One day

753 26 9

|🌀|Aonung POV:

- I woke up with the biggest headache, ever, I think no na'vi ever had, it felt like a rough sober after drinking every night for the past ten years, it was horrible.

I got off my bed and got in the bathroom washing my face and trying not to fall from my feet, I pretty much guessed, all the blood I lost a day ago wasn't so good for my brain, to be honest.

I got in the kitchen where I meet my sister as I sit down at the table, the time begin way far from the usual time I wake up, it seems like my sister passed on with her little begin mad at me, it's usually like this, both of us are not the kind to be upset at each other forever, healthy or not, we don't need a sorry to move on from a fight

" Here " she passed me a glass of water, and I happily took it, " Thanks' " I said as I gulp it down my throat, " Thirsty? Much," she said, as I nodded a no, " Headache " I responded, as she nodded passing me some ice for my forehead, she took an apple as well passing me it, as I wake up too late for an actual breakfast

" And? what hour it's our daily teaching today, " I asked her after a little while, she nodded a no as I tilted my head, " We don't have a teaching session for another week I think," she said as I almost caught on my apple for a second there, " Why? did something happen? " I asked, sounding more worried than I wanted to sound, " No- but the Pacific competition is gonna start very soon, remember? " she said as I face-palmed myself, " Fuck- I forgot about it. " I groaned.

The Pacific competition was the most boring yet fun thing I ever did as a kid, there were usually teens and kids participating but adults were never left out, it was this "who stronger " thing going on, and all the "who the smartest, fastest " and all that, this kind of competition, I never really got so exited with it but I never lost this kind of competition we usually have like a 2 or 3-day streak to train before it starts, it's pretty fun sometimes, but right now? with this headache that was the most and the last thing I needed to hear today.

I think one of my favorite tests at this competition had to be, papayaball, a game where you used a papaya as a ball and you had to run with it in your hand to put it in the opponent's basket, and if someone throws the papaya at you and you don't catch it or or it breaks off your body, you are out of the game.

I used to win all the time as a kiddo, yet I liked the way I was allowed to be just as violent as I wanted to be, even tho the rules appeared as I grew up so it wasn't as fun anymore

" It's fine, we have enough days to train anyway " she assured me patting my shoulder, " Yeah, I guess," I said, as she got outside, I finished my apple as I got up, my headache slowly better now from all the ice cubes I kept on my forehead, 


" Aonung! AONUNGG " I heard from the cabin's window, as I picked myself up from the living room little hamachi we had, " What, WHAT "I screamed back as I got to the window, " FINALLY," Rotxo said as I opened the window as he jumped in, I sited myself back in the hamachi as he follows sitting on a chair, " Do you know what's in a few days? " he said with a creeping smile on, all but like a dog waving his tail around, and I felt like a grumpy cat growing at him for my headache, " Yeah, I do, " I said, as he jumped on the chair, literally.

" I can't wait! It will be awesome this year! I will train insane and I am going to run the fastest and SWIM EVEN FASTER THIS YEAR, I bet Kiri wants to be my swim partner this year also! " he spoke fast from his place as my ears tilted up, " Wait- what did you say? "

" That it will be awesome? " he said, as I raised myself, " No no- the other thing," I said, as he made a thinking face, " OH! Kiri for sure will be my- "I interrupted him. " Kiri? like that freak girl? " he frowned a bit. " Yeah- the guests will participate this year," he said as I loudly groaned placing my hand on my head as I pushed myself back on the hamachi, " Fuck sakes! " I groaned loudly.

" Come on Ao, it will be obvious that they were joining- " he said, I frowned, " They are not a part of this village, what the fuck are they gonna do there anyway! " I said mad, as he rubbed his neck in defeat, " Aonung- come on "

" What? " I said, getting up and looking at him, yeah, fuck yeah, I was mad, these freaks weren't part of our village I don't get why they are just randomly allowed to join our tradition, it's pathetic! and useless, 

"They're still na'vi as we are, and also as our guests, it's a need they join our traditions so they can be well welcomed, " he added, as I flipped my eyes.

" I don't want them here, so I don't want them well welcomed," I said, as he matched my frown now, " You should start seeing them as all of us see them, you almost killed Lo'ak yesterday.. " he said in a lower tone, as I looked away.

" It wasn't my idea," I said, as he nodded, " I know- but you didn't stop it anyways.. " he said, I groaned even more.

" Can't you at least try? " he said, " Hm " I tilted my head. " Maybe you would like their company just as I and Tsireya do, only if you let them see you as me and Reya do, be nice to them " he added 

" I rather not," I said, he patted my shoulder as he got up

" I hope you will, one day," he said, I rolled my eyes.

fuck no.


- FUN FACT OF THE DAY? Nothing because you guys don't really care for our FUN FACTS OF THE DAY- 😥 /j

(Aonung will turn gay very soon 🤭)

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