Are you ok?

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|🌀|Aonung POV:

- When I woke up this morning I felt a huge headache coming up so it made me feel even more tired and even more not ready for the duo swim race, today.

But of course, I couldn't hope my day would go well when my bedroom door opened and smashed into the walls of my room, " Sun and rise~ " I heard my sister sing as I groaned and covered my head under my pillow, " No thanks " I answered my voice being muffled by the pillow

" Oh come on, we have plenty of time today, but we have to do teams before the test will start! " She said as I took my head out and frowned at her, " Ok, then I'm teaming up with you, end of problem," I said as I went back to sleeping my day off.

" no, you can't because I'm teaming up with Lo'ak " I gasped as I raised my head again, " Don't fucking tell me your teaming up with a freak instead of me " I added, in a more bored tone than angry

" Oh, come on! bro, we can team up with anyone " I got up sitting on my bed, " Yeah! but the freak team is against us, are you fucking serious?! " I said as I frowned at her standing up, as she put her arms to her chest, " I can team up with who I want, end of the problem," she said matching my frown and almost hiss at me, I rolled my eyes

" Fine! Then I'll team up with Rotxo! " I said storming up the door, as she followed me into the kitchen, " You can't do that either because he's teaming up with Kiri," she said as we both sat at the table, " WHAT! "

As I screamed, Our mom turned around with a bowl of fruits in her hands, " Aonung! Watch your tone " she added as she placed the bowl in front of me, " yeah, sorry " I said as I looked back at my sister who sat in front of me, " Now for real, are you kidding me " I said in a normal tone, now.

" No, he is teaming up with her, " my sister said as I hissed to myself, " But- WHY!? " I shouted again as I felt my headache even more, " Aonung " I heard my mom, " Sorry! ugh, I don't get it " I said again to my sister, she tilted her head, " What do you mean? " she said, as I frowned even deeper.

" I don't understand why both You. and my fucking best friend go up and team with some freaks instead of me. " I said with full anger tone at her, she frowned back, " Well because we can and we want to, " She said, " But- there are fucking FREAKS! " I said again without realizing it, shouting, hissing at my sister, " They are our friends Aonung! " she said matching my hiss.

" Both of you! That's enough "My mom came in as soon as we started, or I started shouting, " Aonung. if you woke up angry you should go outside for some air " she stated as I frowned my anger levels growing even more and the pain from my head not helping very much, " WHAT! BUT- " My mom put a finger up at me, as I hissed to myself, " That's not fair! They fucking betrayed me to go team up with some fucking weirdos! " I said as she hissed back at me, " I said what I said, go take some air, end of discussion," she said fixing her eyes at me.

I hissed and smashed my fist into the table before storming off the door and closing it behind me.

" UGH! FUCK SAKES " I shouted and hissed loudly as soon as I was outside kicking a rock-hard storming around the beach to myself. I felt so much anger and after some time I almost forgot the reason why I was angry.

It wasn't fair! nothing from this was fair, My sister suddenly decided after years and years of me and her teaming up for this race to change that and team up with a freak she knows for WHAT, some months! That's absurd, And I don't even start that on Rotxo my fucking BESTFRIEND who suddenly wanted to go team up with some freak chick he finds cute!? WHAT THE FUCK.

I stormed for some time as I finally sat down my head killing me from the inside and burning my fucking brain, I don't know why it hurts so much this morning I usually had many headaches in the morning but none felt so bad, I don't know if it was because I got my anger levels so high up or it was just another fucked up day of mine.

" Are you ok? " I heard suddenly as I took the hand that I kept on my face and look on my side, that fucking freak next to me, I got up and fixed my eyes on him, and the only feeling I had inside me was anger. and disgust, " What the fuck do you want, hm. " I said almost snapping at him too.

" What," he said a bit confused but not scared, " I think you know what I meant, did you fucking put your siblings to team up with the only persons I care about or what! " I said getting closer my head burning and fixing my eyes deepen on him, " I don't understand," he said as he frowned at me in confusion, " YOU FUCKING KNOW WHAT I MEAN! " I hissed at him.

" I- " he said as I interrupted him, suddenly slightly pushing him, " I fucking hate you. you, your family, I don't fucking get it! Why did my fucking sister and my best friend are closer to freaks like you, not even truly freaks but demon-blooded! I DON"T FUCKING GET IT! " I shouted at him as I got closer a breath away from him, his eyes widening and silent, not even a word.

" TELL ME! " I said, he was still silent, not moving, nothing.

Suddenly I felt my body heat up, my head numb from pain as I raised my fist and smashed it to his face as he fell to the floor with his nose broken, and bleeding.

" YOU- " I hissed as my eyes widened for a second, he was down and down on the sand with blood dripping from his broken nose, big golden eyes looking at me, scared.

He's fucking scared of me.

" I-  I didn't mean to, " I said backing away, as he got up brushing the blood off.

"You're a monster," he said with a tiny voice, as I felt my water line growing as I backed away from him, his face bleeding, his eyes widening, he looked so fucking scared of me, I never wanted to make him fear away from me, or hurt me but-, what the fuck did I- do.

" FUCK! "

- I opened my eyes, and suddenly as I felt tears burning my cheeks, I was on the same spot on the sand where I first sat down, tears coming from my eyes and that freak nowhere to be seen.

I placed my palms to my face as my headache was gone by now, I took a deep breath in and out as I felt anger leave my body and sudden fear filling it back, what the fuck was that?

𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungWhere stories live. Discover now