My Boyfriend.

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|🌟|Neteyam POV:

- It didn't take too long for us to pass that cabin until we got somewhere behind it, and of course, it didn't take too long for a hand to appear on my shoulder that pulled me and pinned me and my back to the wall of the cabin.

I couldn't help but let myself smile at him, as he went on and kissed me roughly, his hands on both of my wrists pinned to the cabin as I struggled to keep my head tilted so I could reach his lips,

" Mm- Aonung. " I finally spoke as we broke the kiss, I wanted to start mid-in that kiss but he didn't let me, he frowned a bit at me, " You're tensed, " He added laying more down and swirling around me kissing my neck softly, I sighed a bit as he let go of my wrist and let his hands against the wall behind me, as I moved mine around his neck caressing them to his hair time to time,

" And also! " He backed away from my neck, right when I just started getting into it, what an asshole, " Mr.Arogant!? how dare you " He added with a fake offended tone, while he had the biggest smirk on him, " How dare me? How dare you, 'oldest of the freaks' " I spat back using the same fake tone, but I couldn't help it and let my soft smile show right after that comment,

He chuckled a bit as he rolled his eyes as I let my hands rest back by his chest, " You know- I was so close to calling you the 'hottest' of the freaks " he added with his cute little pink cheeks at me that I burst into laughing, he frowned, even more, a bit offended now.

" Oh my fucking- Really? Hottest of the freaks " I added trying to stop myself from laughing as I ended that with a slightly deeper voice letting myself even closer to him, he blushed.

" Fuck you," he responded with that devilish smirk back at me, I let myself smirk too and lean in into his lips, as he happily joined,

As we kissed I finally let my arms to both of his sides as I tried and squeeze them a bit, and went on with pressure and switched his place with mine as soon as his muscles relaxed,

" You prick! " He added in a deeper voice with a slight hiss as I let my hands to his face sides and pushed him at my eye-level, I smirked too, " Shut up, whiny " I added to him as I bit my way into kissing him again,

I moved my arms around his neck as he let his around my waist, still keeping the kiss on even biting my lower lip,

We finally broke the kiss and exhaled, as I let go of his neck and kissed his nose before I could finally back away.

" We should deal with those trees " I explained, He groaned a bit letting his head to the cabin wall in annoyance, I slight chuckle, and patted his chest, " Come on, you big whine, let's go " I added again as I turned and went to where those trees we needed to cut were, I heard him have a short-run after me as his arms caught me from behind as I felt myself squeak in surprise and my cheeks pinked, confused by his action, as he raised me up and somehow yeeted me back down behind him as he began rushing to that place.

I went completely confused but got it after I heard him yell, " The last one there is a SUCKER! " I felt myself frown and smirk too, " YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE! " I started to scream back as I began running after him.


- It didn't take long for us to finally arrive, as he got there two feet before I could I immediately jumped onto him and we both fell on the sand, I slightly hissed and leaned into a rough kiss,

His little laugh was adorable as I pushed him down added to a murmuring as we connected our lips together,

And as we almost broke the kiss I bit his tongue softly as he hissed in a fake pain groan at me as he changed his face into a big long grin, " You're the sucker anyway " He added with his little proud face, I rolled my eyes.

" You cheated, you should be the sucker," I said back to him as I let him get up from the sand, none of us getting fully up,

" I don't wanna cut those trees, " He added annoyed as soon as we got up, I sighed a bit, " Yeah I know, but a task is a task " I responded as I got up letting a hand to him so I can help him get up too,

he took it and as soon as he got he pulled me roughly into him and pecked my lips, I got caught off guard and slightly blushed, " Fine, then Sir " he responded with the biggest smirk I saw, almost purring, I frowned knowing what he did,

As I let my arms around him in a hug, he went a bit confused, with my head tilted up at him letting my arms that surrounded more down until I went to his legs and pinched his buttocks he madly jumped from his arms, and hissed a bit, as I chuckle.

" Now leave the testing for when we get home, and begin cutting, " I told him laughing too as I picked an axe from the ground,

He also frowned a bit and sighed slowly messaging his buttocks from my harsh pinch and picked up his axe too,

" Fine fine, I will " he responded as I smiled back at him and went on cutting my tree as he did his.

Sometimes I think I fell and fell more and more for him day after day, because just the view of his little butt and tail waving as he tried his best to cut those trees with those buffy arms and his sweaty chest, I almost don't believe I can call such being,

My Boyfriend.

𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungWhere stories live. Discover now