I'm So Stupid.

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|🌟|Neteyam POV:

- After some time I happily took my little and well-deserved nap, I woke up very late, It wasn't pinch black outside but it was pretty dark, I took a closer look at my surroundings as I stepped into the kitchen, looking for anything broken, that needed my help, but to my surprise there was my sister at the table, talking with Lo'ak.

I tilted my head and then smiled at them as soon as Kiri noticed me in the door frame of my room, " The sleeping beauty has awakened? huh? " She added as a joke which Lo'ak laughed too, thank ewya,

I rolled my eyes and raised my shoulder as I joined my siblings at the dining table, " How did you sleep? " Kiri asked once again, I pushed a yawn behind me, and rested my cheek on my palm, " Pretty good, actually " I was so fucking tired, not as much as before, since Lo'ak exhausted me to my full capacity, but it is what it is.

" Nice, because our buddy, Lo'ak here was leaving to take Tuk since I have to go and see Rotxo and you already had enough for today " Kiri added as she received a sigh from Lo'ak, and another one from me, " I can go and take her, I am fine, Kiri " She nodded an aggressive no at me and then frowned for a second in Lo'aks direction, " I can go, I did a lot of trouble for today, at least I can do that for you, " He said a bit bored, I finally sighed once again and just let go of the idea, I was very tired and going outside at this hours didn't sound too well to me, " Okay, Okay, Just be careful and take a lamp with you " I lectured him as he got up from his chair and went to take a lamp from the kitchen cabinets, " I'll be! " He added in a hurry to go outside as I was left with only Kiri now,

" I'll take my leave too, brother " She added, receiving a sussy look from me, " So soon? Where are you two going anyway? " I asked her, a slight pink going on her cheeks, " Well, it's kind of our first time, but Rot asked me to go with him, on a date! " She said with a happy awe in her voice, I smiled at her littles jumping in place and fidgeting as she got up from the chair, " That sounds amazing, sis, I hope you two have fun, " I said as she fixed her hair more, " For sure, I'll have! " She added going to take her bag that was set around the door on a small table and hurried outside as she waved back at me, I sat there, alone this time and finally yawned.

I truly am happy for my sister, she didn't have a date before or a boyfriend so this must be exciting for her, Maybe one day I'll get a date too with Aonung, I mean he for sure would accept if I offer-

And right there and then, I felt my legs get numb and my panic growing on me, because I fucking forgot.

My date.

And in that moment I forgot my tiredness, all of my plans of getting some relaxation and alone time, and jumped right outside the cabin and rushed. father than any animal in this world to get to the coconut place,

When I got there, out of breath and pretty much blurry view around me, to my bad luck as always I couldn't find Aonung there.

" FUCKING- PIECE OF! " I added pushing a rock with my leg very hard as I tried to get my breath still as panic and worry grew even more on me, Did he also forget it? did he come here and then go back home, did he wait for me...?

I felt my heart start getting faster, and I felt sweaty and troubled, I looked around the place hoping to see him around but I found nothing than a few feet marks on the wet sand going all the way down to the ocean, So he was been here,

I am such an fucking asshole, how could I forget something like this?

I stood there, just looking at the water as I hugged myself letting my arms around my body get at least a bit warm, because of the cold surrounding that now covered me, What am I supposed to do, jump in the water and look for him? Did he go home? The marks on the sand looked pretty fresh, Oh dear ewya, I am the most horrible boyfriend this boy could ever have, How did I manage to fuck this so badly.

I wanted to scream, to jump and drown myself from hatred, I stood there so foolish and like the most stupid na'vi on earth having no idea what to do, what should I say when I saw him? What in the whole wide world could I do now?

You're so fucking stupid Neteyam, the most dumbest, annoying, forgetful fucking piece of-

I took deep breaths trying not to break right here, holding back literal tears, I am so stupid, I have to make it up for him somehow, maybe a gift? How could I explain my situation and not sound selfish and tell him I completely forgot everything about our date, how could've I did something like this, it was our first date and I fucked it up so bad,

I tried going forth and back the small rocks where we used to sit down and back the ocean still wondering whether to jump or not after him, I mean what are the chances of finding him in this whole wide ocean, He's even faster than me at swimming, It's like looking for a pin in a pile of hay, I had no chance.

I finally went back to the rocks, deciding not to jump anymore, and sit down on some of the rock letting my cold face fall into my palms as I tried controlling my breath still tired from running my way here, I hate everything including myself right now because I was so forgetful and probably fucked it really bad with Aonung, oh dear.

Ewya please just let me see him, let me fix this, let me fix everything!

But that's long gone, he was long gone, any hope of apologizing is long gone and any idea of fixing this situation is long gone because what in the world could I say and not make myself sound like some idiot who forgot his first ever date with his amazing most gorgeous boyfriend he could ever have, and by the way that's me!

I'm so stupid.

I hate this.


" Neteyam? " 

𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungWhere stories live. Discover now