Coming Out.

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|🌀|Aonung POV:

- One thing is for sure, one thing that I have been hiding for so many years in my life so many things I ignored, and chose never to say out-loud,

I wanted to wait and maybe ask both Ran and Ela'va about this because it's clear that they know more about it, or maybe even Neteyam, but what else can ask when I feel like it's right even though it sounds wrong?

I am gay.

It's so simple and I feel like laughing if I think about it now, but that's true, being gay, the definition of it it's pretty clear to me now, and simple as it is, someone who identifies as 'gay' is someone who is a boy or neutral gender and likes boys. as I heard from Ran and Ela'va,

And as much as it just feels wrong because I was raised thinking or well never hearing of such a thing before, now it feels wrong to call myself such, even tho it feels right, somehow.

And it feels even more right when I am being pinned down by the sand with my hands both to my head by Hus'kno, and yeah I've known her for some years since I was a kid because I helped her before with training as such, both me and Tsireya,

She's a beautiful woman for sure, with pretty long-curly hair and very buffy yet in such a feminine way, and to be honest I feel comfortable saying I don't find her attractive at all, of course, she is, but for someone who is attracted to women.

My wonder was more too Neteyam because before I and Hus'kno could get into the final moves for free-hand training, I noticed his behavior when Hus'kno approached them to get a hair tie, he looked to my surprise extremely red almost like he had a fever yet he felt just fine a few seconds ago, I raised an eyebrow when I fixed my eyes to his and he looked away embarrassed,

Why would he be embarrassed anyway?

It's like I caught him with something, I didn't know what, something I might ask him later, for sure,

" Ok! Kids, we will take a small brake go to our little helpers from today and take your food packs to eat. " Hus'kno added with a sweet smile to those kids, and turned to me instead, " Aonung could you bring me the hunting tools for the next lesson, from the storage cabin? " She asked me as I nodded back to her, " Yeah, sure " I added going right on my way,

I didn't even have time to go see how Neteyam was feeling, but I'll go when I finish with the tools, maybe.

I got passed the whole stadium and finally caught with my eyes the storage cabin, a smaller yet more useful cabin if you ask me, it was smaller but it had so much storage space, it was insane how much stuff could fit into that thing,

I began walking closer to it and my eyes widened for a second, as I met in view all balled up Neteyam, dropped down to his feet making himself small, you could say he was crying but he was not because you couldn't hear it.

I walked closer to him and raised an eyebrow more curious and maybe worried.

" Neteyam? " I asked him, he looked up as I finally came into view with something I could never imagine seeing, his face was full red, widened eyes and extremely panicked exactly when he met my eyes as surprised as his,

He shook his head fast and began to get up as fast, " Oh- Hey! " He added as he got up and I stood their freezer, he didn't look into my eyes as he let his head down and looked at his feet sighing loudly,

" Sorry I left- I just needed some air " He added once again as I also shook my head, I felt embarrassed to tell him I didn't even notice he left, to be honest, " Oh- it's fine, Hus'kno sent me here to get some stuff, so, " I said still very curios about literally everything as his eyes still wondered down at his feet.

𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungWhere stories live. Discover now