A Bravey Frog

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|🌟|Neteyam POV:

- After Huso left we spent some time together, or more likely- continued what we were doing before she interrupted us,

So there I was sitting on my boyfriend's lap as his back rested on one of the trunks of the palmer trees, we both sat on that cold yet pretty nice sand kissing, " Come on! you have to admit you were so fucking obvious~ " He purred at me with that dumb smile as I returned a frown to him, my ears slightly pinned back, blush over my face.

" How should I know she was a lesbian- And I wasn't that obvious as you think! " I added, with an annoying tone, he chuckled squeezing me even closer to him by my waist and placing a small kiss on my chin, " Obvious or no, you were extra cute getting all that nervous over her " He added again with a smirk on his face, I leaned in more until I could reach his lips, letting myself get driven into it,

" Let's just forget this whole experience, shall we? " I added as we broke the kiss, he gave a small frown and nodded a no, " I will never, that was just amazing " I sighed getting closer letting my arms around his neck as he hugged me back, " Asshole.." I spat more in a whisper than he could hear, his whole body started to move up like he was being electrocuted because he started laughing,

I couldn't help myself so I laughed too as I moved from our hug and raised his chin, " Hey laughy-face, I was thinking about something... " He raised an eyebrow at me snuggling more to me probably trying to get me back into our hug, " What is it? " He asked, curious now as I moved slightly closer to him, " Do you wanna go on a date with me? tomorrow? " I asked, his eyes widened for a second and then started to nod at me quickly, " Yeah- I mean, of course," He said soon after, smiling at me as I finally let him hug me after I pressed a small peck onto his nose, " Okay then- ! "

I was pretty surprised by his answer even tho I shouldn't have been, after all, couples do dates. Even tho we could call any hangout we do together a date but I guess we never really had a proper date before so why not?

It's just that some time and since I started to look more into Kiri's relationship it seemed kind of the opposite of what we had, I kind of caught her and Rotxo a day or so ago when we were doing that task, kissing and well- being in a more of an intimate state, so Kiri was comfortable to tell me that they just started doing that, being more and more comfortable with him and how she is so happy with her relationship overall,

And yeah. that sounds more like the opposite of how we two happened because we kind of just felt comfortable making out first instead of talking about feelings and dating, we let go of our sexual tension first and then took care of the emotional part of the relationship.

Or well- more Aonung than I because he was the one who wanted this more than I did, and I kind of understand why since I talked with Kiri that day, It's like this warm feeling you have when you can kiss or hold hands or be happy like usual with your significant one but letting others know that too, going out to have dinner with you're friends and family while you can just call your boyfriend over the table to give you the sauce or the salad and no one will be feeling weird just because you called that person you're boyfriend,

Is that weird? I don't know but I wanna have that feeling, I wanna feel that and I wanna do that without feeling this constant fear and inner panic inside of me, letting go of this anxiety problem that I have anywhere I am with Aonung, anywhere in public of course.

And even tho he is ready to just come out like that, to ruin his reputation as a well-loved young chief just like that to feel this stuff, to walk around holding hands with me without worrying about someone seeing us it's a very brave thing if you ask me, something I could never do,

He is so much braver than I and he doesn't even know that power to just come out and don't give a fuck about what others think or say about us it's incredible, he is perfect and sometimes I think I wanna be just like him when it comes to this stuff, I wanna be just as brave as him, but how can I be so brave when anytime someone and I mean anyone really mentions 'boyfriend' near me I feel my chest get heavy and my head start to panic, It's a pain living with myself so much that I hate it.

" Neteyam~ " I was surprised by his voice, I slightly jumped up, " Overthinking much, love? " He chuckled softly, I sighed, " Maybe " I added, he pressed a soft peck onto my lips, " I asked you what hour should we see each other. if you wanna have the date here of course, " He asked, " Hmm- Yeah, maybe after lunch? " I said as he simply nodded, " Good by me, we'll see each other then, " I kissed his cheek as we both got up after he started getting closer to me, probably for more funny stuff, " It's late- " I said until he went on and talked over me getting me off guard as he took my hand onto his, " I know, the pretty princess has to be home by ten or his glass shoes will disappear, " He added in that arrogant tone of his pulling closer to him by my waist like the sly fox he is,

I rolled my eyes at him, " Very funny, you frog prince " I said as he made a fake-shocking face at me, " Calling me a frog? that's very insulting, princess! " He said again in a fake but louder tone, I simply stuck my tongue out instead, and because a frog can't resist a blue fly like myself, he simply leaned in and kissed me instead holding me by the waist with one arm of course.

" See you tomorrow, love<3 " He added as we broke the kiss getting a final hug, which I happily returned, " See you~ " I added too as we broke the hug soon after,

I blew him a small kiss before turning and went on my way, again pretty late almost half in the middle of dinner time, as I went off and sprinted back to my cabin opening the door in a hurry as my eyes widened in a second.

" Lo'ak? Are you okay- "


- I'm sorry for the wait for this chapter, I'm starting to have different writer's block when it comes to this story but I'll try to get back to it as soon as I can! In parallel, I started to write about another story, of course, BL-related (from Hazbin Hotel, if anyone knows the show!) It became very popular since the first season appeared, so why not? I don't know if I will post it anytime soon or at all, but that only depends on whether you like to see it or not ofc :)) ✨📻

( don't forget to follow, comment&vote! to help the gay move on! (❤️'艸`❤️) )

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