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|🌟|Neteyam POV:

- It was already nighttime when I left Aonung's house, not too late for the big fire thing to light up, but pretty dark that I couldn't see where I was going.

The good thing was that even tho I barely saw where I was going, I had done this path from Aonung's to mine a million times, not that it bothers me, but it would be pretty amazing if we were neighbors or something, just leaving my room out on my window and then coming to his window and sleep there every night and sneak in my room as soon as the sun rises,

I would enjoy that a lot, but as more as I think about it now, having my boyfriend next to my cabin seems more dangerous than enjoyable, my sibling would probably notice I was going to his cabin and that I would stay there for hours anyway,

Before I realized I was already at the door of my cabin, I opened the door and got hit by a lot of lighting, to my surprise, my parents weren't home, but instead, I found Lo'ak and Kiri taking dinner.

" Oh wow, look who decided to come home " Lo'ak answered as soon as I closed the door behind me, " You're brother, yeah, good to see you too " I answered as I went to the cabinets of the kitchen, " I'm surprised you even came home before the big fire started " he added again,

" Well, I did. " I said, a bit harsher than I wanted it to sound, but I was so over with my brother's annoying tone, " Lo'ak stop it already " Kiri added,

" Why would I? I don't like how he has been lying to us for some time now " Lo'ak added as I took a carambola fruit from the basket we had in the kitchen and lay there looking at the table where my brother and sister ate,

" I know- but arguing like two kids won't resolve anything," Kiri said, " Where's mom and dad " I asked as Kiri turned to me, " They aren't coming home tonight " I raised an eyebrow 

" Why not- "I asked, as Lo'ak also turned to me " Well if you were here when our parents visited us, you'll know " Lo'ak hissed at me, I frowned even more putting my fruit down, " Fuck off, Lo'ak," I said even mad now.

I heard Kiri sigh, " They have to catch this big fish thing- I think, that has been killing Tulkus" Kiri explained, I nodded, " Ah- alright "

" I don't know how long they will be gone, they said around a day or so," She said, I nodded, " Thanks Kiri," I said.

" So I'm guessing you won't come home tomorrow at all hm? " Lo'ak added again as he got up from the table coming with his empty plate to the kitchen cabinets where I was,

I sighed to myself, " Even if I don't that's not you're business " He put the plate in the sink and sighed extremely angrily, " What the hell is wrong with you " I fixed my eyes on his as I felt his anger all over me,

I frowned even more at him, " Nothing. You're the one annoying me " I spat, as he frowned too, " If you think that my desire to know where you are and if you're okay is annoying, then it's clear that you don't know me at all, brother. " He said again,

" I don't need you're caring Lo'ak, if you haven't noticed I can protect myself than you two could ever " I placed my hand on his chest pushing him a bit away from me, as he almost hissed at him,

" Both of you stop it- Lo'ak please, " Kiri said as she also got up from the table, as Lo'ak did so getting away from me, " Neteyam- even tho you are much stronger than us, we still care, and we still going to be here for you even tho you don't need our help," She said

" I know..." I sighed, trying to calm myself out, " It's just, that I hate that you two care too much about what I'm doing " I explained as Kiri came to sit with me, " We don't care too much, we care because we love you, Neteyam "

" Not to add that you lied to us, we never lie to each other " Lo'ak added from his place at the table not even looking at me,

" I didn't want to lie to you two, but maybe I don't want to tell you everything, maybe it's just something I have to deal with alone because it's something you two can't help me with, " I said again. as I felt a hand on my shoulder,

" And that's alright, we're not forcing you to talk, " Kiri said, " But still- if you lied to us so casually so relaxed so easily which you never did before, we don't even know how many lies you told us until now, " Lo'ak said turning to me and Kiri,

I sighed, " You're right, but if I wasn't lying then, then- you two wouldn't let me leave, and if you did you two would get sad I wasn't able to stay for breakfast "

Kiri sighed, " And I don't mean I don't enjoy breakfast with my siblings, you idiots," I said as soon as I saw the slightest sad faces they made,

" It's just sometimes I have to leave, even if I like it or not, and I simply can't stay for breakfast even tho it's not a task with Tsireya "

" I'm sorry. " I finally finished saying as I felt a hug around me from Kiri, " Alright then " I hugged her back, " Just let us know when you truly have a task with Tsireya and when you don't next time even tho you have to leave " 

I smiled a bit, " I will "I said,

As I hugged Kiri I watched Lo'ak at the table, " Come here skxawng " I said to him as I heard a big sigh from him as he joined our hug,

" I'm sorry too- " he said as I rolled my eyes a bit and ruffled my baby brother's hair, he slapped my hand away in annoyance, " Me too, and I'll tell you where I am going when I can "I explained as Lo'ak sighed again,

" You better will, skxawng..."


- I'm so sorry for the late chapter, I got a fever two days ago and I barely could get up from bed, I'm doing better now and I hope I can keep up with this program of posting, ily all! <33

(don't forget to comment&vote you skxawngs!! ⚠️)

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