Nice to Hangout

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|🌀|Aonung POV:

When I got home I went straight up to my room and I punched the wall when I got in, I was so angry or sad or I don't fucking know what I felt, but I was so sick and tired of everything.

" Brother? " I heard my sister over from the other side of the door and then she knocked, I sighed as I let my face fall into my palms and then talked back, I was down on the floor and my back was laid on the door, " What " I screamed back.

" Mom asked me to bring you the lunch," she said as I could hear her ley down in the same position as I was in but on the other side of the door, she rested her head on the door

" Are you okay? " she asked softly as I felt tears run down my cheeks, I kept my knees to my chest tight and just stared at the floor, " Ao? " I heard her again, " Yeah? " I said after I wiped the tears from my cheeks keeping my voice from cracking, " Can I come in? " she asked as I went silent

" Yeah- " I said quietly as I got up to open the door, she had a plate of fruits and a cooked clown fish on it and some water in her hand, she went inside as I sat on my bed and she placed the food on the table beside the bed, " How are you feeling? " she asked me.

" I don't know. " I answered as I rested my back and head on the wall behind me, she joined me and sat on the bed, " Are you ready for the test tomorrow, just two more days and the papaya ball mech will start, it's your favorite," she said smiling, I cornered a smile, " Yeah? " I asked as she chuckled, " Yeah, I'm sure you'll win like you do every year " She rolled her eyes playfully

" I'm sure I will, " I said as I sighed and used my hand to rub my forehead, " Do you have a headache? " she asked as I nodded a no, " No, it's just I don't know how to aim with a bow, you know, " I said with a forced smile, she frowned.

" You know I don't like to corner you with the door, but I'm sure that's not the only thing you're mad about," she said, as I side-eyed her, and sighed once again, " I think I have been an asshole," I said as she raised an eyebrow, " Well yeah, that's what most people say, You don't have to listen to them," she said, " It's not just that, I don't care what people say about me," I said.

" Then? what's the issue, " she asked again as she tilted her head, " Someone- said it "I said quietly, " Like- what do you mean? " she looked weirdly at me, " Like- someone said that to me "She tilted her head again.

" So, Someone? said that to you, and that bothers you? " I nodded, " Well, kind off, this person said it to me many times before " She stayed silent to hear me out I took a breath in, " They said that I confuse them because sometimes I'm nice to them and sometimes, an asshole- " I said again.

" I see, and this someone is like, someone you like? " she asked me as she raised an eyebrow, " I-, well I don't know, their fun to hang out with-, "I said as I felt a tint of pink in my cheeks, she made a nod and looked at me, " Alright- so if their someone 'nice to hangout' then? why are you being an asshole to them sometimes? " she asked me.

I looked at her, " I- I don't think I know " I answered, " Well? Are they someone like, not from your cool-people group? " she asked me, I nodded, "they're not. " I said, " Then you should maybe, try not to be an asshole anymore? " she said as she got closer to me so she can lay her back on the wall.

" But, how? That's what I do, sis, I am an asshole it's not like I can stop that, " she patted my shoulder, " Your not an asshole with me, or Rotxo tough " she said as she smiled from my side, I looked at her, " But, with you two it's different, he's my best friend and your my sister " 

" That's true but that person is just a na'vi like me and Rotxo is, there is no difference," she said as she rested her head on my shoulder, " Yeah, that's true. " I said quietly once again.

" Thanks, sis," I said, as she got up to hug me, and I hugged her back, " you know you can count on me," she said smiling.


The next day came by, and me, Rotxo and my sister got to the area where the "best aim" test was being, there were red targets all along the beach and a bunch of bows and arrows somewhere to the side, the three of us went to sit on the side until the race will began.

" Wow, they worked for those targets " Rotxo added as we sat down on some rocks, " Yeah, that's pretty sad " I added, My sister raised an eyebrow, " Why? " she asked, " Well imagine working so hard for a two hours thing," I said rolling my eyes Rotxo chuckled, " That's a fact, tho"

My sister smiled, " Wow, such a smart fact " she added sarcastically, " Oh look the team who didn't come at the fastest rider race " Rotxo waved at them as Tsireya did, " Let me tell them how it went " He got up as he sprinted in their way, " pf, it's so funny to see him sprint on sand, he almost fell again " My sister added as i nodded.

As we sat there for a bit, the little freak team came into view as Tsireya waved to the forehead freak, So they came by the side rocks, " Hey! " the forehead freak added, " Hey Lo'ak! " she'd go to hug her, I scoffed.

" Where's Rotxo? " the girl one asked as Reya pointed somewhere to the crowd, As I looked rather bored at my sister and that freak talk, I noticed him- come to join us

My eyes widened for a bit as I saw him once again, and I got up from the rock to just leave but as I did I almost faced him nose to nose, " H- " he started, " I'll go find Rotxo " I said in some kind of bored tone even tho I was panicked as hell and sprinted off the sand, 

I felt bad for leaving him on seen like that, but I just couldn't see or hear him, I just couldn't.


- YOU GAYS? NEW CHAPTER(I almost fell asleep while writing this time fr, I didn't get to sleep well) =,))


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