Fucking freaks

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|🌀|Aonung POV:

- As we got to the freak's cabin my sister knocked on the door, and one of the girls opened, she was one of those four-finger freaks and she had a leaf towel around her shoulder looking rather pissed, matching my frown on my face

" Hi- Um me and my brother wanted to start training, are you guys free? " I scoffed, now we need to pretty please ask them to train? wasn't that the deal anyway, " Uh- um sure, one second " she said as closing the door, I rolled my eyes, " Can you at least act like you are happy to help " Tsireya side-eyed me and whispered, " No thank you " I whispered back.

" Alright, we're ready, " the same girl said as Tsireya led all of us to the area we needed to train, as Rotxo also joined us

As we got to the north side of the beach where the water wasn't as wild as the center area was,  both I and Rotxo jumped from the bridge in the water splashing the others, " Hey- ! " one of those freaks complained, " I'm sorry for them- " Reya added quickly, " It's fine.. I guess " the freak sighed and rub his back neck, " I'm Tsireya by the way! " she smiled warmly at that huge forehead freak, I scoffed " I'm Lo'ak!  " he said, matching my sister smirk, I sighed even harder, " Come on chickens, " I said louder as I and Rotxo went underwater, The rest of them following and jumping in the water.

(the training won't be fully like in the movie btw!! )

- When we got under the water the three of us already got on with the swimming, Tsireya stopped as I did, and I looked at what she was looking at, the freaks stopped swimming and start going upside the water, " What losers " I signed to Rotxo as he agreed, " Stop begin rude " Tsireya signed-languaged both of us as I rolled my eyes, we swim up

" What's the problem, " Tsireya asked as she took her head out of the water, " You guys are too fast- " the smaller girl complained rubbing her eyes, " And we don't know the finger talking- " the male mini version of Jake's sully wife said, mimicking his finger like us, I scoffed, " Well if the water were trees," I said in sarcasm rolling my eyes, Tsireya smacked my head, " He meant- that we will learn you hot to breathe, and how to talk with us underwater, " She said smiling, " That would be cool," the huge forehead guy said smiling at my sister, my anger start to grow in me.


" Now breathe in and out slowly, " my sister said as we all sat in a circle and started learning the breath technique my sister was teaching us, all of them were fucked-up at this and I was already bored with them fucking up the easiest thing a baby could do, " I don't think we are pretty good at this, " the freak said, as my sister got up laying close to him, " Look- " she placed her hand on his chest and belly, and I was already vomiting in my mind, the freak looked at her and all of us felt already weird, Rotxo was looking at one of those freaks randomly smiling like the rest of them- well other than the four-finger girl who was matching my eye roll, I sighed trying not to make a scene and but I was so mad at Reya for that move, " There you go! you got it," she said happily as he started breathing in a better way, " I think I also got it! " The small girl said as the older girl-freak cheered her up, " Ok- Kiri try to stay straight when your breathing, it will work better " Rotxo randomly said, I guessed Kiri would be the older girl, as he was showing her the right pose, she slightly smiled at him and copied the pose, I look rather surprised of Rotxo of begin this randomly friendly and kinda disgusted by it, what the fuck drug has he taken to be honest, maybe the same one Reya was taking

" I got it! " Kiri cheered after Rotxo showed her another thing and I just laid a bit back surprised-disgusted watching the whole thing that was happening around me, Kiri and Rotxo got in the water to try their breathing better as the forehead guy helped the younger girl swim better as Tsireya joined them, I half asleep  on the rock I was standing and left to the place we trained with the slight buffer freak, he watched the forehead freak and the other girl swim together

" Didn't you learn to breathe already? Freak. " I said while half asleep on the rock with my head back facing the son and my arms slightly lay forward so I could lay better, " Hm? " he said as he side-eye me, I opened my eyes and frowned at him, " You should learn soon then," I said annoyed as I got up getting some sand off me, " I will, that's none of your business, " he said in a deep tone, I rolled my eyes and jumped in the water splashing around me.

- As soon as the sun got down all of us went on our way home, as we finished today's training all of us, Rotxo, me, and Reya stopped hall through Rotxo's cabin, " You guys have taken drugs recently or something? " I said as I sat down on a tall rock as they both sat up, " What do you mean? " Rotxo said, tilting his head " You guys have been nicer to them than you have ever been with me, what the fuck? their freaks," I said annoyed, " Dude- " Rotxo started, " Aonung, look if you don't like navis that are different than us physically it's not my problem ok? their as navi as we are and now, today I showed you how fun and friendly they can be!  " Tsireya interrupted Rotxo,

" Yeah right, even the demon freak you have been flirting with? " I said in a harsher tone, she death stared at me, " Aonung, I was helping Lo'ak, and he's as a na'vi as you are, he's not a demon, " I scoffed getting up, " He has four fingers, that looks pretty much like a demon to me, just like mom said, and if that's how you help people by touching them and doing that disgusted stuff, then I will be worried when you're hanging out with your friends again. " I got already close to her storming and looking down at her, " I will go now- actually " Rotxo poofed fast going into his cabin, " You know, sometimes I hate that you are my brother. " Tsireya said as she stormed off with her waterline already on the urge to spill, I frowned and sighed laying back down on the rock and placing my hands in my hair.

" Fucking freaks. " I murmured annoyed.

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