Girl Fight!

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|🌀|Aonung POV:

- When I woke up in the morning, I felt very hungry because of the lack of food I had last night, it was pretty sunny outside a clue that I overslept even tho despised that, my body felt a lot more tired than it should have felt,

I went to the kitchen not finding my sister there making breakfast or my mother which worried me for some reason, I went and knocked at her door but after a good minute with no response, I slightly opened It and realized she wasn't there.

" What the- " I said a bit annoyed, my sister never left this early In the morning even tho it wasn't that early. I sighed and went back into the kitchen finding myself some fruit I could munch on yeah probably I am capable enough to make myself a fruit salad or something but I wanted to eat something cooked.

I did my bun up and grabbed my tooth-collar putting it around my neck as I looked in the mirror my eyes wondering off down to my wrist where my yellow band-aid was from Neteyam, my lips slipped a smile at that, I hadn't taken it off since he gave it to me as he said, it reminded me of him a lot, mostly because his eyes are a yellow-golden color but also because he gifted it to me, and as I don't like to say that out loud I really loved receiving gifts from anyone but it never happened because the man should only give gifts to their loved ones, not the other way around which is the stupidest thing I ever heard from my father,

I grabbed my fruit and went outside after leaving my room, seeing Rotxo walking in the way of my cabin as I waved him over,

" Morning, Dude " He added as I yawned instead, " Morning- Have you seen Reya? " I asked him and he returned a no nod to me, " I hadn't I hangout with Kiri just a few minutes ago and I wanted to see what you're doing "

" I'm fine, it's just that Reya kind of- well? Worries me a lot, she doesn't seem fine at all " I said as he frowned for a second, " Yeah- I noticed, she mostly looks uncomfortable and strange around Lo'ak but maybe I'm just seeing things, " He added making me think.

She did act weird around that- asshole, when were tasking, and in general, did he do something to her? he better not,

" Yeah- " I said back to him as we started walking along the beach, " You know- um changing the subject, I like your new attitude," He said out of nowhere after the few seconds we had of silence,

I raised an eyebrow to him, looking from the side, " My new what now- " I added with a confused tone, he chuckled for a second at that, " Yeah, you know, being nice to the Sully siblings? " He said as I cleared my throat, " Oh- well I don't find any difference, we talked about it " I responded to him.

" I know, you said you were nice to Kiri because she is my girlfriend now and all, but still- It seems more than just that, bro," He said once again making me frown for a second, I hoped he didn't see anything, because- well you know.

" hmm- Yeah well it's just that, you know, you two seem very happy together, she makes you happy so that won my respect " I added after humming for a bit, He smiled at me instead, " If you say so- "

We walked for a bit more until we came around the big hall cabin, the cabin where we usually eat after a task, we have the best na'vi cooker who cooks for hurt warriors or well the village in general, she's very good at her job and for a hungry metka like me I need something to eat,

" Have you eaten breakfast? " I asked Rotxo as we got passed the hall cabin, he nodded a no, " Not really," He said after.

" Wanna get something, then? " I asked as he looked to our sides looking at the hall cabin and nodded back to me, " Yeah, sure " And so on we went inside,

As we finally reached the front table where the main cooker was taking orders for hungry navies in general, as Rotxo made his order, or request, " I would like some shrimp with sauce and a side drink- maybe " I added to her as she nodded sweetly at me, " Of course young chief! Your request will be made in a second " She added once again leaving on the door behind her where the kitchen was to my guest.

I think the only good thing that happened to me as a future chief was getting the food I wanted faster than the others, I have some kind of priority or something,

We sat on the side of the table on some chairs that were put there for waiting as a few warriors joined the hall cabin sitting at the main big, huge table that was in the middle of the room, each one of them waiting for the cooker to come and feed them.

Rotxo stretched next to me and then added, " You'd think I'll be a good warrior? when you know- I'll be older " He said out of nowhere as I looked at him, " Yeah, of course, you'd be, " I said as he smiled and sighed, " Yeah..."

" There you go! The other order will be ready In a minute " The cooker said looking at Rotxo as she handed me my food all packed in a big palmer tree to keep it warm, " Very well, Thank you! " I said with a slight smile on her way as she did a small head bow and went quick to take the warriors order,

A few minutes later Rotxo's order came too and she handed that to him, we began walking to the table to eat until the main door could be heard opening, inside in our view came Oya'na, Yira'ki, and their group of annoying girls, my face dropped annoyed.

Oya'na's face lightened up as she saw me, as we both stopped on our way to the main table being interrupted by the girls, " Aungy! Hey~ I haven't seen you in awhile " Oya'na said happily as some girls went to request some food and Yira'ki joined both me and Rotxo and her bitch of a friend, " Mhm- " I responded boldly,

" I haven't seen you hang out with us in some time, Ax'el said you were hanging out with the freaks now. " Yira'ki said in a mean tone, making me frown instantly, Rotxo remained silent but also frowned at her comment, " Yeah I do, and to be honest those 'freaks' are way funnier than these old freaks I used to hang out with " I added in more of a deeper yet still bold tone, cold making Yira'ki frown back at me, Oya'na simply smiled.

" Wow. Really? " She said back to me her tone even more annoying than before, " You think I'm joking? now or what? " I said letting my food on the table as I got closer to the both of them puffing out my chest and body, she slightly moved back, her frown even bigger, " You changed so much Aonung, it's disgusting. " She spat at me more out of fear as my fist tightened,

" I think I prefer being disgusting than a bitch. " I added again with a smirk as her eyes widened.

I grabbed my food back looking for a second at Rotxo throwing my eyes on where the front door was, a sign for him that we are leaving, " You did not call me a bitch! Asshole! " She hissed loudly at me making some warriors who were eating at the table look behind them,

" Well I just did, what are you gonna do? tell my father? " I said trying to match that high-pitched annoying fake tone she is doing always she frowned even more as Oya'na blushed at my approach, and I got even closer.

" Now fuck off my face, you're annoying me. " I hissed at her deeper as her ears pinned back her head and just stayed there in front of me, " Or what? " She hissed or tried to sound angry at me, I simply smirked, " Or I'll shove that tail of yours on your throat and make you eat it. " hissed even more as Rotxo placed a hand on my shoulder, " Let's go, dude- leave them "

She had almost tears in her eyes but still didn't move, " You're an asshole. " She spat at me once again as I moved myself from her, getting less closer simply passing by her side my shoulder push almost making her fall on the floor as Oya'na laughed at my comments,

Yira'ki looked annoyed trying to get her balance back as me and Rotxo went on our way, " Fuck you, AONUNG! " She screamed very annoyed and pissed as we walked away, I slightly turned my head.


𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungWhere stories live. Discover now