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|🌀|Aonung POV:

- Before I knew it, I was finally in front of Neteyam's cabin, I felt my chest heavy, my bones were heavy from how many emotions I had, and I felt nervous like I was crowded with feelings I didn't want to feel because I was in the wrong. I overreacted in our fight over that...stupid date.

I sighed deeply looking up at the door, I raised my hand to knock but before I could do that, the door opened wide in my face, my eyes widened as Neteyam appeared at the door frame, and his eyes also widened at the sight of me,

" Aonung- " He added as soon as we made eye contact, I slowly scratched the back of my neck, " Hey...Look- I don't mean to bother you or anything, I thought maybe we can talk about- last night " I said, as he stood there in the door frame,

" Oh... " He kind sighed, looked behind for a second, and then stepped outside, " Look, I don't think, now- It's a good timing," He said back after a bit, I raised an eyebrow, " I- Look, I get it, I really said some shitty things, but really- we should talk it out, maybe if you explain to me w- " I began to add, my voice raising more and more as I talked as from his body language he didn't seemed so happy to see me, and that worried me a lot.

He interrupted me and continued talking, " I know, Aonung, I just really think we should talk later, right now- " He started to talk, my heart was racing with emotions again, " I know! I know. What I said hurt you, but- come on just let me explain why I acted the way I did, let me fix this for us! " I added in such a panicked voice, again, pretty loud, his eyes looked more scared, and his breath was heavy, " Aonung, I can't talk with you right now, please- understand that- "

" We can place the date for another time, I promise I won't be mad if you're gonna be late again, okay? I- I am deeply sorry... " I said, slowly my voice less panicked as I began walking even closer to him,

He backed away.

" Aonung, just- listen to me! " He added back to me, annoyed, my face froze for a second as he almost hissed at me, I felt my whole body shake, I was so confused I didn't get why he was being so cold to me right now, " I am- Listening, but I think we should just, make it up? We can go right now and- " He interrupted me before I could add anything else,

" I don't. Want another date...Aonung. " He added, heavy breath, his eyes fixed on mine, his head slightly tilted up, my heart froze as he spoke, " What- "  I said, as he kept an arm up so I wouldn't try and break the distance between us again, I felt shivers down my spine as the cabin door was still opened and it made some wind around us, a cold one. Like Neteyam.

" You heard me...I don't want to redate our date, Aonung, actually- I don't think we should...ever have another date..." My ears moved as he spoke, trying to get away from what he was saying to me, is he- is Neteyam doing what I think he's doing right now,

" I don't- I don't understand...! " I added, in a panic as I grabbed his arm that stood out and moved it to his side as blood pumped into my veins, he wasn't doing this, this wasn't happening.

He immediately frowned and snatched his arm away, his eyes sorrowed, he looked sad, he wasn't serious about this, was he? WAS HE?

" You know what I mean. " He spoke again after he switched his eyes view to anything but my eyes then looked back with an emotionless face, my eyes widened in shock, he was-

breaking up with me.

" Neteyam- you got to be kidding me, for what I said, look- I am sorry, deeply sorry, I didn't mean those things, It was stupid, I was stupid, I AM STUPID! " I came closer again, he wouldn't even look at me as I spoke,

" Aonung, beyond and higher than any love interest, I will always choose my family. " He added again, and my eyes widened again, I gently grabbed both of his arms, and he didn't flinch away, as I almost gripped myself around him, " I don't want that!? I don't want you to put me higher than them, Neteyam, I- I DIDN'T MEANT THAT!? " He looked away, still...He couldn't even look me in the eyes as he was breaking my heart right now.

" You deserve someone who can have time for you, Ao- " He spoke again but I interrupted him, I felt my eyes dry so I wanted to cry badly, my heavy chest, and breathe as he spoke all of this I couldn't I am not- letting him go he can't let me go, I love-

I let my arms move to both sides of his cheeks, pulling his head up in a second and taking his lips into mine, I closed my eyes, went and dived into the kiss, but I couldn't enjoy it before my face felt wet and before I knew, I felt his arms push away my chest,

So I backed away confused, his eyes watery, we both were even more heavy breathed, " WHAT- Are you- doing!? " He snapped at me, I frowned back this time, " I DON'T- " I pushed down my tears, down my throat down everything, " I don't. Deserve. Anything. " I spoke, pointing and lining every word I said out loud, " I don't need your time, Neteyam, I don't want to be higher than your family, I want YOU! " He wiped down a tear and crossed his arms.

" Sometimes, it's better to have someone you need than, want, Aonung. " He said to me, in that emotionless tone of his, the same one he had when we first met, what was this, what was he doing, why was he doing this!?

" I need you. Then. "

He looked away, as I began walking in his way, " Neteyam- please.. " He let a hand on my chest before I could come even closer, " Leave. " He said harshly, I let my hand up and let it gently on my chest on top of his, I softly squeezed it as my chest was pumping with self-hatred, anger, and sadness all of that on top of everything else I was feeling right now, I can't do this, " Neteyam- " I said again, my voice almost cracking from all this emotion pushing down tears, and anger and everything my mind was swirling around, he looked away all this time until he finally turned his head at me, his eyes pretty puffy as he finally spoke, the coldest words I could ever hear coming from him,

" We're over. "

Tears were streaming down my face as I pulled him slightly by the hand he had on my chest, I brought the hand up to my face and let my head lean on it, " You can't..." I added trying my best to not embrace myself even more, to not sob into his arms until he took me back, I can't let him go, I can't let him do this,

He wasn't tearing up anymore, as he looked away, " I just did..." He added snapping the hand away from my little face-hand hug I was doing, I just stood there as anger took over me, and sadness faded itself into a pile of pain, the same pain I feel when I look in my mother's eyes.

" I'm not- breaking up with you, I'm not agreeing with this! " I spoke again, trying again. Not to sob like a loser, " Go- Aonung! " He said again barely even looking at me, I frowned, " No- NO! "

He frowned for a second too, as I felt anger coming from him, " You can't- do this! YOU CAN'T- BREAK UP WITH ME!? " I hissed, as tears came down my face even more, he looked at me almost as sad and angry.

" I can...!? I just did, Aonung- please just- " He began again as he tried pushing down the anger that was building up onto him too, I was so annoying for him, wasn't I? Yeah. I was.

" WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH THESE FEELINGS FOR YOU, THEN!? "  I hissed even more, even louder as his eyes shocked too, smashing the front door shut, as it banged, his eyes darkened as he came closer just a bit to me, " I DON'T CARE! AONUNG! LEAVE!! " He snapped at me, but he didn't scream or hiss as loud, my tears never stopping, as they were just silently going down my face, his waterline filled too now,

" I'M NOT FUCKING LEAVEING! WE'RE TALKING THIS OUT! " I shouted again, he frowned instead and slightly pushed me by my shoulder as this tension grew on both of us, was it sadness? or something else?

" You want me to fucking, spell it out for you!? " He added, backing away from me, I frowned at him as I felt my chest heavy again as soon as he used that cold ass tone onto me again,

I wanted to add something again, to speak to scream this anger out of me, but he spoke again, he used that again, he was so cold, so fucking cold it froze my heart in such a terrible way I was numb from it.

" We're O.V.E.R "

He spelled at me. And as soon as he did, I felt any control I had over my emotions long gone because he was serious. He- is serious right now, he has never been so serious with me, he meant this he meant- that we-

We're over...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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