Tears and Brotherhood

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|🌟|Neteyam POV:

- My eyes widened in shock as I looked in front of me, Kiri was somewhat much further than me, a clue that she just come home too maybe, and Lo'ak was at the dining table, he slightly moved his eyes up, looking at me at the door, his eyes red and swollen.

Did he cry...?

" Lo'ak? Are you okay- " I said worried, he switched his eyes back to his empty plate, which he had just eaten, " Kiri-? " I said once again looking at her she looked back at me, " I don't know I came in two minutes ago, i found him like this.." She added as we both looked towards him and began to approach,

" Hey, lil bro, Are you okay..? " I asked softly, my tone gentle and careful at my word choice he frowned as he looked up at me, and I took a closer look at his red eyes his cheeks wet, " I am fine, why the hell do you even care, anyway! " He half-hissed at me, angrily, my brows frowned for a second, I had never seen my brother like this in years.

" I care. because I am you're older brother, now please talk with me. " I answered in more like a command than I wanted to sound, he got up aggressively, " I don't need to talk about anything, okay!? You all suck, and you have no right to ask me about my private life! " He added again, aggressive tone, his fist tightening,

" Lo'ak, we just want to help, we can help you. " Kiri said from behind me getting closer, as Lo'ak pushed me by my chest so he could go past me, " Fuck off! " He hissed louder pat my shoulder and turned quickly grabbing his upper arm, " Lo'ak. Wait. " I said trying to get my gentle tone back, he pulled his arm away and stormed into the bathroom closing the door behind him very loudly.

" Lo'ak! Come on- " Kiri said getting to the closed door, knocking, " Brother? " She asked as I also joined her,

I started to hear small sniffing sounds, was he crying? what was happening who or what made him feel like this, i thought as my ears pinned up so I could hear what was happening, " You better not do something stupid Lo'ak, open the door! " I said worried.

It happened before but two or three years ago, when we were young he got outraged over Dad about a comment he made, he refused to tell me about it, about what dad told him so instead he started storming off in the woods,

I followed him of course, I couldn't just stand there with my arms crossed at my chest and wait for him to come back as Dad did, but when I finally found him, his fists were bloody, and his eyes were swollen from crying as small tears burned his little cheeks, he was punching a random tree again and again without a break, and he did that until his fist spilled in two as blood started to appear,

When I came closer to him, I was hella worried my eyes were shocked I grabbed him in a big bear hug to stop him from hitting the tree and hurting himself as any try to call his name or just scream in his ear was pointless he couldn't see me or hear me anymore.

" Just leave me alone! " He screamed through the door, I looked at Kiri and she looked just as worried, because she also knew this, after all, she helped him bandage his wound before Mom or Dad could see it,

" Lo'ak, please..let's just talk " Kiri added, as she dropped down her back and turned to the door, I also joined her as I kept my ears closed to hear what was happening inside, I could hear him sob, very quietly.

I felt my heart ache just by hearing him.

" Just leave! Please. " He added, the last please shocked me the most, his voice broken, so hurt, what happened who did this to my little brother?

" We will, I promise, but you have to open the door at least. " Kiri added also in a commanding way but much softer than I would say, then quiet. nothing from Lo'ak as both I and Kiri also shut up,

" Okay. " I heard a small whisper, between the sobbing, as we both got up, the door finally started to open,

He stood there in the door frame his cheeks even wetter, his eyes even more swollen and his waterline already filled with pain, Kiri went on and jumped over Lo'ak getting him in a big momma bear hug, as I joined taking one of his hand in mine looking closely for any wound that he could make.

Nothing to my relief, " I didn't mean to scream at you two- " He added wiping his cheek, we both smiled carefully and talked softer, we didn't want to start a fight, " That's okay, but promise me we will talk as soon as you want to? " Kiri asked gently, he nodded,

" I will.." He responded as we followed him back to the dining table they both sat down, " I'll make dinner quickly, alright? And then go and pick Tuk up, " I added to them, they simply nodded, " What are you making..? " Lo'ak asked his voice still pretty sad as Kiri tossed him some napkins, " You're favorite, Loaki! " I said in awe, my voice gentle but seemingly at the same time, Lo'ak rolled his eyes a bit as Kiri chuckled,

" Very funny. But thank you anyway, big bro " He added as I smiled while I looked to the cabinets trying to get everything I needed for the shrimp soup, his favorite, " Of course, anything " I added back soon after,

" How come he gets his favorite food when he's sad, I always get lectured! " Kiri added in an angry tone of course a fake one, as Lo'ak looked confused between us, "Because you have a boyfriend to do that for you, Kiri picky! " I added again, matching that fake angry tone, as Lo'ak started to chuckle at the nickname, Kiri was hella picky about her food.

He chuckled softly getting a napkin to wipe his tears as his sad little tone faded more and more as me and Kiri started to fight as a joke of course, throwing stupid jokes and nicknames at each other so we could make Lo'ak laugh,

" He's right tho- Sis " Lo'ak added at some point as small teary eyes appeared from all the laughing, " Oh! So you're taking his side? " She added again as a joke jumping over to Lo'ak as she started to ruffle his hair, " Not my hair! " He argued as they both smiled and chuckled,

I sighed happily as I poured the soup into plates, " Come on, dinner's ready you two! " I said with my normal tone going and placing the plates, also taking one for myself and sat down with the two, " This is good! " Lo'ak added happily, I smiled at him, " Thank you "

" It needs more salt, I think you should add more Nete you are pretty salty " Kiri added as a joke towards me as I rolled my eyes at her and threw a small shrimp into her hair, which made Lo'ak laugh once again.

" Thank you two..really..I mean it, I love ya..." Lo'ak added soon after smiling at the both of us as we returned the smile at him, " You're going to make big bro here tear up, stop it " Kiri said again making Lo'ak smile,

" Kiri! " I added even tho I was close to crying that's why I felt offended, they both started to chuckle now, " You two are such a pain, my ewya! " I added in that fake angry tone.

" But yeah, I love you both too. "

𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungWhere stories live. Discover now