, Ax," I said looking into his eyes as he blinked twice, his whole head was almost covered in a bandage and still had some more bruises on his face, even a purple eye.

" Yeah, your right- " he said quietly as I sighed and took my way to the door, " Wait! I didn't bandage your jaw- " some lady from the medical cabin said, " I don't need it," I said back before closing the door behind me


" Oh, my eywa! Aonung! " I heard Tisreya scream after me when I got closer to our cabin, " What happen !? " she said while expecting my bandaged upper arm, I almost flinched from the pain but I just hissed back at her a little, " I'm fine, just a scratch, "I said as she frowned at me

" I just got back from the medical cabin and your little group is all but in a bad state, I don't think it's just  a scratch, " she said, as I rolled my eyes

" Why do you even care, anyways," I said harsher this time while taking my arm from her

" I do care! you are my brother for Eywa's sake! What's wrong with you " she said back with her tone matching mine now, I frowned even deeper, " You little freak friends attacked us! " I snapped at her, " What do you- " she started but I interrupted her immediately

" You heard that right, you and your "little buddies", I told you they were dangerous and you never, ever listen to me! " I snapped, " They would never! " She said back to me almost in tears,

" They did look "I start shoving my arm to her aggressively, " But you never care, you only care about them, so go on and be their sister, not mine. " I said finally, going inside our cabin and closing the door behind me 

As I entered my room I groaned as I throw myself into the bed, I didn't get why Reya cared so much for those freaks, and even after that fucked up fight I hate them even more than ever now.

When I was about to get out of bed from all the anger that was in me, I heard a knock on the door, and I sighed even more, who the fuck-

I got up and already sighing I opened it, " Tsireya, I told you- " I didn't get to finish what I was about to say and open my eyes to an injured freak with a purple eye

" Um- not Tsireya actually," he said bothered, I frowned already tired, " What do you want? " I said angrily, " Could I talk with you for a minute? " he said to my surprise not in a very angry tone, I hummed, " Go on, " I said as I started walking on the beach with the freak

" So um- I just wanted to apologize for my behavior," he said in an uncomfortable tone, and I cringed, " Yeah ok," I said

" Ok? You won't like, say it back- " He said in his normal annoying-freak tone, " Why would I, " I said not even eyeing him, " You started picking on us, so we both did wrong there " he argues and I rolled my eyes.

" Look I don't care," I said truthfully as he stopped walking and I did too, " And I said I was sorry, " I frowned, " My dad doesn't command me to apologize to you about this fight because you were the one who jumped into the fight, I wouldn't touch you if you didn't jump to snap my head off, " he already looked like he would do that again right there

" Look, I know your dad makes you apologize ok? I don't care, so don't you ever speak with me ever again Freak, " I stepped in front of him death staring

He slightly pushed me back, " I hope you rot into the world I came from, " he said, as I made a disgusted face, " Yeah right. " I said as he stormed off back to the cabins, as we were on the beach close to the water,

" Yoo dude! " I heard Rotxo say from behind me, as I turned and waved, " Hey," I said almost with the same tone without wanting to, " So you heard about it too? " I said in sarcasm, 

" Yeah, you good dude? " he said as I raised my shoulders, as we started to head back because it was already night time only the cabins lights were firing and it was a bit colder than normal

" Just tired," I said, as he nodded, " What happened- tho if you want to tell me, of course " 

" They picked up the fight and I finished it, " I said as he hummed, " You sure that's all ? " he said as I frowned, " I just made fun of them? ok, but that freak jumped to fight, " I said grumpily, 

" One day I hope someone will change that opinion of yours," he said as I laughed in sarcasm

" Not gonna happened any time soon, my friend," I said as he smiled

" You know- maybe you will find your significant one, who might do that," he said as I took my tongue out, " Ew," I said

As we were at my cabin's door, he patted my shoulder, " One day we'll see " he said as he took off on his way.

𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungWhere stories live. Discover now