Great friend

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|🌟|Neteyam POV:

- I think I'm nuts, but not like a quirky kind of nuts like actually insane, i am feeling like a teenage girl going over the world and back for the high school crush I just got, and I never felt like this before, so is it bad that I think I love it?

I liked the adrenaline I had with Aonung. Still, I realized what I did just after I did it, as I walked over to the task I had to do and blushed like crazy, because I randomly joined Aonung when told I shouldn't, not to add the fact that I also made out with him in plain sight, on like the ground.

I am not a spontaneous person at all, I wasn't like this before so what the hell is happening to me, I am the most anxious and well-planned person. I had a full-out notebook once so I could note at which hour of the day I was thirsty so I could drink at that hour every day back when I was like 5 years old, and now? now I make out in plain sight with a random guy who is a bully and the meanest and rudest guy I ever met and also an asshole my siblings hate.

All this in like what ten or eleven years later, this is nuts!

I don't know where I am going with this, because I feel like it has gotten out of hand and even tho I liked every moment of adrenaline and make-out we did, every second of it, I can't pretend like it's just a moment, I feel addicted to this feeling, to him.

Like what do I want from him? Just a make-out once an hour, something more, am I going to end up like Mom and d-

Ok, not that far.

But it's true tho, I jumped right into this situation, weaponless, not even with a pocket knife at me in plain sight to be killed, I jumped in and I don't fucking know how to jump out of it, or even if I want to jump out of it at all,

I sighed as I got to where I actually needed to be at the start, I did what I was supposed to fast, just to get my mind occupied with something other than my actual problem.

" Neteyam! Hey," I heard Lo'ak from behind as I dropped the rock I had in my arms, " Hey, what's up? " I answered, As he picked out the rock, " The cabin is almost done just setting the materials and we can have a lunch break," he said as I nodded and followed him.

As we got back to the cabin almost done we left the last rocks there and we went to the big cabin where we had eaten before too,

We were the first ones to get there, Me my siblings, and Tsireya with Rotxo, and yet no sight of Aonung- maybe he had to finish his trees?

" Isn't Ao coming? " Rotxo asked Tsireya as she placed the food on the table, " I don't know, I don't think he finished with the trees, I'll go check," she said.

After a bit, I wasn't that hungry, to be honest, I had a pretty nice breakfast, but I took some of the clownfish and ocean fruits just for the dear of not having an actual empty plate,

Tsireya came into view like ten minutes later yet with no Aonung around, we all looked at her, " He just finished with the trees but Dad needs him for something " she answered sitting down, 

So he won't get any lunch..?

" I'm happy we made the base fast " Kiri added out of nowhere, " Yeah! It was pretty fun I liked the way you put the rocks will be very hard now to be thorn by a wave, you're clever Kiri " Rotxo said, as Kiri smiled back, " Thank you " she said.

I swear these lovebirds, I wish Aonung was here too, even tho I don't have a subject to talk with him, we don't talk but tease each other, to be honest, and I don't think I would like to do that in front of my baby brother and sister.

After the talking about I don't know, I hadn't really joined any conversation it was already time to go and there was no food left on the plate that Tsireya came with, and I still had my clownfish and some fruits, I had eaten like three pickles or something like that.

As my siblings and Rotxo got up, I managed to take a palm leaf and shove it around the fish and the ocean fruits left, " Not that hungry? " Tsireya asked me as she also got up, I nodded a no, " Not really," I said.

I wanted to bring Aonung something, we ate lunch late anyway it was almost time for dinner but who cares to be honest, " I'll go gather the next group of navies to finish the cabin, thank you for helping me today " Tsireya greeted us and so did we, " Can I come to? I can be helpful " Lo'ak added, and Tsireya happily agreed,

As we left on our way, me Kiri and Rotxo, Rotxo added, " Kiri- uh actually I think I still have some desert left, my mom made some maybe you wanna um, come over? at my cabin? " he asked, Kiri felt somehow weird I could tell, but Rotxo was a very nice guy and I liked the way he treated my sister, " Uhm- " She side-eyed me.

" You can go, I'll go pick up Tuk anyway," I said, a lie, when I dropped Tuk off today she wanted extra hours to play with her new friends so I let her do, " Oh- alright, then yeah I can come! " She said, with a forced smile which Rotxo returned and showed her the way,

I made a few steps to where I was going to pick up Tuk but turned fast to Aonung's Cabin, sneaky aren't I? 

As I walked there, on the beach not far from where I was I saw Aonung coming out of the ocean with the chief sending his Ilu back as he got on the sand.

Wich of course I felt my cheeks go red in a blink not that I hadn't seen him wet before but in that lighting with his hair almost out of his bun falling on his buffy shoulder and his muscles almost even clearer, could you blame me?

As he saw me in view I saw his smile widen, and my heart returned the smile too.

" Hey, Aonung! " I said happily, " Hi, um- what's up " he answered as the chief was still in the water feeding his pet, which he noticed me, " I um, I bring you some lunch, you couldn't come today after the task," I said, he placed his somehow warm yet wet hands from the water on mine first and then took the package of food I had for him and smiled openly at me, " Thank you," he said in a soft tone.

I wanted to fucking kiss him so badly, but I couldn't even sketch a smile as the chief appeared next to him, " Oh, what a kind offering son " he spoke to me, I sketched a smile, " Yeah, I thought he would be hungry " I said,

Hungry of me more probably but food works too.

" What a great friend you are, I'll put a good word to your father," he said which I nodded, " Thank you, chief have a good night! " I said because the sun was almost out, " Bye " I heard Aonung's voice again as I wanted to turn and leave with a small wink coming from him, the chief turned to go to his cabin as he did, I blew Aonung a kiss. which made his cheeks go pink.

I told you I'm nuts.


- I LOVE MY BABYS SMM, RHA💞 I still don't know where I am going with this story but I'll just enjoy writing nonsense for now, lol


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