A Horny Day

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|🌟|Neteyam POV:

- I woke up earlier today, because of these random noises made by some ilus, so annoying to be honest,

And that wasn't even the worst part of the whole night since I got home I got this strange feeling the whole time like someone was watching me or something like guilt and fear, I don't even know how to explain it and on top of all, I even ate the dinner alone, as Kiri was obviously on her date, Lo'ak god knows where and Tuk had another two hours before Lo'ak had to pick her up,


And not to add the fact that I was kinda mad and sad in some way with the recent events, Aonung was acting weird, he rejected my kiss a day ago and even said he couldn't have time for us, not that I blame him for not having time, it's just- he always had time for us, even when he had different tasks with his father,

I groaned to myself as I sat at the dining table, Kiri already cooking breakfast, she acted also extremely strange as soon as I opened the door of my room, she flew into the room like some kind of fairy and even Lo'ak noticed,

I was genuinely happy for her, it was clearly because of her date with Rotxo, and I was happy they made up, but at the same time, her happiness on top of my situation with Aonung didn't work too well right now.

" Are you good sis? " Lo'ak finally spoke, as he looked at her placing his plate down, " Yeah! Of course, I am " She said with a big wide smile, I chuckled a bit, " How was the date? " probably she already knew I kind of set the whole meeting up she's not that dumb, so as I was saying she simply responded not asking me from where I knew about the date anyway,

" It was amazing, we had a lovely time together " she responded, Lo'ak almost chocking on his food, " What!? What date? " he asked, as Kiri frowned, " Mine with Rotxo, and stop shooting you're gonna wake Tuk up," she said,

" Wow, and you two weren't going to tell me? " He said with a grumpy tone, " I mean, it wasn't my date to tell, " I said, Lo'ak threw an apple slice at me, I frowned a bit, " And?? you still could tell me," he said as I threw a whole apple back at him, " Stop it Lo'ak, Neteyam is right I was going to tell you anyway, don't make a fuss about it " Lo'ak sticks his tongue out at her, " Fine, Fine- "

" Did he try anything at all this time or- " I asked again, she sat down with her cup of coconut milk and responded, " No, he was very careful, I told him about the whole thing- about my fear and he was very sweet about it " I nodded, " That's good, he treats you right, that's good. " I said as my sister chuckled, " I guess, Thanks for helping me out, about the whole thing " I smiled at her, " Of course, sis "

" I don't know what has been happening to us this past week, " Lo'ak added randomly, I raised an eyebrow, " What do you mean? " I asked.

" Well, I don't know it seems like we all have secrets from each other, and we are not doing stuff just the three of us anymore " I frowned,

That wasn't true, my siblings knew every moment and my daily program, I told them everything and they also told me everything,

" Well, I don't know, I don't have any secret, Me and Rotxo are doing great, and there is nothing new about my life " Kiri explained, Lo'ak sighed, " And you? What's up with you anyway then," he said looking at me,

I shrugged, " What do you mean? I don't hide anything from you two " Nothing that could concern them.

" Yeah for sure, I fucking talked with Tsireya a while ago, that time you skipped breakfast with us, Tsireya didn't have any task that day, and you left to hell knows where "I frowned a bit, I didn't see that coming, totally something I wasn't in the mood to deal with,

" Wait- What, " Kiri said as she looked at me, and so did Lo'ak, " I had something to do " I responded, boldly, with no emotion for them to see,

" Something that you couldn't tell us? " Lo'ak added, I sighed, " It wasn't any of you're concerns, you don't have to worry about it," I said again, " That's not the thing, Neteyam, it's just- you kinda lied to us, that day then " Kiri added,

" Me? But what about him, Lo'ak wasn't even home last night, " I said quickly with a more of harsh tone, i need to change the subject somehow, right-

" Huh? " Kiri turned to lo'ak now, as he frowned at me, " I wasn't, I was at Tsireya," he said, as Kiri raised an eyebrow, " You- "

" As friends, I talked with her... " he said, with a small tint of pink in his cheeks, I shrugged, " But you didn't bother to tell us when you got home, " I said as he frowned even more at me,

" No, but I told you now, Where the hell have you been that day anyway, oh golden soldier? " he mocked me in the last part, I frowned even more and got up taking a breath in, " Somewhere you two don't need to know," I said,

" Why not- " Kiri asked as I managed to put my plate back in the sink, "Because- I said so "I heard Lo'ak hissing, " Such a mature answer. " He said as I turned and went to the door,

" Hey- where the hell are you going now!? " I heard Lo'ak from behind as I opened the door, " That's my problem," I responded with his tone as I closed the door behind me.

As I went outside I went right into the sea at my knees length and washed my face as the cold water cleared my mind more, I didn't mean to be rude to any of my siblings but Lo'ak pisses me a lot when he tries to care about any shit I do, I bet he waits for me to screw up with something so he can tell Dad or Mom,

In reality, I wasn't keeping anything from them, they knew everything about me, my program my issues, and yeah if sometimes Kiri knew a bit more than my asshole of a brother, then that's because she's more open-minded, and less of a bag full angry beans like that skxawng is,

But I wasn't a lier, and I am not isolating from my siblings, the only fucking thing that didn't concern them at all, because it was my private life, was Aonung and whatever was between us, the only fucking thing, I don't even wanna know how many times Lo'ak did a bad thing or screw it without me knowing about it, he was being immature here, not me.

I didn't even get the reason, Aonung acted weird with me right now and that bothered me a lot, he seemed cold around me and extremely troubled, even more than he was when we spoke about that thing-

Not to add the fact that since I met him and since we started to be more intimate with each other I got so extremely horny....more than I like to admit, I just want to feel his touch all over me, so badly, and that was probably the fact I couldn't even sleep last night, alone in my bed.

So annoying.

I couldn't deal with Lo'ak right now so the only way to go away from this shit of a home was at Aonung's, I need to talk with him and see what the hell is going on, and hopefully, my horniness could be satisfied at least for today.


- I have nothing to add for today, but um, well idk, VOTE&COMMENT YOU B /j

(because you love me and my angst of course🥰🤗) 


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