Family Dinner

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|🌟|Neteyam POV:

- As Tuk finally went to the shower I finally went back to the kitchen to where my other siblings were, i sat down and joined them at the table with a big glare on my face as they both looked extremely guilty.

I finally sat down as Kiri placed all the food, and somehow they made some kind of fruit salad with apple sauce she also placed it on the table,

I took a plate for myself, of the soup I made as Lo'ak began, sighing, " We're sorry- we didn't mean to forget Tuk- " He explained, as I simply continued slurping on my soup,

Their idiots, massive ones, We had different days when any of us could pick up Tuk, our parents were always busy, always coming very late or very early in the morning, constantly working so we could live in this village, while we had one job, taking care of each other, of Tuk mostly.

I needed to pick her up on certain days, and they had their own, it was strict and when I couldn't go to pick her up or they couldn't we made sure we told each other so something like this wouldn't happen,

I felt guilty too on my own, forgetting Tuk like that even tho I didn't need to pick her up today, she was still bullied, beaten up, and called things while I couldn't be there to help her out.

" Neteyam? " Kiri asked once again as I probably zoned out, i sighed to myself and looked up at her, " I'm not mad just about that. " I said as they both looked at each other confused,

" You just punched someone who had no fault. " I said again referring to Aonung this time, as the room just went dead silent.

" He is still an asshole. " Lo'ak added while he looked at his plate, I frowned instead and looked at him to my side, " He still did nothing wrong this time, you should apologize, we don't want trouble with him- again. " I said almost stuttering there, my bad.

He sighed in anger and frowned back at me, " I think you should do that too- Lo'ak " Kiri added as Lo'ak turned her frown to her instead, I raised an eyebrow, that's new for sure.

" Weird you saying that what's up with you anyway, taking that bitch side? hm, sis? " Lo'ak asked turning to her, I looked weird.

" I didn't. " She frowned at Lo'ak too now, " You did, you didn't even know why I punched him, wrong or not, and took his side almost instantly. " He spat louder this time as I tried to enjoy my food,

" He was nice to me.." Kiri added to Lo'ak's argument as I almost choked on my food, he was what now? " Nice- HA! Funny, sis! " Lo'ak laughed that off,

She frowned even more.

" My hands were sore from tightening the leaves for the roof of the cabin, and he offered to finish my job. " She added which caught me off guard,

That's so nice, I am proud of him.

" Yeah, maybe he just acted, he's just a biggest of a racist and asshole as this whole fucking village... " Lo'ak finally spat pushing himself off the chair very fast making the whole table shake, i almost jumped in surprise too,

" I- What- " I said as Lo'ak closed the door behind him as loud as he got off the table leaving me and Kiri confused as fuck.

" What was that..? " Kiri asked me probably as I turned back from looking at the door where Lo'ak went to my soup and then back at Kiri as I raised my shoulders, " I don't know- " I said.

Not long after, I could hear the water turn off in the bathroom so I placed my empty food in the sink and went to check Tuk as Kiri was washing her plate.

I knocked as she agreed and I joined the bathroom as Tuk waited for me to help her with her hair as she sat there in her towel.

" You're done? " I asked and she nodded placed a chair in front of the mirror and hopped on it, i put myself behind her taking a brush and a few ties to style her hair.

She started to move her legs forth and back on the chair again as I whistled, and started brushing the hair dry.

" Did you two ever kiss? " She said suddenly, making me pull too hard. " Ow! " She hissed again as I slightly backed away with the brush my cheeks flushed and my eyes widened for a second there, trying to cough, " Sorry- Tuk- I didn't expect that question.." I added more quietly as she made a bruh face, " That's fine, I'll ask first if I can put that kind of question, Big bro! " She said happily, I slightly smiled too.

" Thank you. " I added going back into brushing her hair, " So did you? " I slightly made a bruh face too now as I placed the brush down and started braiding the hair together,

" Maybe- " I clicked my tongue as she made an even more brushed face at my answer, as I finished a few braids fast, " Did you two, hug..? " She asked again, talking quietly, and thank ewya she did, I didn't need any more of my siblings to find out, I still couldn't believe myself my little fucking sister, TUK? knew, and she also knew who it was not just that this person was a boy.

" We did " I added this time as she slightly smiled back, yet still pretty bored, " Did you guys- " I interrupted her this time, " Done! You should get to bed, it's late. " I added this time receiving a sad face from my sister instead as she jumped off the chair and picked her bag up going outside with me following her, still with a sad face as we both went to her room.

" We will talk tomorrow, ok? " I added hugging her slightly as she passed her bag somewhere on the floor going to the closet to change for bed, she nodded to me, " Night, Neteyam " She added with a smile and I happily smiled back at her as I closed the door and the light. I loved my little sister too much sometimes, I wish people were more like her.

As I finally return to the kitchen finding the table clean and Kiri probably in her room, sleeping.

I quickly made a small package with some soup and put the package with the fruit salad in the freezer so it would be fresh in the morning for Tuk, as she didn't want to eat dinner.

I quickly finished everything for Tuk tomorrow and went to my room jumping right on the bed sighing from tiredness, yawning,

I tried moving from side to side, on my stomach and my back in the bed, As I groaned to myself, I couldn't sleep even tho I was hella tired like HELLA tired.

I sighed loudly got up from the bed and went to the window,

Jumping outside.

𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungWhere stories live. Discover now