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|🌀|Aonung POV:

" Yeah well it wasn't nothing new, my brother somehow lost our youngest sister, and I had to find her " He explained, " Well, is she ok? " Ela'va asked, he nodded, " Yep, she was just hiding, my brother is just a moron nothing more " Ran chuckled.

" Wasn't his name, Lo'aki? or something, " Ela'va asked, " Yep, it was " he said, " It was? " she asked again, " He's dead when mom finds out he lost our sister " I chuckled too at that.

" Wow, he was such a good man," Ran said sarcastically, " I shall not agree with that " he joked.

Ran yawned, the sun almost down, " Guys, I had fun today we should hangout more " they said, " I agree, to be honest, y'all are better than those assholes " Ela'va also added, probably referring to our old group of people, " Who? "

" Our old group to hang out, some assholes and a bunch of bitches, " Ela'va responded, " Yeah, I can't fucking stand Yira'ki anymore," Ran said, " Right? but she's way better than Oya'na " Ela'va added, 

" Oya'na? " 

" Yeah, she's a girl from our group, she's over heels in love with Him " Ran pointed at me, I frowned, and he raised an eyebrow and looked at me, " Oh really? " he said sarcastically.

" Don't remind me, she's just a sucker for fame, of course, she is in love with me " I added, Not that I wasn't hot myself without my rank anyway, " A lot of girls wanted you? " Ran said, I raised an eyebrow too, " Wanted? " I said, they chuckled, " Yeah, Neteyam kinda stole your spot now " I scoffed playfully, " Nah, he' didn't, " I said, Ela'va agreed with them, " He kinda did, but I guess Oya'na won't leave alone, you know her issues with the 'freaks' " she said, I nodded.

" So, being a freak is cool now, or? " he joked, " I guess, you're lucky Neteyam " he nodded, " Indeed I am, " he said again as a joke.

" I mean, I don't know what's up with the girls, to be honest, I don't see what they see " Ran added looking at me, I frowned, " HuH? " I said,

I heard giggling from him, I had rarely heard that sound, " Hope you pardon, I am flawless " I said back, Ran chuckled, " Well yeah, a flaw for sure, but less? I don't think so "  

" Well, that's just your opinion for sure," I said, As Ela'va chuckled, " I mean, you aren't my taste either, no offense, " I mean I am not a woman so that makes sense, " Not offended. " I answered

" What do you think Neteyam? " Ran asked, I frowned I thought were over that subject, I didn't think he would even answer that, let's be honest.

" Hmm, I never thought about it " He answered I raised an eyebrow as I looked at my side, he had his arm on his knee holding up his chin with his palm, looking at me, I slightly blushed at that, don't judge me.

" Well? " Ran asked again, I threw a side eye to them, " Well I like the hair, but that's just my opinion " He finally said, he liked my hair..?

" Hmm, Yeah I guess your right," Ela'va said, " It does, but just that, " Ran said, smirking at me, probably noticing how I took that information in, " See? I am flawless " I joked, and they both chuckled.

After some time of talking, the sun was out and the only lighting was the lamps around our cabins and a big fire my father lights every night in the center of the village, which made insane lighting.

" Wow, it got dark out here " Ran added, and we all agreed, " We should head back, we kinda hang out the whole day after all, " Ela'va said while yawning, " I agree, we should, " I said, 

As we got up, putting some of the rocks out of the way, so the area wouldn't like we were there, and got on our way to the cabins, Ela'va and Ran were in front of me, as we stood to put those rocks away,

" What's that? " He asked me, as I look in the way he was looking, the smoke of the big fire being visible, " Oh, that's the huge campfire my father lights, for the nightshift hunters, and to scare any nocturnal animals," I said, he nodded.

" I see," he says, As we headed out where the cabins were, I noticed where his cabin was placed the lighting wasn't so great anymore, being the exact opposite way of where the big fire was, and where the lamps weren't placed yet, being a new part of the cabin, I sighed.

"Maybe you can come to mine? I have a spare lamp so you can see where you're going " I said, he looked at me back at the void of darkness that he had to walk through and sighed, " Yeah, your right " he said,

" Alright," I said, as we both walked to my cabin, Ela'va and Ran had long gone to theirs, or I guess I wasn't paying attention to anything else but him, don't judge.

As we went to the back of my cabin, because my mother for sure would make a drama out of this, I was supposed to be home before the big fire was smoking, well I am screwed with that, I guess.

The lighting wasn't the best if we were in the back of our cabins, the lamps being at the front doors, but it was enough so we could see, as we both approached the window, from my room we heard some noise.

next to my cabin or somewhat not far away from it, there was a part of the huge hill made of rocks or some kind of mountain kind, he approached first close to the window and the cabin, I stopped for a second and looked up from where the noise was.

In the blink of an eye, the noise stopped and in a blink, a big rock started to fall, I jumped right into him, to shove him away from the huge rock that was going right in his head.

BUFF was heard as I slammed his body to the wall of my cabin, my hands above his head, and him being below me, shocked looking up at me, and oh well we were in this situation before...

His eyes widen, looking at me probably shocked from the rock that made a loud noise, his arms along his body looking up at me with yellow bright eyes, cold dark blue ski,n and his lips two inches from mine, my breath hard my chest tight and my face a hot mess. 

" Fuck- I wish I could kiss you right now. " I breathed in a whisper closing my eyes for a second to let the tightness from my chest out, and then I realized.

" W-what " was the last thing I heard before opening my eyes wide, i backed away in a blink almost feeling the sand from below my feet disappear, " Um- I um need to go- "I said in shock, as I stormed off the nonexistent sand.

𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungWhere stories live. Discover now